Team-BHP - Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!

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Originally Posted by Guderian (Post 2329660)
Hi Nilanjan, As I see it this indeed was the cause and not to worry at all. The engine was immobilised.
One issue I see with the remote key is that the buttons are a little too sensitive to touch or pressure. Times that it has been in my pocket - if I try to bend or turn etc I see/hear the locks getting activated or disarmed and the lights flashing. Quite disconcerting !

Good to get that assurance from a fellow owner! Was quite worrying, since I couldn't get it to start (crank). Has that ever happened to the Admiral?

Edit: was Googling, came across this - could it have been something similar (actually, the opposite - the immobilzer not switching off)

From this forum:
"I have just had a problem with my 1994 Laguna ommobilser locking on. This problem was caused by water getting through the aerial point leaking. Water has gotten onto the receiver printed circuit board which I understand is a common fault with Laguna and Megane models. My fix was to get a replacement second hand receiver board which cost me 10 pounds. I instaled it this morning and it worked. It seems that not many people know where the 4 digit securuity code for the immobilser is stored. Some people think it is in the key fob, others in the receiver circuit board located in the overhead panel. It is in fact located in the ECU under the cars bonnet."


Originally Posted by nilanjanray (Post 2329725)
Good to get that assurance from a fellow owner! Was quite worrying, since I couldn't get it to start (crank). Has that ever happened to the Admiral?

Hi Nils, Nope, never faced that with the Admiral I press the alternate buttons couple of times again. It seems OK.
However I faced the same once with Guderian, my Scorp, which had a Nippon system. Once when sitting inside on a hot day with the engine off and waiting for the LoH to get back from a nearby shop - accidentally pressed a button on the remote. Later on cranking the Scorp wouldn't just start. Mentally started ticking off - Starter, Battery, Fuse etc, pressed a button of the remote to check whether the lights were working or the sound emenating...and then some thing propelled me to crank it again. Lo and behold it sprang to life. Later on went through the Nippon manual and found the same mentioned. That was the only time in its entire life with me (of 113K KMs) that good ol' Guderian ever failed to crank.

Check the manual on the section of remote locking or toruble shooting you might find something there - thoughIi don't recall reading any such point there.

We could also send an email to Toyota if the same is not found in the manual to check this up - and prevent future cardiac arrests !


Originally Posted by nilanjanray (Post 2329666)
Thanks Philip! Where are you planning to go? Btw, I used to frequently come down to Cochin when my wife was posted there in the Navy.

I do my trips during the weekend. The longer trips are with planned leave. Lucky to work in a company that has a good leave policy :-)

Hee hee ok, do inform me when you come down.We'll meet up ..

I had given the vehicle for servicing at Nandi Toyota after the camp. Am disappointed and upset with the entire experience. Incidentally, this did not end up being the promised free service - since I had done 9300 km, the standard 10,000 km free servicing was done (that is I had to use up my 10K servicing coupon).

I didn't have time this week to go over and spend the day at the service centre, so had been chasing for a pick up and drop right since early Monday morning (no one picks up the phone @ Nandi on a Sunday, as I have seen). Slot finally came only on Wednesday. Issues I faced:

1. The engine bay was not cleaned properly in spite of me telling them repeatedly. The worst excuse was that 'the mud stains are not going in spite of trying'. Ridiculous excuse. When the vehicle came back, I could remove many of the stains by just rubbing with just my finger (without any cloth, soap water etc.).

