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Old 2nd September 2012, 20:46   #31
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

My experience has been positive so far. I usually give lift to people (I use my bike for commuting to college) who really need it, usually senior citizens. Great thing is that almost ALWAYS they blessed or thanked me after I drop them . And I usually avoid people who look decent enough to afford other means of transport.

p.s: Would be great if more bikers share their experience on this topic

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Old 3rd September 2012, 14:16   #32
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

1997: I was a trainee software engineer, working in RT Nagar and living in Jayanagar.

One drizzly evening, around 9pm, I was driving home in my grandfather's Ambassador on Bellary Road. Near the junction with Palace Road, a slightly middle aged man asked me for a lift and I stopped. Dunno why I stopped, it was the first time I had ever been asked for a lift by a stranger.

The man wanted to go to Bommasandra or Attibele (I forget). But I was headed to Jayanagar. Anyway, I told him I could drop him at Lalbagh Main Gate, from where he could get lots of direct buses. His face lit up like a christmas tree!

He turned out to be a head constable. He told me that he was so glad that someone like me (read - rich brash car driving kid) could be so humble as to give him a lift. He told me all about his work, which was a real eye-opener into how bad life for police could be.

When he got off at the bus stop, he saluted me. If I think about it today, it still embarasses me no end.
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Old 3rd September 2012, 14:37   #33
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

I can recall multiple incidents. As a rule, we do not give lifts to anybody. I travel with my wife, and the roads are full of weird people. But there are exceptions.
The first time I gave a lift was in the indica. We had gone to Binsar, and started our drive back towards Nainital.
Right out of the gate of the sanctuary, we just go a few hundred meters, a guy comes running on the road. He is covered with blood. His entire hand is bleeding.

He wants a lift to the next village. We are skeptical, and want to speed off, but then he is a skinny guy, bleeding heavily from the hand, and does not have any weapons of him.
We drop him to the next health center, and zoom off.

Second time was near Pangong Tso. The Safari is loaded to the gills, including rear seat(we were carrying stove, jerry cans, and what not). Three army men stop us. We are going to the satellite phone near Phobrang to call family, and they also are going there. Its around 2kms walk.

After checking out the rear seat, they decide there is no space, so I move on. But then we have an idea. I stop and reverse. They are very confused. I tell them that since its just a km and a half of straight road, they can stand on the foot guards, I will drive slowly.

So with three army men hanging on, we drive slowly to the phone booth.

Third time, its again army. On the climb to Rohtang, its wet and muddy. A gypsy is slowly crawling in front of us. Suddenly they stop, and the jawans come out. They tell us, their gypsy is not climbing due to weight (there were 7 or 8 jawans in the gypsy!). So we take on 4 of them, and drop them till Marhi.

Fourth time its a group in distress. Near Joshimath, due to landslides there has been lot of rockfall, and their Rhino has punctured 2 tires. So they cannot go.
So we dropped them till Rudraprayag where they could buy new tires.

Another funny incident, there we ended up not giving a list. We are coming down to Nidar from Thit Zarbo la, and a Changpa nomad want a lift. I tell him okay. He asks me to turn around. I ask, where? He says, he wants to go to Chumur.. Now thats in the other direction!
Sorry, we are not driving 60kms on "no roads" and drop you to chumur buddy!

That said, I would never stop for a bunch of guys signally in the NCR city region. All these "lift" incidents were in remote areas.
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Old 3rd September 2012, 14:40   #34
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

Originally Posted by KiloAlpha View Post
He told me all about his work, which was a real eye-opener into how bad life for police could be.

When he got off at the bus stop, he saluted me. If I think about it today, it still embarasses me no end.
Thanks KiloAlpha you can also share what he told which looks would be interesting and could be an eye opener for us too.
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Old 3rd September 2012, 15:17   #35
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

When I was in Bangalore, the route I used to take from Vidyaranyapuram had a lot of schools along my way. Once in a while if I'm travelling alone, I would oblige to drop off those little kids at schools or near by bus stand. It would make my morning so much fun you know, them telling stories about their teachers, their friends and who stole whose pencil and who used whose brand new eraser.

