Team-BHP - Mumbai Police's eChallans System for Traffic Violations. EDIT: Now Maharashtra-wide

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I work out of BKC in Mumbai and people breaking signals in the area is a pandemic. This is especially dangerous as I do stop. Got rear ended due to my "bad" habit of following signals.

This will be a God-send if it is implemented across Mumbai and India. Hopefully this is used for those breaking signals and other forms of dangerous driving rather than crossing the white line inadvertently.

I have a few doubts:
1. How are you notified of any new challan? Surely you can't be expected to check the webpage every once in a while. Do they SMS you on your RMN? How does it work?
2. (To anyone who knows how this system works) Is this an automated system, where a camera is programmed to catch such offences as crossing the white line? Or is there a control room where a human sits and manually clicks pictures of offenders?

Experienced this first hand a week ago. My car that's running on Uber's platform had a bunch of fines, thankfully most were no parking. Paid them up and instructed driver to be more careful.

One of the penalty was of Rs 700 bucks for "taking on the phone." I'm 100% for this super idea. I just hope that the traffic guys don't outsource it to a 3rd party like our BOT infra projects which could cause a nuisance to all.

Not only that, upon further querying the local police, I was informed that the optional Drivers Licence details is given so that you can put the licence number of the person driving who is not the car's owner. There are some fines like without licence and without insurance that fine both the driver and the vehicle owner. Or if your friend causes a fine, you can put in his license number.

Even if this gets rid of 20% of the bad drivers on the roads, I'll say that this has been a success. Fines are applicable even if your car is not registered in Mumbai. Since most RTOs are online now, when you will goto sell your car or remove hypothecation from your car, your car will be flagged and you'll be asked to pay the fines before any NOC is given.


Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 4143690)
A closer look at the pic and this Hyundai i20 has the exact number as my Vento (MH01BBXXXX) :Frustrati
Attachment 1606873

I suggest you should immediately lodge an FIR regarding this i20 running with your car's registration number with copy of your invoice, registration and challan details with pics. Also if possible get the particulars of your RC from your RTO and attach it too.

It will be your first line of defence, if, god forbid that i20 is used in any nefarious activities. The cops will never know until you report it.

Also, you may think that they are sending challans for petty violations. But overlooking these petty violations only lead to bigger violations. If the people start stopping behind white line or the stop line, which is behind a couple of feet of the pedestrian crossing, should reduce the number of red light jumping incidents. Thats just me, habitual violators may think otherwise. For them its "Invasion of their rights".


Originally Posted by blackwasp (Post 4144203)
Experienced this first hand a week ago. My car that's running on Uber's platform had a bunch of fines, thankfully most were no parking. Paid them up and instructed driver to be more careful. ...

Were these No Parking challans supported by evidences?

Surely every vehicle owner cannot be expected to keep checking this site without receiving any notifications? I guess the system isn't fully implemented yet so I'll wait before logging in.

This is an amazing initiative. Check my registration number on a weekly basis and no fines so far. Maybe we don't have these camera set up in the suburbs. Having said that, since the e-challan initiative, I have been more cautious about the rules. But somehow, people cannot deal wit this change. Me stopping and waiting until the signal turns green is frowned upon at most signals in Mira Road. :Frustrati
Malad is fine, but the white line rule is something other should follow. Having stopped behind it and having to take a left, I had one car come ahead of me, horizontally to take a U-turn and the guys behind honking for no good reason! :deadhorse

Since the eChallans were implemented, I started checking for violations, there were none. This was when the system was on" webpage. I entered our mobile numbers to ensure that if we got an eChallan, we would get an SMS.

Now their website has changed to "" and this website does not capture my mobile number !!

I got a violation without any photographic evidence & to the best of my knowledge I was not in that area. What can one do except pay the challan?

On the brighter side, I have seen a marked improvement in vehicles stopping at red lights, specially BEST buses and taxis.


