Team-BHP - Greetings from México, esp 2 bikers!

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Hello BHPians, the name's Alef, am from Hermosillo (north of México), and this forum came to my attention for it was a great way in knowing the latest from India, and also the great people that post (and are very knowledgeable). I own a 2005 Elim from Bajaj, and, to tell y'all the truth, we started on the wrong foot. Don't get me wrong, the bike's great, but ever since I began the process of purchase, delivery, and final exit out of the dealership, problems and mishaps seemed to follow me. First, I wanted it in black, and the only one they had was in Monterrey (a major city here) and it got wrecked during maneuvers of transportation (it fell off the container and got smashed) and I got to settle for the red one, which, after seeing it, it caught my eye deeply. But I had to wait over a month for it to finally arrive, and I immediately went to fill the tank, and as I was getting out of the gas station a pick up truck standing at a red light suddenly took of to the right (not straigh ahead) without mirroring, exactly to where I was, and it hit me tire vs tire, his front right tire against my Elim's front one, I got a big bruise on the chest (the handlebar got me and I got a splintered rib). The truck driver was decent enough to offer me his insurance, but I refused it, since there was not much prob. But the Elim whitstood the blow magnificently, nothing got broke or loose, only my left mirror needed a squeeze since at the dealership they didn't do it right, but no biggie there (for the bike, I was aching for over a month). A month later I visited the ground thanks to a taxicab which made an illegal U-turn when he had a red light, and appeared in front of me and I had no choice but to brake and slide almost 10 meters, burning my hand and a big hit to my knee, and the guy took off. I was returning to work, and my amazement was that the bike started up as if nothing happened (I was almost whimping in pain for the knee) but the handlebar got twisted, but still It managed to take me to work and they took me to the hosp. by car. Repairs for that were zero, since my dealer crammed it on the first service for free. 2 accidents now, but I was very pleased with my bike, I knew then Bajaj made top quality bikes, didn't have any mechanical problems at all. But at this year's beginning (january 12) I had a major accident on it (I had already forgotten the other two, they happened on august and september). I was going to work early in the morning (and quite chilly -for Hermosillo standards, in here 8°C is quite hard) doing around 60 or 70km/h, when an oncoming car crossed me to make a left turn so I in order to avoid a head-on collision I panickedly engaged the front brake (the rear was faulty, I was going to fix it later that day... but never happened) and the bike steered uncontrollably right into a concrete pole, but thankfully I got airborne to the pavement and not right into the pole (I wouldn't be here), because at the instant I figured the crash was imminent I instinctively balanced my body to the left. When I landed I tried to get up immediately but a excruciating pain on the same knee as the other accident knocked me to the ground. The car was completely shaded so I never knew if it was a male or female driver (it was a chevy monza, kind of like an opel corsa) and he or she stopped briefly when I was lying down, but they took off when realizing it was serious; I turned to see my bike and it got totaled (at first glance). At the hosp. they tore my pants and, again, fortunately, I got nothing broke, the helmet saved me big time (I got a little woozy -instead of corpsy), but the knee got severed down to the bone, had a lid of skin almost 1cm wide, and it required 7 stitches, but today I'm completely recovered, the wound closed good, and the bike is getting fixed, it will cost me 5500 Mexican pesos (about 23150 Rs), but with all my heart's sorrow, I will sell it, am gonna get for it (after fixed) 20000 pesos (84170 Rs) with 1200km. In México it costed me (new) 28113 pesos (1.18 lakh), but I heard u guys get the same bike for much less, but regardless of the cost here or there, it is a great bike. Everything whitstood the crash, but the entire front, I mean, the bike started even by being stranded for 10 days at the police impound! Engine, frame, gas tank, practically the whole rear was intact. I just have to replace the entire front (forks, handlebar, headlight, base, wheel -the tire was ok-).

As I mentioned on how I found this site, I'm looking for info on the Pulsar FI, my next bike with the money I get for my Elim, and a lil' extra I have, but it seems that it will arrive to Mexico no shortet than 2007 :confused: But I guess it will be worth the wait.