Apart from that once on my way back from work must have been way past 11p.m, I saw this old man, probably in his 60s, running behind a bus that did not care to stop. I pulled over next to him and offered him a lift which he gladly accepted. It felt very good after having a lousy, mundane day.
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Old 3rd September 2012, 15:18   #36
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

Originally Posted by Pancham View Post
Recently in Delhi a bunch of kids were caught by police. They were mostly aged between 13-17. I dont remember the exact details but they would puncture the car in the traffic signal and then tell the driver (who is usually a well to do owner). He would get down the car to take a look and that is when the belongings of the car owner goes missing. Actual occurings may differ because I dont exactly remember the details.
Such gangs are famous as Thak Thak gang in Delhi. Age is NO bar:


Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
I can recall multiple incidents. As a rule, we do not give lifts to anybody. I travel with my wife, and the roads are full of weird people. But there are exceptions.

That said, I would never stop for a bunch of guys signally in the NCR city region. All these "lift" incidents were in remote areas.
I was also thinking that there should hardly be any post by BHPians of Delhi/NCR. With an increase in such crimes, I would say that giving a lift to stranger is a crime in Delhi.

Anyhow, here is my own experience:

Around 10-12 years back, I was driving my friend's brand new zen on Delhi roads (read North campus). He didn't know driving nor he was interested in learning, so he was fully dependent on me for all his preferences related to places to go for in his new car.

So after having spent some good time at Kamla Nagar Market and North Campus, we were on our way back to East Delhi. We took a right turn (before Old Sect. Delhi) for Ring Road from IP College red light towards Chandagi Ram Akhara. As soon as we took right turn, there were two beautiful IP girls were standing and trying to take a lift. Don't know what happened, I stopped in front of them. One of them smiled and said that both of them needed a lift. My friend looked at me and I looked at his face as what to do next? And he smiled. I let them in.

As soon as they were in, she thanked us and told us that they were from IP College and wanted to go to South Extension. Since we had to go towards east delhi from ISBT but now both of them requested us to drop them to South Ext. (may be she was not aware of the distances).

Again me and my friend looked at each other in a confused state. he smiled and I kept on driving straight towards South Ext. Both were happy when we dropped them at South Ex.

Now my friend asked me: "Why did you not refuse for such a long journey?"
Me: "You only smiled while I was looking for a reply from you."
He: "I was smiling out of confusion as to what to do now?"

Both of us burst out laughing at each other and ended up doing shopping at south ex for ourselves.

So we ended up driving around 40kms (both ways) for giving a lift from North towards South Delhi.

PS: This was the first and the last time we gave a lift to any beautiful stranger on Delhi / NCR roads.

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Old 3rd September 2012, 15:29   #37
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

Saturday morning and I was out on my motorbike to buy milk. I saw a guy running towards a bus that was leaving its stop. He slowed down as soon as he saw the bus leaving.
Now at that time of the morning he was unlikely to find another bus or rickshaw soon. So I slowed down near him and asked him to hop on. He was confused but I told him I will get you onto that bus. so he hopped on and we began our early morning chase.
The bus driver skipped the next stop as there were no passengers, but I managed to get the guy onto his bus on the stop after that one. A quick thumbs up from him and I was back to normal speed on my way home.

Other than this, had the opportunity to give lifts numerous times to old men to/ from banks, post offices, etc.
But as mentioned by others, within town no one expects or asks a car driver for a lift. maybe some rightly think they would be able to walk faster!
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Old 3rd September 2012, 16:10   #38
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

similar thing happened much earlier in hyderabad when cell phones were rare.
some person would keep making gestures that some thing was wrong and in the few seconds the driver would get down to check cell phones and anything on teh dashboard would disappear very unfortunate people have lost money too while coming from banks
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Old 5th September 2012, 17:40   #39
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

This was sometime back when I use to drive on the Outer ring road going to ITPL. Very rarely someone asks for a lift in that route except if it s a CAB.

