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Old 3rd June 2021, 18:00   #1
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The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

I recently went onto alibaba to search for aftermarket headlights for my polo since its something that almost everyone upgrades to due to the poor visibility of the stock headlamp.

So I am browsing through different headlights and I stumble upon a nice looking dual projector setup pics which I'll post at the end of this. So I go on and enquire about the product to the seller and the first thing he asks me is whether my car is a RHD or LHD. I told him its a RHD and he immediately replied that the headlights which i was enquiring about is for LHD vehicles only. So I am like what does your steering configuration have to do with headlights? After which he sends me a photo of throw of light in case of LHD and RHD which I'll attach later.

So now I am in a dilemma on whether to order the headlights or not and as far as I know all aftermarket headlamps for polo usually come from taiwan or china where it is LHD and people are still using them. Will if affecting cars in the opposite direction too much or just a little bit. The attached pictures will maybe make this a little bit more clearer. Please lemme know if I am making any sense?
Attached Thumbnails
The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade-screenshot_20210603175933_samsung-internet.jpg  

The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade-screenshot_20210603175826_samsung-internet.jpg  

Last edited by suhaas307 : 5th June 2021 at 15:50. Reason: Spacing for improved readability
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Old 3rd June 2021, 19:11   #2
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re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

I think there have been a lot of discussions in this regard especially with projector upgrades. I do not recommend using the opposite configuration in your car. This will lead to the low beam being wrongly directed and would cause glare to oncoming vehicles even without using high beam. The correct cutoff for left hand side driving is like \_ \_ or for projectors it is -_ -_ and the upper kink is exactly what will cause the illumination to be limited to the side of driving. If this is reversed, then the kink will cause light to be cutoff on the driving side and illuminate the opposite side.

Hence avoid doing this if you are planning to. Check with a different supplier if he can provide LHD configuration. I have managed to get it for projectors when I retrofit into my bike.

Last edited by audioholic : 3rd June 2021 at 19:12.
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Old 3rd June 2021, 20:16   #3
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re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

Imagine driving through a nice winding country road in the night and it starts to rain heavily (can happen), thats all you need to know the difference.

If the head light has the wrong beam pattern, you may go off the road.
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Old 4th June 2021, 20:41   #4
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Re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

Heard in passing some years back from someone who took their car from England to Europe and back about having to put some stickers on their headlights to adjust the beam and I never thought about it after that.

However, my interest was piqued after your problem and found there are actually things called 'beam deflectors'. Don't know how you'll get it though. Hope this was of some use to you.

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Old 5th June 2021, 15:45   #5
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Re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

The projector cutoff is diff for both. It will cause glare to oncoming traffic when you on humps/bumps /inclinations etc. Either get RHD ones or get RHD projectors retrofitted in current headlamps which will be better from a performance point of view as well.
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Old 5th June 2021, 16:16   #6
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Re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

It does make a difference. I have tried on mine. You can change the settings on most BMW CBU models for LHD or RHD. I think the option is standard on most premium EU cars because of UK and other countries.

So, your seller is right.

Last edited by Turbanator : 5th June 2021 at 16:17.
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Old 6th June 2021, 01:34   #7
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Re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

So anyone knows about where I can find a RHD steering Polo aftermarket headlights like the one I showed in the picture? These stock headlights are killing me
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Old 8th June 2021, 16:53   #8
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Re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

Originally Posted by Gorkey View Post
So anyone knows about where I can find a RHD steering Polo aftermarket headlights like the one I showed in the picture? These stock headlights are killing me
Check on Instagram or Facebook marketplace. I have seen similar headlights being sold on some pages there. But you have to be careful with that too because they might be selling the headlights without any RHD/LHD concerns! Get the product/make details from them before buying.
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Old 8th June 2021, 16:56   #9
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Re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

Originally Posted by Gorkey View Post
So anyone knows about where I can find a RHD steering Polo aftermarket headlights like the one I showed in the picture? These stock headlights are killing me
Try speaking to a few sellers in Aliexpress. Some of them usually will have both options, or can customise one for you. It isnt a big deal to switch these setups from LHD to RHD and vice versa during the production, or even later by opening up the assembly. The cutoff plate just has to be reversed if possible, or if not a different cutoff plate. So one of the sellers must agree for this change.
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Old 9th June 2021, 01:18   #10
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Re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

I was just curious on how to order from AliExpress as it is currently banned on India... Is there some way?
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Old 11th June 2021, 20:51   #11
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Re: The subtle yet important difference between a RHD and LHD aftermarket headlamp upgrade

Originally Posted by amritpal2489 View Post
I was just curious on how to order from AliExpress as it is currently banned on India... Is there some way?
Go to Alibaba website instead. Its working.
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