Team-BHP - How do you deal with transgenders begging at traffic signals?

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I was driving to office today morning through the ORR from KRPuram to Hebbal, and waiting for a signal. I witnessed an Foreigner being harressed by a bunch of Eubuchs in the opposite signal.

This is what happened, there was a tussle between some of them and the cab driver, they stood in front of the cab and did not let it go and cornered it, pulled the cabbie out and started abusing him. The foreigner who was a mute spectetor till then said something in between and the attention turned towards him. They started slapping him and gave public display of their private parts. All this were witnessed by a couple of mute cops in a bike behind the vehicle. I had to move off because of the signal.

I was controlling my anger witnessing the whole incident. I wanted get out there and do something but could not. I felt very disgusted after the whole incident and the inability to do something. Was wondering if i were the cabbie, a couple of them probably would've been under the cab.

I suppose this happened at Nagawara junction!
I usually windup my windows when I am at the junction and ignore any comments they pass on.

These privileged(!!!?) people were taken into custody (all over bangalore) by police and an NGO some months ago, looks like whatever they tried didnt work.

Poor guy !! Can imagine his plight. I once refused to tip one of these creatures on the side of the road. He/She (take ur pick :D) then started threatening and following us (my wife was with me). We just kept walking and ignored her/him. They are a nuisence trying to extort money with their cheap tricks.

@evo8 : The Eunuchs are a class apart in India.
They are a staple feature in trains and at signals, thrive on handouts and god forbid if you are travelling in an open rick / bike. I once saw one of these "special" persons' spitting paan at a chap in an auto just because he refused to pay up.

If you harass them you would have the NGO's all over you else you would have the misfortune of having to witness something extremely unpleasant.

Faced similar issue at the Marine drive stretch (during my short stay at Mumbai).. They asked us money in hindi trying to touch our thigh. We remained silent for some time until they went. They walked away using all bad words in tamil, to our surprise.

I always pay them, but never witnessed any such thing, or never came accross any such incident that happened with me, or anyone i know of.
In Bombay there are a lot of FAKE ones too hahaha, the ones who pretend to be but are not eunuchs!!


Originally Posted by SohailPistawala (Post 775561)
I always pay them, but never witnessed any such thing

You want to witness something? Next time, try your luck by NOT paying them..:uncontrol

I still haven't figured out what they actually are :D


Originally Posted by MC Mayank (Post 776420)
I still haven't figured out what they actually are :D

Same here. I dont know their biology also. But its a pity that they are outcasts and ironically, they become the goons that they are.

I only know of one who actually earned a living the normal way. Was a domestic help in one my neighbours house.


Originally Posted by MC Mayank (Post 776420)
I still haven't figured out what they actually are :D

Hope you get an opportunity sooner to figure it out lol:

OT: You have reached 100 posts.. Congrats

Freak, even i didnt know. So Google Devta se pucha and got this -> Hijra (South Asia) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just completely ignore them, sit in your car (In bike it is a different story) as if they are not there. Women in the car just look down to the floor or somewhere else. Do not pay. And nothing happens. Thats my experience so far with these creatures.

I never used to and will never ever pay them or any traffic light beggar. It is a big mafia industry in cities. They even have mobile phones with them.

BTW, heard that these creatures who recently surfaced in Blr are not the real shemales (or whetever they are supposed to be) - they are just men, disguised in sarees.

I agree, make no eye contact. If by chance if one catches me with my window down, I would pay them only to get them out of my hair. I have been an unfortunate observer to an indecent incident of private part display by Eunuchs as they were harrassing someone. But that was was yearsss ago.

these eunuchs are goons and mafia.

they have an extensive network and use the milkmen, postmen, domestic helps, newspaper vendors to find out if any marriage or a birth has taken place and will then drop in a mass and demand insane sums. Here in delhi, they ask for 51000 bucks for a new birth and if you refuse to pay, they even resort to violence with threats of kidnapping the newborn and making him/her one of their own. they frequently travel in maruti vans and employ drivers, domestic helps and strongmen. Have seen multiple instances where people just had to pay up.

on traffic lights, they operate as a gang. I saw them making a chalk mark on a car when the passengers gave them a good tip. At next red light, the eunuchs didnt bother that car..probably of the same gang.

ofcourse there are numerous stories/newsreports of normal men being forcefully converted into a eunuch.

dread train rides to north because of these "things" Feel like showing them the business end of a sawn off shotgun ( and using it too :D ) every time !

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