Cya all, and pls, drive carefully and always wear ur helmets, even for 10m ride.

Welcome to Team-Bhp El-Alef. Sorry to know about your accident.. As for the Pulsar 250 FI, most of us are waiting for more info as well.. But you can definitely find it here.. Hope you enjoy your stay here as much as we do.

Hello and thx "compa" (friend) Sajo...

I'm also member of "", a large site for bikers of the entire American continent, and portions of Spain. Some of my friends at that forum even dedicated a great site for the Pulsar 180DTS-i (but sorry, it's in spanish) if you'd like to see it anyway (I could help with translation) it's

Nos vemos! (see ya'round!)

And if u have any more updated info or pics on the Pulsar 250, I (and several bikers over here in Mexico) would be very grateful!


Hey El Alef,

Welcome aboard!l sorry to hear about all your accidents!! Maybe you should look for something on 4 wheels given your luck with bikes!? :D

Very glad to know that you were wearing your helmet all the time! (is it a legal requirement in mexico though?)


Hey El Alef

Welcome to the forum. I am pleasantly surprised to see that Pulsar has its own forum in Latin America. Even us lazy bums in India dont have one for it.

Other products India supplies to Mehico are Ford Ikon and Hyundai Santro.

Thx guys, I'm glad to be finally at the "source" of great bikes. Actually, before getting the Elim I went to see the Yamaha Enticer (also from u guys) and I almost bought if it wasn't for size and engine problems, I would be too big for it, in fact the Elim seems also a tad little for me (1.8mts and 110kg) but I got good times with it. But I want to tell all of you how much expectation the Pulsar FI is creating over here, there are lots and lots of Pulsar 180 owners in here (and also in Colombia, big time) who will gladly exchange their machine for its newest sister. I'm also waiting desperately for it, since I went to exchange my Elim (after it's repaired) for a Pulsar 180, but then I heard about the 250.

Hope it gets here sooner...



Originally Posted by Rehaan
Hey El Alef,

Welcome aboard!l sorry to hear about all your accidents!! Maybe you should look for something on 4 wheels given your luck with bikes!? :D

Very glad to know that you were wearing your helmet all the time! (is it a legal requirement in mexico though?)


Hey Reehan, hehehheehe, u echoed most of my family members, that want me to turn my bike into scrap metal and forget about her, that bikes aren't for me, etc... But actually, I can't let those "little" mishaps deter me from doing something I like for several reasons: it's cleaner, faster (transportation), easy on the wallet (fuel-wise), and most of all, heck, I love the feel of wind hitting on the face. I might crack legs, arms, or even my head (hopefully not fatally lol: ) but my passion 4 bikes will never end. And, as for your question, it is more of an individual requirement than legal, since in some states the law is tougher regarding motorbikes (especially at the capital, Mexico City). Where I live, in the northern state of Sonora, you can circulate w/o helmet, or license plates, or license, although the law requires u to do so, but if a cop spots you there's no biggie (for now, because the law at Mexico City is beginning to spread to the whole nation). On the other hand, Mexico City is a true nightmare for bikers, since the law strengthened its policies for the incident of last year, where a TV channel (some of u must've heard or see it) filming a bike group (of actors, doing dangerous slow speeds on a fast road) for a show at 2AM, created a major accident, when a car driver -doing 80km/h- rear-ended the bikers -doing25 to 30km/h- (unprotected, w/o helmets, let alone armors or anything else, only flashy outfits) who on the video are seen going off like flies, but the first one got killed, and that created so much controversy that bikes began to be seen as instruments for wrong-doing, thus, they do not allow circulation of motor bikes on important roads, and you can get your bike impounded for failing to wear helmet (at the very least), w/o registration, or unverified (for polluitng).
I too wish that law comes to my state, since there are lots of guys (esp delivery ones) who are running like crazy on small bikes, swirving between cars, exposing unnecessarily to an accident, without helmet, or worse, wearing it as a passenger. We recently had an accident where a delivery guy got killed (although he WAS wearing the helmet) when a truck tossed him to the sidewalk and died instantly for the tremendous hit. But don't ever say that "I don't see the point in using helmet, since am gonna die whether I use it or not". That's an absolute dumb thing to say, u significantly raise ur chance of survival by wearing it (don't I know). So wear it even if u r only warming up ur bike...

