Team-BHP - hyderabad srisailam nagarjunsagar hyderabad warangal hyderabad

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after the boat takes you close to the dam it does a round turn and on the way back you can see thick forests on the embankments.

in the distance you can see the cable ropeway cars operating.the ropeway complex perched on hilltop and the darshan of the temple shikhar is seen.

the ropeway on the way back was still very sluggish no tourists.we had to wait 10 minutes for our ride.we soaked in the good ambience.

we proceeded towards nagarjun sagar NGS on the way just outside srisailam we saw the board of paladhara panchdhara. some telugu friends had advised me against wasting time at these spots.but i found quaint spots quite ok for a 10 min walk down the hillside.

thereafter we started seriously towards nsagar.

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1 me next to boat pilot cabin
2 srisailam view
3 birds eye view
4 some hardware of the ropeway
8 environmental disaster oil slick from motorboats is polluting the lake how callous can the govt agencies get
9 goodbye srisailam
10 paladhara panchdhara
12 birds eye view of paladhara panchdhara

jan 6 2010 srisailam dornala yergondapalem macherla nagarjunsagar

we started towards dornala.
the road is a forest road and very beautiful. will like to know whether anyone has done this during monsoons.the road is isolated absolutely no facilities till dornala.
we saw the electric blue flash of a peacocks feathers as it scampered across the road.
the road runs throgh the hills which are covered with thick foilage.
the forest comes to an abrupt end at dornala when yu descend down to the plains.
the aptdc resort at dornala should be made good use of by families using this route as there are no decent facilities on the way.
we came on to a main road till yergondapalem where we again tooka left turn towards macherla.on this stretch just after macherla we saw a giant iguana cross the road at first we thought it wa a snake but as we came close we saw that the iguana had stopped just at the road shoulder.
i scrambled for my camera but it was gone.
the road to macherla starts when you see a queer pyramid shaped hill towards left you circle the hill and then approach to macheral leaving the hill behind.
the sun tooka toll on us in AP tourist vehicles cannot have sunfilms on windows so the radiant heat made us really exhausted it was akin to being in an oven.
we reached macherla by 2am
we halted at a reasonable looking restaurant and ordered sayinfood the usual biryani and lollypop.
after a few coolers and food we felt better the sun reduced its intensity. i was wondering what the hell will be the situation in april?
we started towards nagarjunsagar. we were lulled into a stupor until i suddenly saw a board saying ethipothala towards right. i couldve missed it and the opportunity to see perennial waterfall in the deccan.
the falls are situated around 2kms from the diversion.
there is a lovely aptdc property here quite reasonable and value for money. with a running restaurant.
we enjoyed the waterfalls there are ways to get down to the falls but there are lots of boards depicting the dangers involved.
crocodiles lurk in the shallow polls created by the falls.
there are a few temples in the gorge but we decided that the viewpoint gave us enough beauty of the place.
we had some tea the falls are illuminated in the evening upto 9.30pm so do try to book and stay here.
we left before the illumination happened and proceeded towards vijayvihar complex

1 hitting the road towards dornala
4 thick wooded hills
6 pyramid shaped mountain before turning towards macherla
7 road towards macherla very desolate arid and hot
10 atlast some greenery
11 local harvest
12 the moonscape continues
13 macherla on horizon

1 towards ethipothala waterfalls
2 the falls themselves
3 eye candy
7 enjoy the view
9 at the very edge
10 natural precipice
11 one more view
12 surroundings

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YouTube - ethipothala waterfalls

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srisailam to nagarjunsagar - Google Maps<U><iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="

tried my bit to link google maps to show my route but its not working can anyone help me to do this.

we left ethipothala with a heavy heart fully knowing that we will miss the illumination and will ahve to see this sometime in furure.

my tip is that teambhpians can consider staying at ethipothala aptdc as it is very scenic and just a short distance away from ngs.

we came to ngs and took the turn towards boating station this was a folly as we understood that vijayvihar complex lay on other side of the dam.

we took the detour passed the right and left dams which are masonry dams and reached vijayvihar complex at twilight.the ngs was looking ethereal hiding its secrets in the fading light only to reveal them next morning.

we reached vijayvihar and were pleased by its lovely service was good.we had a quick dinner as there was precious little to do after darkness sets in here.

while approaching ngs from ethipothala the vijayvihar complex is on the other side of the dam do not go towards the dam. on approaching ngs from hyderabad vijayvihar complex arrives first and then you move towards the dam.this is to save your precious time and kilometers.

I such a short time you have done what most of us living so close to these magnificent places have not.
You will come back for more, believe me. Do so in August - December.


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Originally Posted by fazalaliadil (Post 1827737)
I such a short time you have done what most of us living so close to these magnificent places have not.
You will come back for more, believe me. Do so in August - December.

thanks fazal saab

i hope the hyderabad gang enjoys their own playground through the eyes of a mumbaiiite.

uploading some videos


<iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=1157500 82787141682945.000483bce74599abc5480&amp;ll=16.657 244,78.651123&amp;spn=1.263013,1.757812&amp;z=9&am p;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small>View <a href=";hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=1157500 82787141682945.000483bce74599abc5480&amp;ll=16.657 244,78.651123&amp;spn=1.263013,1.757812&amp;z=9&am p;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">hyderabad airport to srisailam</a> in a larger map</small>

YouTube - entering srisailam forest reserve

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hyderabad airport to srisailam - Google Maps

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