Team-BHP - Damn!! I had seen this in my Dream ( Deja Vu )

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Does it happen to you ?

No i am not talking about sixth sense but its something similar.
Sixth sense is something which you already know or sense is going to happen.
Its a strong intuition.

Where as what i am talking about here is - "You are sitting with your friends/family somewhere chit-chatting,laughing & you suddenly remember you had said the same dialog in presence of all these people & in the same place before."

It feels like you have had a dream of all this before.

:uncontrol Now you guys might find this funny but it does happen. It happens to me & even few of my friends but its not frequent.

I even had googled it ones to find out what its called but i forgot the name.

Waiting to hear if any of you have had similar experiences. :D

Deja Vu
Its a french term.
Deja = Already
Vu = Seen

Deja vu.
It happens with everybody. I don't know why it happens though. Somebody who is into psychology or related fields can explain.

Happens with me so many times. I always thought it was only me.

Deja probable reason is that what ever u see gets processed in both short term (current) and long term memory (old) part of the brain. This makes u feel u have experienced the movement before.
I have not been able to come in terms with the explanation. When u experience it, it's more like u have gone through the same epsiode long back. It's probably our mind playing mind ganes with us :-)

Nitrous beat me to Dejavu!!! It happens with me most of the time; atleast once a week. It doesn't necessarily happen for me in dreams, sometimes during broad day light, I think of a circumstance & it happens. For instance, once when I was travelling by bus on Taylors road, I was thinking what would it take to walk from Daily Thanthi office to Chennai Corporation? Several years later, for some reason, I'd to walk exactly on the same spot, Daily Thanthi office to Chennai Corporation.

Now days its happening mostly with movies; somehow I think about some scene of a movie at random, be it English or Thamizh; in the subsequent weeks, somehow I happen to watch the movie or the same clipping & this has been happening for over several years now. Is this coincidence or Dejavu?


Originally Posted by aargee (Post 2021402)
Now days its happening mostly with movies; somehow I think about some scene of a movie at random, be it English or Thamizh; in the subsequent weeks, somehow I happen to watch the movie or the same clipping & this has been happening for over several years now. Is this coincidence or Dejavu?

I think that is coincidence. It happens with me too sometimes. I may be thinking of some song in my mind, or humming a tune. After few seconds, i hear somebody else playing the same song. It's a kind of weird feeling!

I'm glad you started this thread, it's strange but I have to admit, yes, this happens with me too. And I have no explanations either of this phenomena, in fact I never discussed these things with anyone, because thought people will think my mind is screwed (although to some extent I agree :)).

I think this topic/phenomenon was discussed in another thread. I am not sure which one though.

BTW, I too experience this quite often.

Yup, Deja Vu is a pretty common phenomenon. I guess almost everyone has experienced this quite a few times.


Originally Posted by SilentEngine (Post 2021433)
I think that is coincidence.

Well does a coincidence happen for years? I realized this about 2 years ago & ever since then I'm trying to keep track, but then its not being possible to write down, however, this keeps happening for 2-3 times every month.

My cousin was expecting a promotion for a long time but the news was not coming. One morning I had a dream that she had the long awaited promotion. I called her up and told her about the dream. And by the evening she did get the promotion.

This is the only time this has happened to me. I would still term it as a coincidence rather than a supernatural phenomena.

Ohh !! This "DejaVu" thing seems to be common then. Anyone with a link or info explaining the actually reason behind this ?

Oh yeah this happens to everyone. Deja Vu and seems so real, that you'd been here and done this already.

It's a fact or maybe there is something else about it. Some things science can't crack :)


Originally Posted by aargee (Post 2021461)
Well does a coincidence happen for years? I realized this about 2 years ago & ever since then I'm trying to keep track, but then its not being possible to write down, however, this keeps happening for 2-3 times every month.

Lucky you dude.This thing/power of yours can.. you know be really helpful.:D

But it cant be called DejaVu i guess because yours is " you think & it happens."

Where as DejaVu is "You remember of seeing that episode somewhere after it happens.

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