Got my '14 Vento 1.6 TDi serviced from Jai Prakash. Car completes 6 years in April and has covered 70 K kms so far. I was extremely satisfied with Abra Motors, Chennai until they ran out of business. Last time the car went for sevice to Sudaram Volkswagen at 55K kms. This is the first time, we have skipped going to the OE service centre. Four reasons to this:
1. Sundaram Volkswagen was no where close to Abra in terms of finesse of the job.
2. The car demanded some crucial part changes and the estimate given by KUN Volkswagen, another volkswagen dealer in Chennai, was close to double of what Jai Prakash charged me.
3. The confidence which
BHPian Turbohead gave. We both have 1.6 TDis, from 2014 and with the same registration
TN02AZ. He has been servicing his car from Jai Prakash.
4. All good words about Jai Prakash in this thread.
Parts Changed:
1. Steering Rack According to Jai Prakash, the stock rack lasts for only 50-60K kms. Also, initially I was suspecting suspension for the noise from the front end of the car. However, Jaiprakash narrowed it down to the steering rack. The original rack which came along with the car was made in China. This one is made in India.
2. Front Rotors and Brake Pads: Jai Prakash suggested to face the existing rotors and reuse the same. However, I insisted on replacing it with new ones. Also, he suggested TVS brake pads as they have a better life. However, I went with Brembo, both rotors and pads. Jai said that there'd be a lot of brake dust from the Brembo pads. I have driven ~100 Kms after the service. Yet to notice any dust on the wheels.
3. Alternator Belt with tensioner:
I was under the impression initially that the timing belt set had to be replaced. Later
BHPian Turbohead highlighted that timing belt requires replacement only in 1 lac kms and it should be the alternator. As correctly mentioned, it was the alternator belt that had to be replaced.
This was the final bill:
Few Additional points:
1. The clutch operation is not the smoothest. However, Jai Prakash refused to replace the clutch as the torque delivery is normal and there is no slippage. He said the life of the clutch is easily another 50K kms. The problem is with the cover assembly and it can neither be lubricated nor repaired. Has to be replaced along with the clutch.
2. Suspension still has 60-70% life in them and will not need replacement until 1.5 lac kms.
3. As mentioned by Jai Prakash, 2012 model Ventos needed a steering rack replacement only in 1.5 lac kms. However, the ones after that fail prematurely.
4. I wanted to get the Brembo drilled discs for the front rotors. Jai Prakash said, Sir, you are not driving a Lamborghini, these discs will solve for the purpose. Also, drilled discs can make the caliper foul with the wheels in cases of sudden turns and maneuvers. As rightly suggested, I feel better braking performance.
The car feels good after the service, in fact, it feels like new to drive except for the coarse clutch park but, I have made up my mind to prolong the life of the clutch as much as I can.
I will strongly recommend Jai Prakash to anyone with a VAG group car out of warranty. He also said he can take care of the service needs of my Punto. So, Punto's next service will be with Jai Prakash.
Signing off with a picture of my White Walker