Team-BHP - Singapore calls colas unhealthy; bans ads for sugary drinks

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Singapore has become the first country to ban ads of unhealthy drinks in a bid to tackle diabetes. The ban will apply across TV, billboards, print and online media.

According to a media report, the products falling under the “less healthy” category will now have to display labels that grade the nutritional and sugar content. It is proposed that a colour code for drinks denoting healthy, neutral and unhealthy will also be incorporated. The products that are the worst of the lot will be permanently banned from appearing in any ads. Officials are also considering levying a tax or a ban on such drinks in the future.

In Singapore, it is reported that 13.7% of adults suffer from diabetes. The report also reveals that citizens over the age of 65 will double in numbers in the next 10 years. On an average, a Singapore citizen consumes over 1,800 grams of Sugar every month, while the WHO recommends an intake of just 750 grams.

This is not the first time Singapore has enforced a product ban for health reasons. Smoking has been banned in certain public areas since the 1970s and it has steadily increased.

A Harvard study suggested that carrying graphic labelling resulted in a 14.8% reduction in sales and consumption. In Chile, sales of such beverages went down 25% in 18 months after the government made it mandatory to stick unhealthy labels on such drinks. In India, the government has not explicitly banned sugary drinks, but has placed aerated drinks and caffeine based energy drinks in the highest GST slab of 28% and has additionally levied a compensation cess of 12% to cut down consumption.

Singapore calls colas unhealthy; bans ads for sugary drinks-photo1064.jpg

Sources: 1, 2, 3.

Good move. Even the UAE imposed extra tax on Sugary Drinks and Cigarettes, one year back. Prices went up by 1AED (Rs 18), per unit. The ultimate aim is to switch consumers completely to 'fruit based drinks'.

Instead of warnings, ad bans and taxes why not ban the product itself? Why allow it's sale while you know it's unhealthy. All the drinks that come in tetra packs have an average content of 15-20 gms of sugar in one small carton/serving. It's better to control that addiction before it's too late.

When you ban something bootlegging starts. Everybody loses there. Better to make it prohibitively expensive.


Originally Posted by Durango Dude (Post 4673033)
Instead of warnings, ad bans and taxes why not ban the product itself?

Coca Cola, Pepsi and other similar aerated drinks are JUNK loaded with sugar. I see these as poison & don't even remember the last time I took a sip of this trash. Maybe once in the last year, tops...or twice.

If I'm thirsty, give me coconut water, lemon juice, fresh fruit / vegetable juices please!

I'm not in favor of having the government dictate my consumption or acting like I am unable to think clearly of I see an ad for a soft drink. . Sugary drinks aren't good for health, but they're definitely a safer bet compared to the stuff you can buy in remote places, fresh or prepared.

Comfort food will stay, whatever the killjoys keep whining on about. Government cannot get off the gravy train, proof of this is the UK where cigarettes, alcohol and sugar taxes bring in more that they cost the NHS.

I know many people may disagree with me, but we also need to stop promoting fruit juices as healthy.

No doubt that colas are down right poison but fruit juices aren't that healthy either. And yes, it also includes fresh fruit juices.

What needs to be taught is that fruits are healthy because they contain natural fiber. When you filter that out, you are again left with a sugary drink that will cause a blood sugar spike.

The only drinks that should be promoted as healthy are plain water and plain milk.


Originally Posted by swiftLife (Post 4673106)
I know many people may disagree with me, but we also need to stop promoting fruit juices as healthy.

No doubt that colas are down right poison but fruit juices aren't that healthy either. And yes, it also includes fresh fruit juices.

What needs to be taught is that fruits are healthy because they contain natural fiber. When you filter that out, you are again left with a sugary drink that will cause a blood sugar spike.

Spot on! You hit the bulls eye with that.


Originally Posted by swiftLife (Post 4673106)
The only drinks that should be promoted as healthy are plain water and plain milk.

The underlined + bold part of the quoted text is another grey area according to some research; enough to start a debate of its own!


Originally Posted by saket77 (Post 4673108)
The underlined + bold part of the quoted text is another grey area according to some research; enough to start a debate of its own!

I knew this would come up. And I fully agree with you. agree:

I wanted to highlight that too but refrained as still it's a little controversial. But yes, many are saying that milk too is bad. But whenever I discuss this among the peers and the elders, it's considered sacrilege.

OK, controversial opinion here but aerated sugar drinks aren't bad. They have calories and calories are good.It's only when you start consuming them and only them that they are bad.

Ask a starving individual, would he/she have water or a sugary aerated drink?
We all can't moderate ourselves and then look to the government to regulate us. Just because few can't control themselves and are becoming obese, why ban it for everyone else?

Hadd hai

It is not being banned. Only ads are being banned. Like how alcohol and cigarette ads are banned in our country.

There is also a big misconception that i have observed among people that colas are bad, but fanta and 7up etc are ok! Go figure.

Move in the right direction. Singapore is often ahead of most countries on matters like this. Today in good hotels you see a notice that of you don't need the towels washed , hang them etc. I saw this court in Singapore on 1982 and the Western and Indian colleagues with me thought it to be a laugh. I also found it strange. Today it is the norm. India has over 65 million diabetic citizens - that is the official figure - many among the poorer segments may not even be diagnosed. India should ban these advertisements too.


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 4673057)
Coca Cola, Pepsi and other similar aerated drinks are JUNK loaded with sugar. I see these as poison & don't even remember the last time I took a sip of this trash. Maybe once in the last year, tops...or twice.

If I'm thirsty, give me coconut water, lemon juice, fresh fruit / vegetable juices please!

Completely agree with you. I also don't touch these aerated soft drinks and don't remember when was the last time I had one that too since no other option was available. When these manufacturers realised that consumers were becoming aware of their drink's sugar content they launched the so called diet sodas which are also extremely dangerous to ones health.

And as far as drinking fruit juice is concerned, I am of the opinion that you should eat a whole fruit instead of drinking its juice since almost all of the fiber gets thrown away as waste after taking out the juice which helps your digestive system. Plus when you drink one large glass of juice, you are consuming the equivalent of about 3 fruits.

Consider the following example

Source -

So glad Singapore did this, and I would look forward to many other countries following suit.

However, that is not to say that sugar-free colas are all nice and healthy. Most of them contain aspartame, which, though largely considered safe for human consumption, is a controversial food additive chemical which is best not consumed in large quantities. I personally avoid aspartame as far as possible, because I am allergic to it.

Personally I stopped drinking these soft drinks since the past 2 years. I just stick to black coffee, green tea and my all time favorite water. It's good to indulge in some wine at times. Tho these drinks easily available (coca cola or pepsi) is equivalent to poison and this acts as a major cause to obesity. Must say it's addictive amongst the young minds. If you have children, should always discourage them to drink it.

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