It was early in the morning (around 7AM), an old man(lean and around 75 he should be) raises his hands for a lift. I would have easily missed but for this man (I instantly remembered seeing this guy manning next junction on the way). So I stop and he gets into the rear seat and we drive off. During whatever minimal conversation we had, I understood that he has to reach there everyday before 8AM and any late excuses will not be entertained and guess what he stands there in those highly polluted (smoke, dust and what not :() all 12hrs. The best part was yet to come. When he alighted, he came to pay me 10rs thinking he had entered a CAB . But it was definitely a satisfying day for me as I felt real good about giving that soul a small lift even if I cant change is life in any better way.

I always have a great respect for such aged people manning those heavy traffic on ring roads where these flyover works are coming up and of course felt so pity for that soul to be doing such jobs to earn a living at this age (They are employed as temp staff and paid peanut salaries :(). God bless them

I will never forget that day and it only makes me feel so sad remembering him every time. I still see him near one of those intersections inhaling all kind of pollution but I guess the life just goes on for everyone without even a care for such souls.
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Old 5th September 2012, 20:06   #40
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

I have two incidents to narrate. The first one took place way back in 2007 when I was in college. I was on my way back home from college after dropping my friends at the Rajiv Chowk (Connaught Place) metro station. I was waiting for the signal to turn green on CP's outer circle in my Indica when an aged gentleman around 70 approached me.

As it was the month of May, the sweltering Delhi heat had taken its toll on the man who was sweating and his white kurta pyjama had sweat patches all over. He had a packet in his hand that read 'Nath Brothers' -- a popular chemist shop in CP and asked me for a lift. He urged me to drop him anywhere near his home in Patel Nagar because for the last half an hour he had been standing on the roadside since no autowaalah was ready to take him to his destination. Neither did he had any energy left to walk to a bus stop.

Though I was headed in the same direction I would have taken him to his home anyway.

He hopped in the car and for the next 20 minutes told me about his family and that he had come to CP as his wife was suffering from an ailment and the medicines were only available with Nath Brothers. I couldn't muster the courage to ask him why his children did not get the medicines.

He asked me about myself like what was I studying in college and what did I want to become in life.

As Patel Nagar is a 10 minute drive from my home I dropped him right at his doorstep. The gentleman thanked me profusely and gave me the his blessing by patting on my shoulder. That was priceless!!!

The second incident is kind of funny. As I work for a news agency I had gone to the Red Fort on 15th August in a white Ambassador cab provided by my office. Now of the Independence Day all roads leading to the Red Fort are shut down so there is no public transportation.

As the ceremony got over I along with the driver exited the venue and I could see hordes of Delhi police personnel leaving the venue on foot. Some managed to get a lift from their colleagues while others walked on to the nearest bus stop—at least a couple of kilometres away.

We were waiting on a traffic signal when a police constable approached us and asked me whether I would drop him till Tilak Marg police station which is near India Gate a 1 minute drive from Red Fort owing to the scarce traffic at 7 a.m. on a national holiday.

The driver opened the front door and the constable sat inside. Now began the fun part. The policeman had a walkie talkie in his hand and he held it upright in his left hand.

From that point on till we dropped him everybody on the road looked at the white ambassador with a police escort in front and a 20 something lad dressed in a polo t shirt on the back seat.

From traffic policemen manning the intersections to pedestrians and motorists, everyone who looked at us had a perplexed expression. That was fun.
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Old 6th September 2012, 10:09   #41
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

Two incidents of providing lift.

