Team-BHP - PhOtoLoG - New York

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Hello All,

In 1st week of April, i made a dash to NY to catch up with old friends. The plan was to utilize spring break and came up with a plan to visit DC and NY.

This is the photo log of my visit to NY. It was a 3 day weekend trip. We tried covering all major landmarks while missing out on some. Had to leave some compelling reasons to come back againlol:. All in all, it was one fantastic trip that will linger in my mind for years to come

For ease of viewing, i will be dividing this photo log into phases by landmarks visited.

Phase 1: Statue of Liberty.

I would like to share some information about Statue of Liberty for prospective fellow members who would like to visit this landmark.

1. Summer time is the best time to visit.
2. Book your tickets online atleast 2 months in advance. The slots fill extremely fast.
3. If you are planning to go to crown, book atleast 3-4 months in advance. Yes i am not kidding, the Crown is one place which gets sold out within a day. When i visited Liberty, the advance booking for Crown showed availability from July 2nd week.
4. Now there are 2 other type of tickets, one that takes you to pedestal, that is near the feet of Liberty and second is base ticket which will is good for viewing from curb side. Do atleast opt for tickets to pedestal, its worth the expense.
5. The ferry lines are extremely long, so trying to buy a ticket on the spot is bad idea. Wait times could be as long as 3+ hrs, when i went the wait time was 3 hrs 45 mins.
6. Try and get to the top deck of ferry. Awesome views. Make sure you have some protective gear as it is very very windy.

ok ok, enough of ranting, back to photo log. Here it goes.

We took PATH to arrive at WTC. PATH is basically a subway that connects NJ with NY. Our stay was at La Quinta in NJ so PATH was the easiest way to reach Statue of Liberty.

Once we come out of WTC subway station, we are greeted by plenty of skyscrapers, tried to search for Ground Zero, found construction going on instead for ONE WTC - the new World Trade Center that will spawn off the 16-acre construction site to be shared with WTC history and memorial museum.

From there its a 15 min walk to Battery Park where we board ferry to Liberty Island.

Let pics do the talking

Pic # 1 to 6 - WTC Site showing construction.
Pic # 7 - Waiting for Ferry. Also water Taxi's are available too.
Pic # 8 - The Sailor's Singing.
Pic # 9 - Liberty as a back drop

Good going! Waiting for more..

Pic # 1 - Hoboken Skyline, NJ. The Hudson river separates NY from NJ.
Pic # 2 - Ellis Island, Immigration Museum
Pic # 3 - The Manhattan Skyline as viewed from Ferry
Pic # 4 - The Manhattan Skyline
Pic # 5 - Skyline of Manhattan from Ferry.
Pic # 6 - Bridge connecting NJ with NY in Fog
Pic # 7 - Broader view of Bridge.
Pic # 8 - Statue of Liberty
Pic # 9 - Skyline of NJ
Pic # 10 - Foggy Bridge

P.S: All photos are directly from Camera. Only resized. Please click on image to view bigger picture.

Once on the ferry, it was very difficult to control the photos clicked as the ferry was shaking a lot riding on the waves. So some of the pics may not be aligned. Pardon me for that.

Pic # 1 - The Brooklyn Bridge. Connects Brooklyn and Queens
Pic # 2 - Wide angle showing the Brooklyn on left connected through Brooklyn Bridge with Queens on the right. JFK (John F Kennedy Airport) located in Queens.
Pic # 3 - The side face of Statue of Liberty
Pic # 4 - The Manhattan Skyline as seen from Wavy Ferry
Pic # 5 - The liberty standing tall.
Pic # 6 - The pedestal, which is a gallery just below the feet of the lady is where we manage to go till.
Pic # 7 - Liberty, Below the seven rays you can see rectangle windows, that is the crown windows from where we can see the skyline.
Pic # 8 - Closer view of Torch
Pic # 9 - The book in the left hand of the lady shows July 4, 1776
Pic # 10 - Full frontal view of Statue of Liberty. Stands majestic on Liberty Island.

More coming soon

Please go on.

I have plans to go to NY during Independence day weekend. Suggestions, like the ones in your first post, will help a lot. Thanks for sharing.

I would like to share some interesting facts about Statue of liberty that i learned while waiting in queue for way to pedestal.

