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Old 6th April 2010, 08:08   #46
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Rate this tread!!!!

Originally Posted by BheemBoy View Post
Very good informative thread: Rollin' Thunda
Keep it coming.

OT: How do we give a rep / Star for a good thread like this? I'd like to give one.
There is a "Rate Thread" button on the top right of the page (just below the page numbers). I think you need to be logged-in to rate.

I hadn't though of it before, but I think rating the thread is a good idea, if it encourages more people to read it and participate.

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Old 6th April 2010, 09:43   #47
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Originally Posted by Rollin' Thunda View Post
Okay, I misunderstood how you would use the engine brake in an emergency, but I am still not convinced that it is a good idea. Modern disc brakes give much more powerful de-acceleration than what you will get through engine braking. Also, just because you use engine braking does not mean that you would not skid and fall. In fact by using engine braking, you lose a lot of control over skidding, as you cannot just get off the brake during a skid, for the bike would then accelerate forward (if the clutch is not held down):

I'll let the experts speak for me:
Sir, Thanks for the initiative and effort on this thread, well no expert here, but shall try to input whatever i have learnt in the past ~12 years, learning is continued to be a better rider

Engine braking has/needs to be done for smoother deceleration,

you need to match the revs with the engine, go down the 'box, slip the clutch while down-shifting(do not attempt when the engine is under 1000kms or engine is new) and braking at the same time, the rear needs to be dabbed to keep the rear-tire in-line and the front needs modulation which you shall learn with time,

I have started a similar topic elsewhere, giving its link for the benefit of majority
How to increase rear wheel traction? Better Braking - Motoroids Forums

engine braking--
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Old 6th April 2010, 15:15   #48
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Very good points and contribution which does take a lot of effort.

So let me be the first to rate the thread as a 5 Star thread!!!
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Old 6th April 2010, 18:13   #49
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Tip 15: Blind turns/curves:

Slow down and stay on the extreme left while taking blind turns/curves (both of right and left). This is to avoid being hit by oncoming vehicles cutting through the turn or overtaking in it. Overtaking on curves is extremely dangerous --- and extremely common in India. Expect to find yourself facing an SUV overtaking a truck on every blind turn, and you will not be surprised when you actually do so-- it will happen often enough.

Watch out also for pedestrians/cyclists, as you will be hugging the left side of the road.

Go dead-slow on a blind left turn/curve as you’ll see less of the oncoming traffic, and also of pedestrians/cyclists on the left who would be hidden by the curve.

PS: Thanks abhinav.s and sheel
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Old 7th April 2010, 18:00   #50
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Tip 16: Oncoming vehicle directly in your path

If an oncoming vehicle on a curve (or while overtaking) swings into your path: Stay extreme left, Slow down [see 1], use the Flasher and Yield!

On an undivided two-way highway, always move to the left of your lane if you see an overtake occurring, or likely to occur, in the oncoming traffic. Slow down to allow the overtaking vehicle enough space to move back into its lane.

1. Do NOT panic and go off the road UNLESS a collision seems otherwise inevitable. Going off-road at speed is likely to lead to a fall/crash, so slow down first to almost a dead-stop before going off the road.
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Old 8th April 2010, 19:36   #51
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Tip 17. for Highways

On highways, much of your danger comes from behind.

Keep the right lane free to allow overtakes while cruising on the highway. It is very unwise to continully ride on the right lane on a highway. It is the lane that SUVs and sedans think they own, and you don't want to get into a dispute with an SUV traveling at 140+ kmph!

Always check RVMs every few seconds to detect fast-moving vehicles that could side-swipe you.

If a 4-wheeler is close behind you, keep to the left-side of your lane (and allow it to overtake you, if possible), as you could be side-swiped during a high-speed overtake of that vehicle. [This is more likely on a two-way road, where the overtaking vehicle may make a fast overtake under pressure from oncoming traffic].

Also leave the left lane free when going straight past a left exit on the highway, to avoid being cut off by persons attempting to enter/exit on the left.
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Old 8th April 2010, 22:35   #52
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hope these help too

Please read all the pointers when you have time and don't hush through it

This is available on the Motorcyclist Magazine.(source of info) I thought it'd be wise to copy it on this forum and make it available to all my fellow riders. Like it's said before, READ IT AND LIVE

50 Ways to Save Your Life
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. —Aristotle

By The Motorcyclist Staff
Motorcyclist Magazine, August 2006

The best bike in the world is scrap—or soon will be—unless you learn how to use it. The most powerful piece of high-performance hardware is between your ears. To help you program it with the right information, we’ve assembled 50 potentially lifesaving bits of street savvy. Some you’ll know, some you won’t. All are worth remembering, because when it comes to riding motorcycles on the street, the people over at the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) have the right idea with their tagline: The more you know, the better it gets.