Originally Posted by rpunwani (Post 4144368)
On the brighter side, I have seen a marked improvement in vehicles stopping at red lights, specially BEST buses and taxis.

100% agree with you on that. Yesterday below JJ Flyover, earlier most of the taxis simply used to zip past even though signal was Red. But now no longer. Marked improvement in traffic behaviour.

A Best bus was waiting for left signal to turn Green, wherein initially they simply used to keep honking and zip past.

Why does the Police want to access my call information and my files?

What are the privacy safeguards built into the MTP app?

Look at the amount of access the Traffic Police app wants to access on our phones. I didn't install it the moment the permissions info popped up.

Not interested in Big Brother having this level of access to the files on my phone.


Originally Posted by Eddy (Post 4143738)
Brilliant system this.

I went and checked if a similar one existed for Delhi and to my surprise, yes it does.

However, I could not (thankfully) verify the entire process since there were no pending notices against any of my current or past cars.

This portal won't allow you to make the payment. My information maybe at least 6 months old, but that's what I learned when I tried to check details of pending challan and pay it. It redirects to a page once you click on pay against outstanding notice. Sending a cheque over to them is just as convenient, and worked for me. :)

I think someone took the initiative and then got transferred to some other deptt, and this never saw daylight.

Interesting that they fine people for stopping ahead of the white line, because most Indians have little or no inclination to do so. I've been honked at several times when I stop at a signal by a potential offender (I hope I can call them that) who intends to jump the signal or stop ahead of the line. Often I hear vulgar language directed at me. I have been able to hold my own ground due to the fact that signals are crowded places and attacking me is a bad idea but I can see how other people would be uncomfortable complying with the law when fellow road users are disinclined to allow them to.

Do they also fine people for jumping signals during off hours? Again based on personal experience, I'd rather pay up for a jumped signal than die after being rear-ended by a speeding future homicide suspect.

Here's an easier way to enforce traffic rules - how about crowd source it? Let people upload evidence of an incident via an app that also records GPS coordinates and enough photographs (and maybe also audio for loud exhausts and video for dangerous driving) to prove the offence and for every such incident, the first person to report it gets 50% of the fine amount.

Sorry to burst your bubbles people, but I've experienced this automation. You will suddenly find some fine against your registration number that you will be unable to appeal.

No one is there to listen to your pleas, and then again, what proof do you have?

I wasted a day trying to talk to some "big shot" and got shooed off.
Of course, the best way really is to negotiate a 'settlement' at the local police station (I am pretty 'slow' so didn't quite get it when the constable asked, "full amount?")

Whatever the automation, in the end there is always the 'jugaad' quotient. The automatic part is you will 'automatically' pay it once you realize the futility of trying to get justice.

Plus, a number of studies have shown that red light cameras don't reduce accidents (but I'd love to see those violators get imprisoned anyway.)

If absolutely, completely automated with no human intervention, this system will succeed. And here is how the Israelis have 'fixed' the system, so, we Indians, the smartest people on earth...


Watchdog: Israeli Cops Routinely Lie to Get Speeding Tickets Canceled

Cars driven by Israel Prison Service personnel also receive sweetheart treatment, reports the state comptroller.

I have a doubt - how this system works for cars that are out of MH state but regularly ply in Mumbai. What about cars from MH but from other cities such as Nagpur / Nashik / Pune?


Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 4143683)
Got a message saying that e-Challans were being handed out in Mumbai.
• The new cameras installed are uploading e-challans with the time & place of violation
• Photographs are included too
• Payment has to be made within 15 days of the incident (online)
• After 15 days, every additional day adds a Rs. 10 penalty
• Site:

Thank you so much for this thread. Its because of this thread that I came to know about an offence committed by me on 11/1/2017. And I had NOT received any sms in this regard :Shockked: Just because I checked the site because of this thread did I come know.

Now coming to the offence. I stood ahead of the white line. But where is the white line? :Frustrati

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