Team-BHP - Volkswagen Jetta : Test Drive & Review

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This is India. The diesel we are driving is sanitized compared to the other gazillion diesel vehicles on road.

Unless the law is like in California I don't see anyone fixing their cars.

Heck its going to be tough to convince customers in Texas.

Yeah they'll first try it on us then they will take it elsewhere, but legally can they force us to bring our vehicles to the dealership ?

It is not being forced to bring the vehicle in and getting it tweaked that worries me - it's that when I go in for normal scheduled service or some non-related repair/check-up, they would quietly, without telling me, implement the tweak. That's what worries me.


Which engine oil is recommended for the 2.0 TDi ? I want to keep a bottle of 1L as backup in the boot.


Originally Posted by Chethan B G (Post 3836866)
As one of the criteria for buying the car is power, any reduction can warrant customers to take vw to court?

This will get serious. A lot depends on how customers react worldwide. :eek:

Touché to that ! I was thinking about the same thing with the Jetta just coming out of the 7.5k service. Saw the youtube vid where the guy dynoes the Jetta with a test simulation like scenario and there's a significant drop in power ?

I guess i'm gonna beg my A.S.S not to flash new maps or better yet copy my stock map and re flash it post service. stupid:

Hey guys,

My car is about 19 months old and the wiper blades seem to have lived their life - have hardly run actually.

1. The blades make a dragging sound when they run - assume thats an indication of end-of life for the blades?

2. Is this normal for the life of the blades - I kinda expected a bit more? My swift used to last a bit more from what I remember - but my memory is very fuzzy.

3. Where do you usually get one from? Amazon/ebay have a few - do you just go for that or buy one from the service center? I hear the service guys charge a bomb for this?

4. Related note: what is your experience with the automatic wiper system mechanism? I am not very happy - it seems to go off on its own quite a bit because of the dust etc I assume. Also, in the rains, my experience is a little on and off - as in its just not perfect (like sometimes it waits a long time before the wiper goes off - lot of water is accumulated in this time, also while turning the wipers usually goto full speed)? Perhaps something wrong with my car or some config problem? Its not a really big deal - just curious to know how others feel on this.

Thanks for your time.

Another roadbump in the adventure known as VW service.. My Jetta's front bumper damaged after a hard kiss with a truck and had to be replaced. Gave it to VW whitefield 3 weeks ago under insurance claim. As usual, part was not available and had to be procured from germany or pune depending on who you talked to.. Luckily I have a second car and easy access to public transport and the time taken was not a big deal for me.
Went today to take delivery and found that driver side headlamp washer cover was removed and lying separately. On enquiry was told that it came off and will be fixed. On closer inspection, it was revealed that the workshop folks had damaged the washer arm where the cover snaps into place during bumper repair. They at least acknowledged that it was their mistake and offered to get it replaced in a day. I asked how do you expect to get the part in a day since it is something very rare and present only in HL cars. No explanation given other than the promise by service manager that it will be replaced. I am guessing they are going to take it out of an existing demo car and put it in mine. I have asked to see the damaged part when I take delivery tomorrow (hopefully)...
I just hate stepping into VW service and this incident just adds to the whole unpleasantness of having to deal with them.
My better half is probably right when she says I should not have bought a VW and settled for a Hyundai, Maruti or Honda. Her ritz bumper also got damaged recently and it was replaced without fuss in 3 days flat during diwali week..


Originally Posted by ddis_dude (Post 3848012)
Hey guys,

My car is about 19 months old and the wiper blades seem to have lived their life - have hardly run actually.
Related note: what is your experience with the automatic wiper system mechanism?

Regarding wiper blades, fellow Jetta owner Chethan has replaced the wiper with Trico wipers and had given positive feedback on these. Check out the below link.

Even I am looking to change the wipers. However, just now found in Amazon that the 24" wiper is marked as exclusively for Prime members. Will have to wait till it opens up for regular order.

Regarding automatic wiper, yes, if you keep the wiper in auto mode always, it sometimes gets false trigger. I usually keep the wiper in off position, and when it starts raining, put it in auto mode. While raining, in auto mode, I am quite happy with the performance. Sometimes, it looks like it does not activate in time, but these times, the water droplets are pretty small and do not usually hinder the view.


Originally Posted by etrast75 (Post 3848892)
Another roadbump in the adventure known as VW service..

I just hate stepping into VW service and this incident just adds to the whole unpleasantness of having to deal with them...

I can totally relate with you. I too am totally averse to taking the car to the workshop. I have found that the general dealership experience is good. But at the shop floor, it is mixed bag. There are few guys who are experienced, and the rest inexperienced. And it is purely a matter of luck who happens to handle your car. If you get an experienced guy, your experience is pleasant and the opposite if you get an inexperienced guy.

I have had three visits to the workshop till now - 15k service, body work to replace front bumper and fender in a situation like yours, and battery warranty replacement.

15K service was very smooth. Totally satisfied. During the body work, except for a week's delay in getting the parts, the workmanship was perfect, and warranty claim was smooth. Happy there as well.

However, the battery warranty claim was totally messed up. It took two days to get the car back, and on the top of it while taking delivery, the plastic piece that is used to tighten the belt that holds the tool kit with the spare wheel was lying around in the boot (someone had broken it, maybe did not know how to put it back and threw it inside, or just did not care). Almost 2 weeks after taking delivery of the car, when I was checking air pressure, found the spare wheel dusty as if it had been either driven, or rolled on dirt. As the blue mark on the tires was intact, I assumed it is the latter - anyway it was too late to go back and ask the dealer.

