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Originally Posted by condor (Post 3644323)
A 15-month old Mudhol hound at my cousin's place :

Attachment 1339360

This view does not show the typical lean, hunter looks. Felt good to be greeted by him after a year.

Awesome looking. More people should come forward to adopt native breeds than unnecessarily bred degenerative ones. I am also half a culprit, I have a Bhutia (my choice) and a retriever (wifes choice). Next time round I am going for indeginous ones.

I know I will have to regret. But didn't knew so soon.

My Lab turns 3 this March end. We didn't neuter him as this was our first pet and moreover we thought it would be un-ethical to do so.

Now our rascal has lots of she friends (stray dogs) in my colony and throughout the 1/2 KM stretch that we take him for walk everyday. Since December one or the other dog is coming to heat and then my hero becomes un-controllable. He manages to get free when my dad takes him for evening walks and doesn't return home untill he does his job.

In this course he has got into many fights with other competitors. Has earned lot of scars on his face and bites on his body. This is happening on a regular basis now. Dogs come into heat, he ventures out comes injured, i take him to vet and get medical attention. Those 3 -4 days are like hell for everyone in my family.

I know I am responsible for this but may I ask any piece of advise from the experts please. Will neutering at this age help ? Any thoughts will be very helpful.

At one point we were in the verge of sending him to a farm house to someone we knew but that doesn't differentiate us from others who abandon their pets. Moreover, he is like our first baby at home. Please advise any remedies.


Originally Posted by Abhi_abarth (Post 3650765)
I know I will have to regret. But didn't knew so soon.

My Lab turns 3 this March end. We didn't neuter him as this was our first pet and moreover we thought it would be un-ethical to do so.

Now our rascal has lots of she friends (stray dogs) in my colony and throughout the 1/2 KM stretch that we take him for walk everyday. Since December one or the other dog is coming to heat and then my hero becomes un-controllable. He manages to get free when my dad takes him for evening walks and doesn't return home untill he does his job.

In this course he has got into many fights with other competitors. Has earned lot of scars on his face and bites on his body. This is happening on a regular basis now. Dogs come into heat, he ventures out comes injured, i take him to vet and get medical attention. Those 3 -4 days are like hell for everyone in my family.

I know I am responsible for this but may I ask any piece of advise from the experts please. Will neutering at this age help ? Any thoughts will be very helpful.

At one point we were in the verge of sending him to a farm house to someone we knew but that doesn't differentiate us from others who abandon their pets. Moreover, he is like our first baby at home. Please advise any remedies.

I can totally understand your problem as I have a 12 year old Labrador and we didn't get him neutered when he was a puppy for the same ethical issues and the idea of him undergoing any pain was just unbearable. But right after a couple of years we found ourselves in the same situation as you.

I can only suggest you ways of how to deal with this issue now. Am not sure if you can get him neutered now or not. But if the answer is not then please first ensure that you always take him out for walks on a leash and also carry a hockey stick or something similar to shoo away other male stray dogs during the heat season. All the dogs are pretty aggressive during those months and try to avoid any altercation at all costs. The strays will never attack your dog if he is on a leash and you have a stick in your hand ( not for hitting but just for intimidating). At time it was even necessary for both me and my father to take him for walks together as the aggressive behaviour of strays can be pretty intense that time. Follow this and I don't think you will face an issue. My dog never got into a fight. Also ensure that your main door is locked at all times and the dog does not run out during this season unattended.

At all costs please avoid these skirmishes between him and the other strays. Also I am not sure but there must be surely a hell load of diseases that he can acquire from freely "doing his job" with random female strays. He can get severely injured and can also pose as a health risk to your family in such an event.

Another plus point of neutering, as told by my vet, is that it would have avoided my male Labrador of 13 an a half years of age, getting "perineal hernia", an extreme condition, which along with severe arthritis, had led to his eventually being put down to death.


Originally Posted by Abhi_abarth (Post 3650765)

I know I am responsible for this but may I ask any piece of advise from the experts please. Will neutering at this age help ? Any thoughts will be very helpful.

Yes you can get him neutered. I think before 6 is the no issues bit. One of mine was done at 7,but he was a tiny little thing. Recently, an, er, overactive, guy was fixed in my society, older than 3.


Originally Posted by drmohitg (Post 3650780)
I can only suggest you ways of how to deal with this issue now. Am not sure if you can get him neutered now or not. But if the answer is not then please first ensure that you always take him out for walks on a leash and also carry a hockey stick or something similar to shoo away other male stray dogs during the heat season. All the dogs are pretty aggressive during those months and try to avoid any altercation at all costs. The strays will never attack your dog if he is on a leash and you have a stick in your hand ( not for hitting but just for intimidating). At time it was even necessary for both me and my father to take him for walks together as the aggressive behaviour of strays can be pretty intense that time. Follow this and I don't think you will face an issue. My dog never got into a fight. Also ensure that your main door is locked at all times and the dog does not run out during this season unattended.

