Team-BHP - Keep a Family Photo in your car! RTO's novel idea to reduce accidents

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One of the ideas floated by the Shimoga RTO department to reduce accidents is to mandate a family photo to be kept in the vehicle so that they drive carefully.

Remains to be seen if this will be implemented and if it will work :)


Soon, drivers of four-wheelers in the district may need to keep a family photo in front of their seat.

The idea is that drivers may tend to drive cautiously when they have a family photo in front of them.

This is one of the ideas suggested by the Shimoga RTO Department to reduce road accidents. The department came up with ideas following district in-charge secretary B Ramamurthy’s directive at a review meet.
Source & Full Article

RTO first needs to issue driving license after proper testing and educating rather than to all and sundry who come with a bribe. That itself would reduce accidents.
If only they did their duty diligently rather than suggesting "novel" ideas.

How can they MANDATE such things? Is it so easy to mandate anything anyone wants?

Regarding the rumble strips between Shimoga and Bhadravathi, they are more like rumble humps. They need to have some common sense before they come up with novel ideas.


Originally Posted by NPV (Post 3551513)
One of the ideas floated by the Shimoga RTO department to reduce accidents is to mandate a family photo to be kept in the vehicle so that they drive carefully.

I'd say:

1) Imposing heftier fines with no acceptance towards bribes;

2) Proper infrastructure;

3) Proper education and awareness on driving techniques;

4) Every individual be it a driver or a passenger or a pedestrian should feel responsible and that casual attitude a.k.a 'Chalta hai!' types should be left behind.

5) Making safety features 'Standard' in all cars and all variants.

I know the above said points are difficult but if every individual does his part correctly, then there is no need for such funny logics and ideas.


I hope they weren't serious. Already our cars have deities, rosary and photos of gods. How is a family photo going to help? Rather than endorsing scientifically proven and well researched ideas it's sad to see an RTO behave irresponsibly. In fact a guy who just fought with his wife might even overspeed due to the adrenaline rush on seeing the wife's picture.


'Novel' for sure, but is it a good one? I doubt so.

Anyways, this is just a proposal and I do not think this will ever see the light of day.

Instead of doing this, make the roads more scientifically, fine the jay walkers especially the ones on highways and also the motorbike fellows who jump onto the highway from corners and finally, make sure that a drivers license is issued after testing the skills of the driver and not after getting the palms greased.

One of the important thing that RTO can mandate is a comprehensive Driving Test before issuing the driving license. The RTO officials are only concerned about if you can start the car and drive it in a straight line and reverse the same way. The essentials of driving and the precautions to be followed are thrown out of the window.

This will prove much more effective than having the family photo in your car (not that I am discouraging this, if it brings some changes in people's attitude). :)

This kinda empty rhetoric just makes me sick :eek:

Instead of issuing statements filled with sentimental bull, RTOs should focus on doing something relevant in 2014.

1) How about ceasing lorries that have carriages wider than the lanes?

2) How about fining and revoking the driver's license of bullies that drive on the opposite lane (in small roads without dividers. e.g. Attibele-Whitefield road) to complete a silly overtaking maneuver, which essentially puts the lives of people coming in the opposite direction at risk.

I have been personally affected by this sorta behavior, and until RTOs can do something about it, I think it best to keep its bureaucratic behind closed instead of spewing out garbage like keeping a family photo inside.

Edit: And yes, I am aware that the traffic police also has a role to play in enforcing point no.2, but point no.1 is completely RTO's area of authority.


So the Shimoga RTO joins the bandwagon of enforcement entities that refuse the obvious and begin preaching irrelevant "novel ideas".

What baffles me is they do not realise their folly and continue their sermons which almost all the time make no sense nor have no logic at all. Despite these glaring errors, our good newspapers give them space and opportunities, which only encourages these daft officials to blurt out more and more nonsensical homilies.

The sad part of it all is that, this is unlikely to end in the near future and at some point we have to learn to live with these.


What about those people who drive badly with their families as passengers? Stupid idea really!

On the brighter side, now car makers will start giving us 7" stereo as standard with family photo as screenguard :p

At the risk of being stoned to death here, I would request all skeptic friends to just try placing a family photo on the dashboard and then drive your car (and if you have kids then even better!).
After trying the above, come back and narrate your experiences. :thumbs up


Originally Posted by anuragn (Post 3551628)
At the risk of being stoned to death here, I would request all skeptic friends to just try placing a family photo on the dashboard and then drive your car (and if you have kids then even better!).
After trying the above, come back and narrate your experiences. :thumbs up

Brave Anurag, I must say!:D
It may work, however, it is not for RTO to ask us do such things. RTO should primarily work towards providing better infrastructure and ensure strict adherence to traffic rules.

Also, it will not work with bad drivers where the 'bad' is in the DNA. I mean to say that there are people who actually do not know that they are driving badly or rash. Changing lanes suddenly without indicators, braking at their whims & fancies etc are regular norms for many. So, they do not even know that they are driving badly. And such drivers form a substantial chunk of drivers on the road. And anything except strict driver's training and licencing is not going to help such cases.


Well, what if you don't have a family? Does that mean you just put a picture of yourself all alone?

Every time you sat in your car and saw that picture, you'd just think "I'm all alone in this cold cruel world, I have nothing to live for, goodbye everybody, farewell".

We'd just have a lot of lonely people killing themselves then. stupid:

What about the throng of idiots who have no idea what's happening behind their car because the entire rear-windscreen is covered with their 'family' names?

If a member of supposedly the most intelligent species on earth needs such reminders to drive carefully, they should probably consider not driving at all to keep their own and other road-users' families safe. Is there no bottom to the Indian bureaucratic well of stupidity? :Frustrati

I agree that there are more important things to be taken care of by the RTO that would improve road safety. But it is not a bad "idea" as long as it remains a suggestion and not a "rule".
I, for one, can vouch that I do sometimes drive rashly out of road rage but immediately a bell rings at the back of my head reminding me of the "I Drive Safe" sticker at the rear bumper of my car. And it helps me calm down.
Keeping a photo can definitely help. Even if it can help 10% of drivers to drive safely, it should be lauded instead of giving excuse of the other 90% rash drivers.

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