Here it goes

1. Official dedication ceremony held on Oct 28, 1886
2. Overall height of statue from heel to top of head is 111 feet 6 inches
3. Face on statue of liberty is more than 8 feet tall
4. The lady is very fat as it has a 35-foot waistline.
5. She is also very heavy weighing at 225 tons or 450,000 pounds. I weigh 190 pounds. :Shockked:
6. The seven rays on her crown are seven continents. Weigh 150 pounds and are 9 feet in length.
7. This is given as a gift from France to USA.

P.S: There is an exhibit while going up the pedestal. The exhibit shows the history of how statue of liberty. The development life cycle. I am not sure if i should upload the whole history here for member's view or not.

I would like to hear from fellow members if it is good idea to share the whole history as it could run into pages. Though it does make for an interesting reading.


Originally Posted by akbaree (Post 1824485)
Please go on.

I have plans to go to NY during Independence day weekend. Suggestions, like the ones in your first post, will help a lot. Thanks for sharing.

Sounds like a good plan. But make sure you book everything early as it will be one hella of crowd at that time.

For all landmarks, i will be giving suggestions before posting photolog like i did in first post. So stay tuned.

If you need any more information beforehand, feel free to pm me. Would love to answer your queries.

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hey, I've got a few pix from my trip to NY. will post them if you say so.

Bringing back my good old memories I'd with my friend roaming around the streets of NY & Ellis island. If possible get me the pics from NYSE & Times Square. Tks.


Originally Posted by aargee (Post 1824535)
Bringing back my good old memories I'd with my friend roaming around the streets of NY & Ellis island. If possible get me the pics from NYSE & Times Square. Tks.

I have pics from Times Square which will come after i am done with Statue of Liberty. I didn't get time to visit NYSE though i did pass Wall Street.


Originally Posted by 14000rpm (Post 1824522)
hey, I've got a few pix from my trip to NY. will post them if you say so.

Sure you can. I don't mind.

Pic 1: Side view of statue
Pic 2: Statue with Manhattan Skyline as a backdrop
Pic 3: Statue from Exhibit
Pic 4: Once built, the major changes that Statue went through
Pic 5: The various sections of Statue
Pic 6: Various items as a part of Statue
Pic 7: Statue as viewed from Pedestal
Pic 8: 3 Bridges as viewed from Statue. First is Brooklyn Bridge, Second is Manhattan Bridge third is Williamsburg Bridge. Taken with telescopic 15x zoom handheld.
Pic 9: Tried to cover the whole NY. A little successful. Far left, you can see Empire State Building and on the right you can see Queens connected by above mentioned bridges.

Oh!! so you finally climbed to the top of Liberty statue is it? How long did it take? Could you elaborate it pls? Last time when we reached the island it was around 10:00 AM & they said 2 more hours to climb to the top, since we'd lot of places to visit we dropped the idea.

Great pictures. Keep it coming.

Refer the faq on how to title/caption each photo separately, so that it is much easier to read and get the context.

Good going there pal. You had a very clear day at your disposal. I spent a good week there in the last week of March and it was overcast and raining almost every day.

Here's one from bowling green.Have tons of images which are in RAW format. Need to process them all.

PhOtoLoG - New York-1.jpg

Great pics. Nothing much has changed except for new hoardings near the 9/11 site. Thanks for bringing back memories though. Might be visiting again this year. Waiting for more pics. Do you have car pictures ? I have some but I'm afraid I might hijack your thread.


Originally Posted by aargee (Post 1824594)
Oh!! so you finally climbed to the top of Liberty statue is it? How long did it take? Could you elaborate it pls? Last time when we reached the island it was around 10:00 AM & they said 2 more hours to climb to the top, since we'd lot of places to visit we dropped the idea.

We had tickets printed online. So we didn't knew if we can go to pedestal or not. On inquiring, we were told we can. We got all excited and proceeded to the queue. Once inside we waited for 45 mins to 1 hr to get to the exhibit where we spent 15 mins clicking photos of history of Statue of liberty.

We went around 1pm there. So it was not a bad wait.


Originally Posted by prince_pervez (Post 1824736)
Great pics. Nothing much has changed except for new hoardings near the 9/11 site. Thanks for bringing back memories though. Might be visiting again this year. Waiting for more pics. Do you have car pictures ? I have some but I'm afraid I might hijack your thread.

Are you talking about New York auto show car pictures? If yes i am sharing them in the new york auto show thread.

If it is related to New York feel free to upload anything you like. i don't mind

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