Team-BHP - Mumbai Police's eChallans System for Traffic Violations. EDIT: Now Maharashtra-wide

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I downloaded the Mumbai Traffic Police app on my phone and checked my vehicle number to find zero violations.
The query I have is that does the Mumbai Traffic Police app also cover Navi Mumbai because Navi Mumbai Traffic Police app does not have a link to check for fines or violations.

An Ola driver I hired last week was telling me that before he goes for the fitness certification on his vehicle, he checks the MTP app and pays off all the fines.
Otherwise during the fitness certification process, if there are unpaid challans, the cops make a fuss and detain the vehicle.
Tourist vehicles have to get their fitness certification every year unlike private vehicles that are only expected to get the fitness certification after the 15th year is over.

Thank you sirs for the tidbit regarding the eastern freeway cameras. I will be more careful from now on.


Originally Posted by Rohitj92 (Post 4382690)
They want me to maintain a speed of 80 on an empty WEH on a duke 390 early in the morning??

That's right, Rule's won't differentiate between time or the vehicle, For instance driving in UAE even at the night at 3 AM or anytime of the day/Night, People follow the traffic rules as much as they do during the day, Even at the smallest junction where there is no vehicle to be seen anywhere they still stop at the red light.

However i do understand what you mean to say, But legally its how it is.


Originally Posted by vharihar (Post 4382761)
I notice a sense of entitlement to "be allowed to overspeed just bcoz there's no traffic or one has a fancy vehicle".

That sense needs to go! Period!

We need to realise that we are extended the privilege of driving by the RTO under the agreement that we'll always follow rules. It's not a birthright we have!

Until we absorb that as a culture, we'll always drive like idiots. A rule is a rule. If the rule needs correction (Eg. perhaps relax speed limit to 90 before 7 am on Sundays?), follow the due process to get it corrected. But don't violate the rule just bcoz of a false sense of entitlement.

This is one of the things that makes us 3rd worldish.

Agree! It can be annoying at times to be "crawling" down the expressway at 80, but that's what we've also brought upon ourselves. Have driven in Australia and also a bit in Europe and the US. They have far better vehicles (on average) with better safety features and better roads. They also have far better drivers (on average) given that licenses aren't just doled out to anyone that can afford the bribe. The limits though weren't much higher than 80-100 on most roads and just about everyone observed them - and also observed lane discipline and all the rules.

In India though, we seem to take it for granted that:
1. We can speed if the road is empty
2. We can speed at night - since traffic is low (which is actually more risky as visibility is low and this is what causes most accidents!)
3. Signals are like employers - they don't really need to be observed outside of the 8AM-8PM span.
4. It's perfectly fine to barge through when all traffic is stopped for the pedestrian signals (Those plebs! If you can't afford to be in a vehicle, get your dirty self off my road!)
5. Overtaking can and should be done regardless of which side of the other vehicle (or indeed road) you need to take to (most that I know don't even know the concept of the overtaking lane!)
6. "Zebra crossings? Oh, you mean that extra space for me to squeeze my car into (generally using a horizontal shift to get by the fool that parked before those weird white lines)!"
7. It's perfectly fine to start "creeping forward" starting 20 seconds before the signal turns green - so that you're halfway across the intersection (such an important head-start in the race against time!)
8. If there's nobody at the signal, it's fine to break it

There is a monster thread on here about how to spot a bad driver. Yet, sadly, most of us are guilty of the above. I've seen the looks of shock I get when I stop the car to allow a pedestrian to cross. Some look downright suspicious - as if they expect me to allow them to reach the middle of the road and then intend to run them over. It's because they're so unused to drivers being polite - and in this case, I'm not being polite. I'm just observing the proper order of "right of way".

Until we discipline ourselves as drivers, we will always be complaining about how bad our traffic is.

On topic:
Checked the site and thankfully none of my cars has any violations cited. Glad to know but yeah, also expected as we also insist that our drivers drive sensibly at all times!

Guys there is a misunderstanding. All i wanted to say is, its difficult to keep speeds below 80 on an empty highway. Even if i cruise on 6th gear without giving much acceleration, the bike easily crosses 80.
By the way they have put up a picture as evidence. How much time do i have to clear this off?
Mumbai Police's eChallans System for Traffic Violations. EDIT: Now Maharashtra-wide-imageuploadedbyteambhp1523112932.824873.jpg


Originally Posted by Rohitj92 (Post 4383064)
Guys there is a misunderstanding. All i wanted to say is, its difficult to keep speeds below 80 on an empty highway. Even if i cruise on 6th gear without giving much acceleration, the bike easily crosses 80.
By the way they have put up a picture as evidence. How much time do i have to clear this off?
Attachment 1749481

Ok, I'm sorry for my unduly harsh assessment. But I hope everyone gets the idea. In the developed world, an overwhelminglu vast majority of the people follow the rule to the letter, regardless of whether there's a cop on prowl or not, whether empty road or not, etc. It's a culture thing.