Drive safe e1


hey el alef, how do you say it,
como esta to TBHP, i hope i got that right

I've found the video 4 u guys...


hehehehe, hey Adit, thx...

Estoy bien! (doin' fine)

(cómo está... is "how r u") I guess u meant "bienvenido" (welcome) to BHP, and thx again


Originally Posted by El Alef
I've found the video 4 u guys...

Jesus.... this is so horrible.... My God... :Shockked:

Bienvenido El, hey man you are the first mexican on this forum Im sure...congrats on that privilege!

Its great to know that our so much normal Bajaj Pulsar is such a craze over there...huh!!! Can you tell us the specs of your pulsar so that we can compare to see if its the same pulsar that is sold here or some thing else...may be you can post s few pics of it too...

That video you have posted is shocking man, do you know what exactly happened there???

Anyways, welcome again, pls go through the forum rules and yeah, have a great stay here...


I knew then Bajaj made top quality bikes
Ha ha . Think again!!

Hey El Alef welcome to team-bhp, great to have you here with us.


Originally Posted by The Wolf
Bienvenido El, hey man you are the first mexican on this forum Im sure...congrats on that privilege!

Its great to know that our so much normal Bajaj Pulsar is such a craze over there...huh!!! Can you tell us the specs of your pulsar so that we can compare to see if its the same pulsar that is sold here or some thing else...may be you can post s few pics of it too...

That video you have posted is shocking man, do you know what exactly happened there???

Anyways, welcome again, pls go through the forum rules and yeah, have a great stay here...

Hey Wolf, thx, and am quite honored to be here, but, gotta tell u that pulsar is the same there as in here, so far there are two models, the 150 and the 180DTS-i, 16HP, 139kg, etc, u can check it out at the Mexican Bajaj site:
It may be a "normal" bike, but several mexican bikers use it to cruise around the country, one of my fellow posters (at ) even traveled 1200km with it. One of my friends who lives at the capital (2000km from where I live) is planning to come here on his 180DTS-i for a major bike concentration in my state, bikers from everywhere join in, to make bike parades, shows, etc... Don't be too quick to dismiss such a great bike, it's agile, and it's easy on the wallet, and very fun to ride... About that video, it happened last year, I've mentioned above that it was a total lack of responsibility by the producers of that show to take a group of bikers at 2AM to make shots of them at slow speeds on a hi-speed road, the car u see hitting them was a guy who supposedly fell asleep or was drunk, but saw them at the last second when they (the bikers) were already on the air. It was hard for Mexico's biker community, since it was a renouned actor, and what that created later: tighter (almost unbearable) laws on bike's circulation (one cannot park freely anymore, besides other outraging laws, such as unability to circulate on hi-speed roads, due to the alleged speed difference between cars and bikes, as if they didn't know about 500cc + bikes that outperform cars easily, but, for that incident, everyone got busted

Originally Posted by nitrous
Ha ha . Think again!!

pulsar proves it, but so did my Elim, if it was, say, a Vento Vthunder, it would a total wreck, mine whitstood it with only the front end being totaled

Originally Posted by sridhar24
Hey El Alef welcome to team-bhp, great to have you here with us.

Thx Srdihar, I am... I only got scared since I believed I got banned on the last two or three days, but then realized it was for maintenance.... Phew, I finally had found an interesting bike forum and already being kicked out (was my thinking). Another thing, on the "post ur modded bike pics" (sticky post) I added my Elim as it was after my crash, how strong the rest of the bike is, nothing broke in the tank, shocks, engine, nothing...

"nos vemos pronto" (cya soon) and thanks for the "bienvenida" (welcome)

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