Team-BHP - Whats the average amount of time you spend on Team-BHP everyday?

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well guys just wanted to know how many hours each one of u spend surfing on tbhp..well i spend more time on this forum than i sleep these days!!!thats about 7-8 hrs a day,most of it from 12 in the night (or morning is it!!) to about 3-5 in the morning..just wanted to know is it only me whose this crazy about this forum or are there like minded ones too..well have added a poll keep ur votes rolling...

I am the first to vote on this thread :) Mclaren, you shouldnt spend this much time at this site dude, seriously wont this effect your work etc??? I spend generally around 2-3 hours on this forum. Somedays none, someday 3-4, so averaging around 2 hours a day.

lol, if my wife could answer this she wud say 48 hrs a day !!! But i'm on for about 6-7 hours. I dont post too much but keep reading , close to addiction I'd say


im on tbhp for about 7- 8 hours a day approximately sometimes less sometimes more.totally addicted and most of the time i do a lot of reading up.

this site has proved to be very helpful and has got loads of very useful information

three cheers to the admin aka Gto and all the moderators for keeping up such great standards !! clap:


I stay on the forum for about 4hrs a day normally and even if i am busy i logon atleast once a day without fail. In a way i can say i am also addicted to Team-BHP as many other like minded people here.
Its all because of the great job by the Admin and the Mods :thumbs up

I keep opening up the tbhp website and then closing it ... so i frequent it all around the day, dont usually sit at a stretch for too long so i guess around 4-5 hrs a day in total.

Well mine is not fixes but yeah around 1-2hrs a day, depends on time and availabilty..LOL

I stay logged in for 4-5 a day, though I will not be going through the site whole time. And sometimes, I don't even login whole day.

Make the average 2-3 days.

stay logged all the time am in office .. so thats 9 to 10 hours for 5 days each week .. but effective browsing would be 2 to 3 hours on an average ..

keep checking for new posts every few hours, so I think i would be averaging around 2-3 hours a day...


Complete night,since i do a night shift.

Wow - Thats some response with a majority of BHPians spending more than 2 hours (or 15% of their waking time) on this community.

I am logged on from 9 in the morning to 8 in the evening...and then more after I get home rl:


Whenever i get time i hook up to tbhp, average 1 hr daily

never really counted the hours...but actually i remain logged on every time i m connected to the net...usually one IE window is minimized in the taskbar, and refresh it every 15 mins or so to check for updates...
i dont post so much here....simply put not knowledgable enough in front of u guys...but still is really informative website.
most fav sections:
Indian Car Section
In Car Entertainment

Me - one, max one and a half hours daily.

6+ hours in a day - man, now I understand how those 2000+ post counts come about!

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