We also need to imbibe that culture. Only then all our other vexing driving-related issues will suddenly become solvable or will vanish.


Originally Posted by Rohitj92 (Post 4383064)
By the way they have put up a picture as evidence. How much time do i have to clear this off?

Why wait sir?! :)

Clear it immediately since proof has been attached, nothing much is left to think upon IMHO.

How does these camera work in terms of speed sensing? Is there any sensor, or they take calculate time taken between two CCTV ?


Originally Posted by fz_rider (Post 4383748)
How does these camera work in terms of speed sensing? Is there any sensor, or they take calculate time taken between two CCTV ?

Got this today for violating speed limit on Eastern Expressway Mumbai.

My car was travelling at 90 kmph. The limit is 80 kmph which I found out the hard way.

Mumbai Police's eChallans System for Traffic Violations. EDIT: Now Maharashtra-wide-e-challan-pic.jpg


Originally Posted by a4anurag (Post 4383109)
Why wait sir?! :)

Clear it immediately since proof has been attached, nothing much is left to think upon IMHO.

Yes and that is why I paid immediately to avoid future problems.

Mumbai Police's eChallans System for Traffic Violations. EDIT: Now Maharashtra-wide-e-challan.jpg

Just casually going through this thread and out of curiosity checked my vehicle number.
What a shock:Shockked:.
Fine pending since 3rd Mar. Eastern Expressway at 2346 hrs doing 86 kmph on empty road.:Frustrati
Clear photograph of Nanook with all lights ON as evidence.
Paid immediately.

Got a fine as well for speeding (before the sealink,bandra side), mine's an KA registered car though. Only because I checked the website (thanks to this thread) did I discover it.
Mumbai Police's eChallans System for Traffic Violations. EDIT: Now Maharashtra-wide-mtpchc1800219954_01.jpg
Wanted to ask about what happens if you get caught speeding again? Is there a system in place for subsequent violations? Also any implications as my car being an out of state car?

got this "Halting ahead white line" fine at mithibai junction.
But I cant see white line. My car is silver yeti.
I wrote an email saying there is No white line visible to which I got the following reply:After verification of evidence it is found that the challan is proper & there is white line which is clear visible.
So your request for cancellation of challan is rejected.

What to do now?


Originally Posted by sagpatel (Post 4386895)
got this "Halting ahead white line" fine at mithibai junction.
But I cant see white line. My car is silver yeti.

What to do now?

Looking at the photo, you seem to be right. Revert to their email stating that your's is the Silver car, which ( to me ) seems behind the zebra lines, which are visible and you wish to appeal their decision and to let you know the procedure for appeal.
Even though the fine is negligible, atleast we will know how to go ahead with an appeal.

The White Line seems to be getting its due signage now at quite few places. Here at Gandhi Nagar, Vikhroli FLO junction the Pedestrain crossing board is up and the double white lines are clearly visible even at night. This is a welcome move. Earlier, I had to shell out fine for crossing it by a whisker even though it was not visible in broad daylight.

Mumbai Police's eChallans System for Traffic Violations. EDIT: Now Maharashtra-wide-wp_20180416_20_12_04_pro.jpg

I am facing a weird situation; checked my vehicle number at the site and found this offence as of 20th Jan 2017; at night 2 AM on a Friday night! The vehicle is definitely mine; no doubts about it.

Mumbai Police's eChallans System for Traffic Violations. EDIT: Now Maharashtra-wide-mtpchc1700114367_01.jpg

The only quandary? I was thousands of miles away in New York on that weekend. The lady is adamant she wasn't out that weekend.

So who's driving the car??? :confused::confused:


Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 4386996)
I am facing a weird situation; checked my vehicle number at the site and found this offence as of 20th Jan 2017; at night 2 AM on a Friday night! The vehicle is definitely mine; no doubts about it.

Attachment 1752281

The only quandary? I was thousands of miles away in New York on that weekend. The lady is adamant she wasn't out that weekend.

So who's driving the car??? :confused::confused:

Maybe the watch on the camera is incorrect? Also one can check "Timeline" on Google Maps if using an Android phone and cross check a person's location. Since it's an old offence, maybe she has forgotten :)

EDIT: Just to reiterate, the year is 2017 and not 2018. Either it is an old offence or the camera date and time is messed up.

All times are GMT +5.5. The time now is 10:33.