A 'not cleaned properly' engine bay is not a big issue. But, I now don't know whether they have done a thorough job in the special preventive maintenance that is required after offroading, especially after going through water and mud. Specifically, whether they have taken care of the things that need to be done, as mentioned in the owner's manual. For example, I don't know whether they have properly greased all parts that needed to be greased, or checked all the places that need to be checked. For that matter, I don't even know whether they really know or care about 'what extra' has to be done after a vehicle goes through heavy slush and deep water. I would have never given the vehicle for such a servicing if it had been a non-Toyota. But, I thought that I could rely on Toyota to take care of things.
At the bootcamp, we were told that 'your vehicle will get a free car spa', and that there will be a free service that will take care of the vehicle post offroading. Seems like a case of service not keeping up with what marketing promises. The free car spa was just a car hosing at the venue for which I (and others) had to wait for couple of hours almost. Was not an issue then, because I had enjoyed the offroading. I even hosed the vehicle myself because the guy who was doing it was not doing that great a job. But, I had expected that attention to detail will be there while servicing, especially regarding clean-up.

2. The front numberplate was broken while offroading. The Toyota Marketing GM had told me - while chatting with me - that it will be fixed during servicing at the bootcamp. The vehicle came back without a new plate in spite of me mentioning that I want it fixed (I was willing to pay for it).

3. I had told them multiple times (even written on a note, clearly told the service adviser etc.) not to do anything with my Lightforce spotlight setup, and not to play around with the switch. When the driver delivered the vehicle, the spots were red hot to touch from outside. The spots were on, but covered! As a result, significant heat had built up, unable to escape. He had been driving the vehicle like that. He denied pressing the switch. Maybe someone was playing around with the light at the service centre.

4. I had insisted on tyre rotation. Today morning when I checked using my own gauge, the left front tyre had a pressure of 41, while the other three were at 29. What if I hadn't checked, trusting the service centre?

The net result:
* I have lost some of the faith I had in Toyota servicing. This is not what I expect when I take a 24L car for a company-promised service after a company event. I have faced similar issues from Tata Service Centers. But from Toyota???
* Learning that one should not rely on pick up and drop, even with Toyota. Next time, I will be there right in front of the vehicle as it gets serviced - as I usually am.
* The feel good factor that I had at the bootcamp, is no longer there due to the unhappy post-event support experience. Toyota will get negative feedback from me through social media rather than positive feedback.
* I will think twice before blindly participating in any company-driven event, because it seems that there is some disconnect between the event organizers and post-event service delivery. For example, Toyota should have told their dealers to keep a few slots free on Mon and Tue for event participants - certain things have to be done to a vehicle within 24 hours of slush/deep water offroading. I could get a slot only on Wed. Did they assume - that every Fortuner owner has a driver who can take the vehicle for servicing on Monday morning and spend the entire day there? Anyway, on hindsight, here is what I could have done: called up the service centre 7-10 days before the event and booked a pick-up slot on Monday. And, not have done any offroading on Sunday because I really can't spend a day at the service centre on Monday.

Have written to Toyota's Marketing GM and Haymarket (AutoCar). Here's hoping that these issues don't occur with Fortuner owners in future - that special focus given to service after company-arranged offroading events so that owners can participate with peace of mind. These events are a great idea, but a high quality post event experience is a must for overall enjoyment.


Originally Posted by nilanjanray (Post 2331521)
I had given the vehicle for servicing at Nandi Toyota after the camp. Am disappointed and upset with the entire experience.

Hi Nils, Sorry to read this update.

This is one reason why I, even to the annoyance of all shop floor guys and despite all the persuasion by the guys around, I don't step away from the shop floor when any of my vehicles (earlier/current) are under the scalpel. Not doing a certain activity of the maintenance schedule is bad enough -but shoddy workmanship, poor skills and worse missing something to be put back etc is worse !

I started this practice with the Scorp and learnt a huge number of things that goes on the shop floor on the other poor unsuspecting chaps' vehicles (some real horror stories here !) who drop and pick up their vehicles - that I have totally lost faith on the Indian service centers irrespective of the brand.

Even the Admiral was not fully washed in the second service.
As I suspect, nay am sure of, the ASCs aren't used to owner-drivers who know every little bit of the vehicle. They continue behaving as though they are dealing with the drivers who come drop off or pick up the Sahib's vehicle and think that just like them (drivers), the owner-drivers are dumb clucks who don't care about the vehicle/s !