The problem is little reverse here. During those days while me or my father takes him for walk he just stops and starts dragging into the direction he wants to go. While I will be able to control but my father who is 70 can't handle that force and has to leave the leash. Off late he also learnt a technique to get his head out of the nylon collar belt which has slight slack. If it's me i just stand there don't let him go and even tighten the collar belt. Once he tried so hard that the collar belt almost choked him and was about to lose his breath. Finally i had to take it off and there he ran away.

Coming to the attacks, the dogs in our area don't attack him while we are with him. It's only when he is alone that happens. He almost got his testicles ripped once by three dogs. And recently broke his teeth too. Has started taking revenge on them as well. While he is on run we try and fetch him but the moment he sees us runs away. I can't imagine a labrador becoming so aggressive at that time which is a surprise to everybody in our colony.

Otherwise he is an humble and obedient fellow. During those days we were so angry and upset with him that we didn't talk to him and were scolding all the time. Once the heat period was over he used to cry sitting besides me and dad as if he meant to apologize. It just melted our hearts.


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 3650897)
Yes you can get him neutered. I think before 6 is the no issues bit. One of mine was done at 7,but he was a tiny little thing. Recently, an, er, overactive, guy was fixed in my society, older than 3.

Thanks for this advise. I will have to check with my vet too.

Here he is. A darling of all the females and envy to the male dogs in my colony :uncontrol


Originally Posted by Abhi_abarth (Post 3651302)
The problem is little reverse here. During those days while me or my father takes him for walk he just stops and starts dragging into the direction he wants to go. While I will be able to control but my father who is 70 can't handle that force and has to leave the leash. Off late he also learnt a technique to get his head out of the nylon collar belt which has slight slack. If it's me i just stand there don't let him go and even tighten the collar belt. Once he tried so hard that the collar belt almost choked him and was about to lose his breath. Finally i had to take it off and there he ran away.

That is exactly what I had to face too. I can totally understand your father's inability to keep him in check during walks. These fellows are actually way more stronger than one might think. But then you have to be stern. Or else use a choke chain perhaps for a few days. Even I used to get worried that he will choke himself out but then I am sure after a certain point the dog will give up. No one can intentionally get choked. The other option, that I choose, was to buy a belt with lot of cushioning and fold it in your hand a couple of times which greatly enhances your grip and at the same time shortens the overall length of the leash leading to lesser jerks and better control of your dog since now you can use more of your arm strength. With a longer leash, your wrist is the one doing the maximum work and the dog will win each time. My vet alternatively also suggested to use a muzzle for those days but then that again has always looked too cruel to me.

Whatever you do, but please don't let him get hurt or hurt other dogs.

And that picture is really cute.

Another option is to use a chest belt. It is far more convenient to control the Dog & wont choke him either.

My 8 month old rottie. :)

Team-BHPians and their Pets-img_8853-copy.jpg

Team-BHPians and their Pets-img_8851-copy.jpg

Team-BHPians and their Pets-img_8830-copy.jpg

We already have two 6 year old GSD's, which doesnt bark at humans, but barks severely at other dogs and animals . My wife and her mother are mostly alone, and hence was my idea of buying this rottie. However, till date, this guy doesnt bark at humans (well, very rarely). He is 8 months old.

Also, one point to be noted is that, being a rott, we have socialized him as much as possible. He is welcome insides, watch TV and everything. Does this has something to do with the 'not barking' ? Or what might be the problem?


Originally Posted by dhanushs (Post 3653579)
My 8 month old rottie. :)
He is 8 months old.

Also, one point to be noted is that, being a rott, we have socialized him as much as possible. He is welcome insides, watch TV and everything. Does this has something to do with the 'not barking' ? Or what might be the problem?


Not a pet expert. However would like to share one similarity. My landlord has a Rot pup exactly of the same age. He is also very friendly and lets every stranger to their house. He seldom barks. And the only time he barks is when he needs attention or if he wants some one to play with him.

I guess this has to do with the age of the pup and I am being told that they would be really ferocious after a couple of months. As mentioned not a pet expert but believe this might be the case.

btw he is super cute....

We have a she cat at home who has laid a litter of 4 kittens. The mother herself is around a year old. She gave birth 4 weeks ago. Kittens are healthy and have started walking

She gave birth in one of the wardrobes and later shifted the kittens to wardrobe in another room 2 weeks after birth. Now a couple of days ago she shifted them to neighbors house. They are not willing to keep it and hence returned the kittens to us. We placed them back where they were earlier. Yesterday again she moved them to their house when we were not there and she saw them being returned by the neighbors again. But this time she was adamant and again took one of the kittens and started roaming in front of their closed door and Windows. With great difficulty and tense moments we could get her back into the house. I was terrified watching her hold the kitten at its neck and roam around trying to enter the neighbors house with intermittent growling . Now she kept the kitten in the Portico inside the house. I bought and kept the rest of the kittens beside her and since then they are there.