1. In 1999 I was riding my Bullet wearing a beige pant and white shirt with Ray Bans. I had left home to pick up some groceries from the market a kilometer from my home. (Helmets were not a compulsion then.). I was stopped by this Traffic Constable who hopped on the bike the moment I stopped picked up his two way and said “are bhagtos kay pathi lag toh signal todla” What are you looking at follow him he has broken a signal". I chased this Zen for 10 KMs with the constable talking on his two way and getting a bandobast ready. Finally caught along the car and forced it to stop, and soon there was a Police Gypsy which came from the opposite side and an inspector got down. They thanked me and said what I Good Officer I am and which station do I report to…. I was perplexed . Told them I am a civilian. The car had a known criminal and hooch in the dicky.

2. 2011 was driving early morning from Goa to Mumbai and stopped for directions at Pernem an elderly couple were standing there and I asked directions they told me and stepped back. I asked where they were headed and they were going to sawantwadi. Offered them a lift and they were mighty pleased. I play bhajans early morning in my car and soon the lady was humming the tunes she loved the car ride and blessed us a lot. There directions also helped me avoid the check post.
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Old 6th September 2012, 12:57   #42
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

A few times that I remember:

We were on a school picnic and had gone to Lodhi Garden. Some of us friends came out of the garden and planned to sneak out of the garden and go to Khan market. We stood at the side of the road and started asking for lift to the passing vehicles. Finally a white ambassador stops and the guys asks us where we are going. We said khan market and he asked us to hop in. Mind you we must have been about 8-10 kids. So we all somehow got into the Amby and were on our way. In the middle the guy remarks in pujabi accent "Today ... my gaddi become a taxi yaar".

Doing my masters and sometimes I used to ride the Chetak to college. One of the college librarian stayed somewhere close. One day while I was riding to college I saw her at the bus stop of Shivaji Stadium. I stopped in front of her and she recognised me. I asked her if she was going to college and whether she would like me to drop her. She agreed and hopped on the scooter. I gave her lift on a few other occasions as well. Once her husband was dropping her to college and I was riding close behind. As soon as she saw me she asked her husband to stop and came and sat with me and her husband went back.

Was doing my third sem MCA training at NIC (IT branch of Delhi government) along with a few classmates. One day a classmate and me decided to go to college post lunch for some work. You need to walk for about a km or more to reach the bus stop from where one can take a bus to college. As we were coming out of the NIc gates a white ambassador (with a flying rod) was also exiting. We waved them down and asked if we could be dropped till the bus stop. Hopped in and noticed the things around us. The two guys in the car were some politicians wearing white khadi kurta pyjamas, white shoes et al. Ambassador has white seat covers and 2 bucket seats in the front. They must have been in the building to meet Shiela Dixit who also had an office on the same floor as ours. When we reached the bus stop, those guys stopped the car and instead of getting down we asked till where they were going. turns out their direction was same as ours. So we asked them to drop us near a big temple close to our college.

Was going for a friends wedding reception somewhere in west delhi to an area not well known to me. I stopped to ask a pedestrian about it. an elderly sardarji and he asked I could drop him close to my destionation. I said yes and he hopped in. Wehad a small talk but he got off at a point close enough to the reception venue.

Was heading home from gurgaon and my phone starts to ring. Call from onsite client manager. Gotta take this. Pulled over to the side and started talking to her. It was raining that day. When I was almost done, suddenly someone taps on the windows. turns out guy works in the same company but a different office in gurgaon and was waiting for a bus to travel to Delhi. He asked me if I could drop him to Delhi. I asked him where he wanted to go. He wanted to go to Dhaula Kuan, which is not on my route. So I told him I would be going towards vasant vihar. At best I can drop you till the road bifercates. You can let me know whereever u want to get down from the car. We stated and has some small talk. Talked about which project/office we were working in. We were soon approaching the place where our routes would diverge. I asked him again where he wanted to be dropped. He says why dont I go Via Dhaula Kuan. I was like dude, why would i go via dhaula kuan. He replied coz you would face lesser traffic there. anyways he continued to be in the car for some more time. and eventually got down near army hospital grumbling how I would not take him to Dhaula Kuan