I know Nils that you stay with the vehicle normally - but then this one time..!

Even when a they appear to have done a thorough job on the Admiral, I am pretty furious on the next day - Sunday, as I start discovering all their undoings !


Originally Posted by nilanjanray (Post 2331630)
Have written to Toyota's Marketing GM and Haymarket (AutoCar). Here's hoping that these issues don't occur with Fortuner owners in future - that special focus given to service after company-arranged offroading events so that owners can participate with peace of mind. These events are a great idea, but a high quality post event experience is a must for overall enjoyment.

I hope it is sent to the Service Head/ ASC Quality Head !

@ Nil sorry to hear this Update . Its things like makes you think twice before investing 20 Lakh . This is certainly not expected from Toyota .

Indeed unfortunate that Nandi Toyota service was disappointing. I share your concern that somehow, despite written instructions, the service advisors dont seem to follow through or respect. I suspect there is a general complacence due to the common belief that nothing can happen to a Toyota! After all it is a man-made machine and requires proper care and attention. My rant here is because of the damage they did to my Innova's windshield sunfilm. My solace is they offered to replace it at their cost. At least one can talk to them. But then I am alerted to Nandi's service attitude. Thanks for sharing.


Originally Posted by nilanjanray (Post 2329509)
The front number plate broke during Round 1 of the course. Getting it fixed today.

this seems to be some design issue. Remember this was higlighted in Aci or Overdrive in one of there issues. They had organized a 4X4 course for Fortuner most of the vehicles lost there front number plate during water fording.

I was busy driving, so couldn't click any interesting pictures :-(

Here are a few random ones from the event.

The Bison
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4880.jpg

Before entering the camp
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4835.jpg

Entering the camp
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4840.jpg

Waiting for turn
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4845.jpg

The big daddy
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4849.jpg

The course
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4852.jpg

Ironman bullguard + winch + shocks + snorkel + spots. The owner of this decked up Fortuner said that he is an offroading newbie, can u believe?
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4865.jpg

Which Team BHPian's vehicle is this?
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4867.jpg

Waiting for a wash
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4887.jpg

The Lightforce spots...will be well tested during the upcoming trip. Tough like the Bison - the numberplate broke while jumping into a pond (water impact), the lights didn't even move an inch.
Soldier of Fortune: Wanderings with a Trusty Toyota Fortuner - 150,000 kms up!-dsc_4890.jpg


Originally Posted by the VTEC guy (Post 2333642)
this seems to be some design issue. Remember this was higlighted in Aci or Overdrive in one of there issues. They had organized a 4X4 course for Fortuner most of the vehicles lost there front number plate during water fording.

Well, to be fair, most of the numberplates (including my) was of cheap quality (the stock one provided from the showroom) that can break very easily.

My numberplate is more susceptible to breaking because it is fixed on the Lightforce Unibar, and sticks out.


Originally Posted by nilanjanray (Post 2334025)
I was busy driving, so couldn't click any interesting pictures :-(

Which Team BHPian\'s vehicle is this?
Attachment 538205

Amazing pics of the Bison !!!! I am a silent spectator of your thread and always enjoy reading your wildlife trips.

I believe the above gypsy belongs to Khan_Sultan.

Great snaps Nils ! Thanks for sharing.
And that white TFort with all the goodies is truly scrumptious !


Originally Posted by nilanjanray (Post 2334025)
Which Team BHPian's vehicle is this?

The two mods (Shahnawaz & Rudro) must've reached the spot on this vehicle :D
It is Shahnawaz's Gypsy.

Thanks Pankaj, Guderian. Expect some far more interesting pics after a few weeks :-)

I plan to upgrade the shocks and make some interesting mods once the warranty period is over (2.5 yrs more).

@ starter: pity that I missed them. Would have been great to meet up.

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