Now what should I do? I am pretty sure she will try to shift the kittens once again. But they have grown well and it's becoming difficult for the mother to grab them by their neck and walk for long distance. Besides the kittens have also started walking.

I have no problem in her shifting. But the neighbors won't keep the kittens and will return them to us.

When would be the right time to keep them outside the house in a box? Within the compound ofcourse.

Please guide

It's amazing how cats decide where to live, and with whom to live, and move entire families. Usually, though, they chose with more sense, and go where they are welcome. Even being a cat lover, I can understand that your neighbours do not want a whole new family.

I just hope this cat sees sense and comes back to you.


Originally Posted by sagarpadaki (Post 3654444)

Please guide

Please find a link which may be helpful.

Since am not sure of breed am assuming your cat is an outdoor one.
She is comfortable with both indoor and outdoor for food and people.

We have had multiple cycles of stray kittens born at premise, but outdoor. These cats are comfortable with humans around. The flowchart is always the same. Initially only mother ventures out for food. Later kittens transported around, then survival skill training ie jumps without being scared, being alone, and finally the kill.

And after these event's, they all vanish.

These are my observations.

It seems mother is following similar pattern. Change in residence may be to avoid confrontation with other male cats, a natural instinct.

Neighbor not comfortable is part of experience, like chewing of books, shoes with puppies.

More imp is your future plan regarding kittens, will they also be provided outdoor freedom. As they get comfortable with area and others of their tribe.

Mother cat's are adept, and will always have their say, let her be the decision maker, and you just help if any confrontation.

These are some of my observations and will totally differ for inhouse cats example a Persian cat.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 3654481)
It's amazing how cats decide where to live, and with whom to live, and move entire families. Usually, though, they chose with more sense, and go where they are welcome. Even being a cat lover, I can understand that your neighbours do not want a whole new family.

I just hope this cat sees sense and comes back to you.


Originally Posted by ritz3645 (Post 3654533)
Please find a link which may be helpful.

Since am not sure of breed am assuming your cat is an outdoor one.
She is comfortable with both indoor and outdoor for food and people.

We have had multiple cycles of stray kittens born at premise, but outdoor. These cats are comfortable with humans around. The flowchart is always the same. Initially only mother ventures out for food. Later kittens transported around, then survival skill training ie jumps without being scared, being alone, and finally the kill.

And after these event's, they all vanish.

These are my observations.

It seems mother is following similar pattern. Change in residence may be to avoid confrontation with other male cats, a natural instinct.

Neighbor not comfortable is part of experience, like chewing of books, shoes with puppies.

More imp is your future plan regarding kittens, will they also be provided outdoor freedom. As they get comfortable with area and others of their tribe.

Mother cat's are adept, and will always have their say, let her be the decision maker, and you just help if any confrontation.

These are some of my observations and will totally differ for inhouse cats example a Persian cat.

It is a stray cat which wandered into our backyard last May . It was very malnourished and we gave her food and home and she stayed.

Yes, i can understand the neighbors problem. Obviously they do not want a litter of kittens in their small home with a young one around.Although the mother used to frequent their house as well.

My plan is definitely not to cloister them. Its a free world and let them go anywhere when they grow up. But with a couple of stray dogs on the street, i get iffy scared when the mother starts roaming around holding the kitten by its neck and mewing near the neighbors doors and windows. Had to shoo them away when she was upto her antics.Right now since the past 1.5 days she has stayed in the portico.I dunno when she will change her mind again and start roaming around.

Thanks both for the guidance:)


Originally Posted by sagarpadaki (Post 3654588)

My plan is definitely not to cloister them. Its a free world and let them go anywhere when they grow up. But with a couple of stray dogs on the street, i get iffy scared when the mother starts roaming around holding the kitten by its neck and mewing near the neighbors doors and windows. Had to shoo them away when she was upto her antics.Right now since the past 1.5 days she has stayed in the portico.I dunno when she will change her mind again and start roaming around.

Thanks both for the guidance:)

I had a terrible experience in a similar scenario. We had fed and kept a stray cat which gave birth to four kittens. The mother cat tried a lot to enter our house with the kittens but we did not want the kittens to stay in the cupboard since they would dirty the place. They were moved by the mother to various places and three days back, it brought them back to our house. We let the kitten stay in the backyard and I had arranged a huge box with insulation from the cold and the kittens would stay there.

In the early hours of yesterday, a pack of stray dogs entered the compound and killed those kittens after dragging them onto the street. Two of the kittens were lying dead across the street while the other two are missing. Felt really sad for them and had I expected this to happen, I would have let them stay inside the house. Its still a surprise how these street dogs entered the compound since its gated and guarded. I guess the kittens wandered off from the backyard to the gate where they were attacked. Overall, I was very disturbed by this. Will stop feeding those hopeless dogs.

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