About a month ago I was heading to office and the traffic was a mess due to the rain. I was in the left most lane opposite to Hyatt and I saw a girl whom I recognized instantly (working in the same office) but I could not recollect her name. She was planning to cross the road but was waiting due to traffic. Since I didnt know her name I just shouted "Oye" and she looked at me, recognized me, and came to talk to me. I asked her where she was going and that was on my way so I asked her to sit in the car and I will drop her. Talked about things since we last met. She was preparing for IAS and had classes near outer ring road. Dropped her and continued on the way to office.

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Old 6th September 2012, 13:03   #43
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

I dont have a story but I have a general thumb rule.

2-wheeler Lift -- While I think twice before giving lift to general public, if I see a school student (Boy, and not any college student) with a heavy backpack I ensure I give him a lift. (Girls I avoid because in a Rural town Its asking for trouble from public/parent and generally they too dont ask). Mostly its P.U.P school or Govt school boys I tag along, poor kids without chappals walking the long mile to/fro to school. I try to avoid taking more than 1 kid most of the time.

Next to my jeep mech garage is Hosur's Junior govt school (class 1-5). Often I fill up my jeep with 5-6 kids and they have their ride of their life back home (If I exit garage during the class-over time).

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Old 6th September 2012, 14:56   #44
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

I have a very interesting story to share which involves 'receiving' lift and not 'giving' lift.

While coming from a flight from Mumbai to Goa, I befriended an old gentleman who was travelling for first time by air.
We had normal chat and while coming out of the airport he offered me a lift till Panaji (30-35 Kms) in his son-in-laws new Fusion. We all had nice long chat and I got down after thanking them.

I came across an ad for used Honda Activa in the local newspaper. When contacted the owner on mobile, I somehow came to know that he is the same person (son-in-law) who gave me lift 2-3 years ago. I immediately started asking so many questions starting from his father-in-law, car, business, etc. After finishing with the questions, he was amazed and asked as to how I identified him like "CBI" (his actual words). Then after I reminded him about that "lift" he gave to me, he also recognised me and felt very happy.
Then he himself explained the condition of the bikes and I decided against the purchase.
It was really a wonderful experience.

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Old 7th September 2012, 09:29   #45
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Re: Given a lift to someone? Share the experience here

Thought I would share my story which is a bit different from the mostly positive ones shared. This happened around an year back.

I was driving between Dwarka to Dhaula Kuan in New Delhi to pick someone up and bring them back home. As there was some time for them to arrive at Dhaula Kuan, I was driving at a leisurly pace and as soon as I descend palam flyover, I see a seemingly woman (well dressed) waving for a life. Not that I have done it before, but I stopped thinking I had time on my hand to give the lift. She approaches the car and says she needs to be dropped ahead. I ask to where? and she replies just ahead. She just opens the door and sits on the front seat!!

I again ask to where? she says she is not in a hurry. By this time, I realise she is not interested in a lift but is a pros. She even makes an offer this time to just go wherever I want. Now, I am disturbed and I tell her strictly to get down to which she refuses and insists we drive along. She threatens that she will start screaming and call people as to I was doing something wrong with her. Seeing no option to get her exit my car, I remove the keys from the ignition on which she realises this aint going anywhere on which she abuses me in a huff (typical enuch style galis) and finally gets off with a big bang on the door. All this happened in a matter of 2-3 minutes I must say.

I cant say I couldnt have been more relieved and speed off and determined never to stop again (at lease in Delhi NCR) for an unknown, especially ladies at that as I have heard some other stories of some ladies intentionally asking for a lift only to find yourself tailed by their male accomplice who will try to create a situation accusing you of molesting the lady.

thought I should share this despite the serious nature of this incident.

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