Team-BHP - Mosquito menace : What do you do?

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Among the Vector borne diseases, Mosquito borne diseases have grown in volume. Not only in the cities, even in villages Mosquito population is very high.

Available methods are:

3.Natural repellents
4.Mosquito nets
5.Mosquito bats/racquets.

What are the advantages/disadvantages?

I prefer the mosquito net coupled with Mosquito racquets when at home and liquidators when out of home.

What are the method BHPians employ to prevent mosquito bites?

Interesting thread!

Figure out the time-span when the mosquitoes enter the most. Usually it is between 6 pm - 7 pm (dusk time). Keep the windows closed during that time.

In order of effectiveness:
1. Mosquito net.
2. Odomos -- uncomfortable.
3. Coils and Incense sticks -- highly polluting.
4. Hit, Citronella oil -- effective for a span of 2-3 hours.
5. Good night etc -- mosquitoes get high on this and enjoy flying around it!

Metal mesh for windows (that are open) and doors:

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A bit expensive but it works. But a few mosquitoes somehow manage to get in. So we also use this bug zapper:

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I employed a few guppies and mollies for the job. Have an outdoor pond setup. :D


Originally Posted by vamsi2390 (Post 4426309)
I employed a few guppies and mollies for the job. Have an outdoor pond setup. :D

The motor of the filter should be completely immersed into water to avoid overheating.

To deal with mosquitoes in the car, I just drive with my windows open and AC on for a few minutes and the mosquitoes are all sucked out.


Originally Posted by vamsi2390 (Post 4426309)
I employed a few guppies and mollies for the job. Have an outdoor pond setup. :D

How does this help get rid of the mosquitoes ?
They are anyways entering from outside your house and not breeding inside the house.

I currently live close to a large garden which has a large pond. In other words, in mosquito capital. My strategy is
1. Spray hit in one room and leave the door /window open to allow mosquitoes to escape.

2. After 10 mins, seal the room.

3. After the nauseous hit smell has subsided, go in with a bug zapper.

Repeat in all rooms.

And still I get bitten. :/

:Dbut the satisfaction of killing mosquitoes with a zapper is unmatched & addictive. I kill around 20 everyday, sometimes I even venture out in the garden to kill if non are available inside. It's so much fun.

Besides this, another thing that works is the yeast trap, google it. Also, another way to get revenge is to place a water source intentionally with detergent dissolved in water, it reduces the surface tension and both the larva and adult can drown and die, also the detergent bubble traps and kill them.

I am one of those kind of people on whom mosquitoes love to snack on. In a room full of people they are mostly buzzing around me, in open field they will be seen only flying over my head, I am the first to be bitten. I have to wear crew length socks because any lower is an invitation to the blood feast. Ironically I hate them as much as they love me. lol:


Originally Posted by SupratikDebnath (Post 4426275)
Interesting thread!

Figure out the time-span when the mosquitoes enter the most. Usually it is between 6 pm - 7 pm (dusk time). Keep the windows closed during that time.

In order of effectiveness:

5. Good night etc -- mosquitoes get high on this and enjoy flying around it!

Once good night mats are used, I hold therm using metal clips or pins and then burn it, just like incense stick.
The fumes are lethal and more powerful than the coils. Don't forget to put a mask on nose before doing this.


Originally Posted by wrongturn (Post 4426548)
I am one of those kind of people on whom mosquitoes love to snack on.

Kindly go through below article which I googled when my wife complained that the mosquitoes in my house are loyal to me while they bite her left and right. Even a single little monster can be the reason for a sleepless night for her. The worst thing is I have to take control of such situation and has to do duty of sleeping ninja with zapper. Bought a foldable net which can cover entire bed with zippers at both sides from Amazon and we are happy so far.


Why me? You have probably asked this question many times in your life, especially after a mosquito bite. Turns out these pesky little bloodsuckers are more attracted towards some people than others. But what makes those some people so delicious that they get bit more on a consistent basis. There are a number of factors that explain as to why some of us are more prone to mosquito bites than others.

Blood Type
Certain blood types are more appetizing for mosquitoes. For instance, people with Type O blood are more prone to mosquitoe bites than people with Type A blood group whereas those who have Type B blood group fall in the middle of this spectrum. Not only this, about 85 percent of people secrete a chemical through their skin which indicates the blood type that they have. This makes things easier for mosquitoes as they prefer secretors over non-secretors, regardless of their blood type.
This is one of the many reasons but seems this is the most apt as her blood group is type O. My BIL is also a type O and like you said mosquitoes will find him every where.:)


Originally Posted by smartcat (Post 4426300)
Metal mesh for windows (that are open) and doors:

Any particular advantages of using metal mesh as opposed to nylon mesh?


Originally Posted by determinism (Post 4426577)
Any particular advantages of using metal mesh as opposed to nylon mesh?

- Durable. Will last for many years
- No velcro used. Metal mesh enclosed in a frame, and it swings open like a window/door because it is hinged.
- Easy to clean. Dust does not stick
- Nylon mesh can be used only for windows. This can be used for doors too.

However, we spent close to Rs. 15,000 for 3 doors & many windows. Prices might have dropped now though. Still, velcro nylon mesh on windows is a lot cheaper.


Originally Posted by smartcat (Post 4426622)
However, we spent close to Rs. 15,000 for 3 doors & many windows. Prices might have dropped now though. Still, velcro nylon mesh on windows is a lot cheaper.

If you need a cost effective solution, you can definitely try out a DIY with the steel mesh using velcro. Will take sometime but can save a ton of cash. One huge roll and a lot of windows.

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Mosquito menace : What do you do?-img_20180705_211831.jpg


Originally Posted by roby_dk (Post 4426564)
This is one of the many reasons but seems this is the most apt as her blood group is type O. My BIL is also a type O and like you said mosquitoes will find him every where.:)

That's a myth. O+ runs through me and mosquitoes rarely bother me. My wife on the other hand is B+ and mosquitoes give her all the attention.

Mosquito mesh is the neatest way to keep them out


Originally Posted by naveen.raju (Post 4426635)
If you need a cost effective solution, you can definitely try out a DIY with the steel mesh using velcro. Will take sometime but can save a ton of cash. One huge roll and a lot of windows.

What did you use to cut the metal mesh? And what did you use to stick velcro?

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