Summarizing, I dread the day I have to take the car to the workshop for 30K service. The price we pay for the fun we get in driving the car!!

From Chethan's experience of Mysore dealership, maybe I will drive to Mysore and get it serviced there :)


Originally Posted by graaja (Post 3848944)
From Chethan's experience of Mysore dealership, maybe I will drive to Mysore and get it serviced there :)

Thanks for the link and the detailed response graaja.

On VW Mysore: I was (maybe am) a customer there too and the people there have changed entirely in the last few months per my understanding. My 18-months check is pending for a while now and I was planning to stop by since they wanted to check my brake pads. Not able to decide whether to take the trouble or just deal with the guys here in Bangalore - I have the Whitefield service center very close to my workplace.

Related note: do you follow the 6-month check thingy religiously? I was told by the dealer himself that its mostly just a "make sure nothing is seriously broken" affair and that its not mandatory to get that done.

Both last year and this - when I called them up just before it was time for the check - they themselves recommended that I show up some other time or just for the yearly check (since my running is quite low)! Just curious.


Originally Posted by ddis_dude (Post 3849753)
On VW Mysore: I was (maybe am) a customer there too and the people there have changed entirely in the last few months per my understanding.

Hi ddis_dude, need a clarification. When you say the people at Mysore dealership have changed entirely, is it for good or bad? Have they become better in the past 18 months or worse?


Originally Posted by graaja (Post 3849780)
Hi ddis_dude, need a clarification. When you say the people at Mysore dealership have changed entirely, is it for good or bad? Have they become better in the past 18 months or worse?

Hi Graaja, Only the staff have changed. Nothing else. :)

Do take an appointment 2/3 days before you visit them for service. Ph: 09611586257.


Originally Posted by Chethan B G (Post 3849842)
Hi Graaja, Only the staff have changed. Nothing else. :)

Do take an appointment 2/3 days before you visit them for service. Ph: 09611586257.

Hey Chetan,

I've been dilly-dally'ing on whether to stick with them for service.

(On a lighter note - no offence pls) There's nothing more in a service center apart from staff no - the mgr, service mgr have left - not sure about the individual service engineers - is that not a bad thing?

Have you had the experience of dealing with their guys post the older folks leaving? Is it worth the trip?

Also - would be glad if you could give me your input on the "optional" 6-month service checkup thing. I am so scared of letting the VW guys touch my car that I'm prepared to risk skipping this entirely!

Thx in advance.


Originally Posted by ddis_dude (Post 3850160)
Also - would be glad if you could give me your input on the "optional" 6-month service checkup thing. I am so scared of letting the VW guys touch my car that I'm prepared to risk skipping this entirely!

The 6 months checkup is needed only during the first year . Nothing much is done other than checking fluid levels and probably running their diagnostics. After the first year or 15000 km service, regular service is only once a year or 15K. No 6 month stuff after the first year service is needed.
My advice, if you can avoid taking the car to service center, please do everything you can. I have taken my car 3 times (6 month checkup, 1 year service and now bumper replacement and every time it has not been a pleasant experience). At least the first 2 times they did not break anything.


Originally Posted by ddis_dude (Post 3850160)
Hey Chetan,

I've been dilly-dally'ing on whether to stick with them for service.

(On a lighter note - no offence pls) There's nothing more in a service center apart from staff no - the mgr, service mgr have left - not sure about the individual service engineers - is that not a bad thing?

Have you had the experience of dealing with their guys post the older folks leaving? Is it worth the trip?

Hi Dude!

Don't worry, there is nothing to take offence in what you have mentioned. :)

I have had service experience with Elite Motors Bangalore, Palace cross MVM, VW Hubli and KPR cars Mysore.

I hate crowded service centers where they take days to attend to our car, even though we go there with an appointment. Adding to it, I am very easily put-off by arrogance.

From my experience; I do not trust Elite motors, Palace cross MVM is too crowded but technically very competent, VW Hubli is good enough for a stop-over.

KPR-Mysore is not crowded, people are generally nice and flexible, I always go with an appointment and get the car back after service on the same day, some-times I get a loaner car which helps, I have developed a rapo over the last couple of years - These things help. Also, most of the work and general service does not require high expertise. For any major issue, I would prefer Palace cross MVM.

Yes. GM sales and GM Service have left. Om-Prakash has rejoined as head of Sales (He is the person who sold me the car). But since I know most of them right from the billing section to the floor-engineer, it helps. I have got my car serviced recently - no problems. In short, it is relatively a small setup and so, delightful to interact.

I keep travelling to Mysore for Business. This place is very convenient for me. In Bangalore, if I have to visit a service center, the thought itself is depressing!


Originally Posted by ddis_dude (Post 3850160)
Also - would be glad if you could give me your input on the "optional" 6-month service checkup thing. I am so scared of letting the VW guys touch my car that I'm prepared to risk skipping this entirely!

6 month service checkup is required only for the first time after taking delivery. This is just a visual check to make sure everything is fine. From what I understood, ECU is updated.

I usually check all fluid levels (visual check) once in 6k Kms; Top-up engine oil if required. For the Jetta, I did not have to top-up even once in the last 40k Kms. I always keep 1L oil-can in the boot. :)

Can anyone confirm, the window lock switch at the drivers door which disable's using the windows for the other 3 doors, Activating it only disables the rear 2 windows? Or all the 3 windows?

In my jetta only the rear 2 windows gets disabled, Also compared to my XUV all the 3 windows get disabled.

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