50 Ways to Save Your Life - Motorcyclist Magazine

1. Assume you’re invisible
Because to a lot of drivers, you are. Never make a move based on the assumption that another driver sees you, even if you’ve just made eye contact. Bikes don’t always register in the four-wheel mind.

2. Be considerate
The consequences of strafing the jerk du jour or cutting him off start out bad and get worse. Pretend it was your grandma and think again.

3. Dress for the crash, not the pool or the prom
Sure, Joaquin’s Fish Tacos is a 5-minute trip, but nobody plans to eat pavement. Modern mesh gear means 100-degree heat is no excuse for a T-shirt and board shorts.

4. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
Assume that car across the intersection will turn across your bow when the light goes green, with or without a turn signal.

5. Leave your ego at home
The only people who really care if you were faster on the freeway will be the officer and the judge.

6. Pay attention
Yes, there is a half-naked girl on the billboard. That shock does feels squishy. Meanwhile, you could be drifting toward Big Trouble. Focus.

7. Mirrors only show you part of the picture
Never change direction without turning your head to make sure the coast really is clear.

8. Be patient
Always take another second or three before you pull out to pass, ride away from a curb or into freeway traffic from an on-ramp. It's what you don't see that gets you. That extra look could save your butt.

9. Watch your closing speed
Passing cars at twice their speed or changing lanes to shoot past a row of stopped cars is just asking for trouble.

10. Beware the verge and the merge
A lot of nasty surprises end up on the sides of the road: empty McDonald’s bags, nails, TV antennas, ladders, you name it. Watch for potentially troublesome debris on both sides of the road.

11. Left-turning cars remain a leading killer of motorcyclists(Right turning for India)
Don’t assume someone will wait for you to dart through the intersection. They’re trying to beat the light, too.

12. Beware of cars running traffic lights
The first few seconds after a signal light changes are the most perilous. Look both ways before barging into an intersection.

13. Check your mirrors
Do it every time you change lanes, slow down or stop. Be ready to move if another vehicle is about to occupy the space you’d planned to use.

14. Mind the gap
Remember Driver’s Ed? One second’s worth of distance per 10 mph is the old rule of thumb. Better still, scan the next 12 seconds ahead for potential trouble.

15. Beware of tuner cars
They’re quick and their drivers tend to be aggressive. Don’t assume you’ve beaten one away from a light or outpaced it in traffic and change lanes without looking. You could end up as a Nissan hood ornament.

16. Excessive entrance speed hurts
It’s the leading cause of single-bike accidents on twisty roads and racetracks. In Slow, Out Fast is the old adage, and it still works. Dialing up corner speed is safer than scrubbing it off.

17. Don’t trust that deer whistle
Ungulates and other feral beasts prowl at dawn and dusk, so heed those big yellow signs. If you’re riding in a target-rich environment, slow down and watch the shoulders.

18. Learn to use both brakes
The front does most of your stopping, but a little rear brake on corner entry can calm a nervous chassis.

19. Keep the front brake covered—always
Save a single second of reaction time at 60 mph and you can stop 88 feet shorter. Think about that.

20. Look where you want to go
Use the miracle of target fixation to your advantage. The motorcycle goes where you look, so focus on the solution instead of the problem.
classic case-

21. Keep your eyes moving
Traffic is always shifting, so keep scanning for potential trouble. Don’t lock your eyes on any one thing for too long unless you’re actually dealing with trouble.

22. Think before you act
Careful whipping around that Camry going 7 mph in a 25-mph zone or you could end up with your head in the driver’s side door when he turns into the driveway right in front of you.

23. Raise your gaze
It’s too late to do anything about the 20 feet immediately in front of your fender, so scan the road far enough ahead to see trouble and change trajectory.

24. Get your mind right in the driveway
Most accidents happen during the first 15 minutes of a ride, below 40 mph, near an intersection or driveway. Yes, that could be your driveway.

25. Come to a full stop at that next stop sign
Put a foot down. Look again. Anything less forces a snap decision with no time to spot potential trouble.

26. Never dive into a gap in stalled traffic
Cars may have stopped for a reason, and you may not be able to see why until it’s too late to do anything about it.

27. Don’t saddle up more than you can handle
If you weigh 95 pounds, avoid that 795-pound cruiser. If you’re 5-foot-5, forget those towering adventure-tourers.

28. Watch for car doors opening in traffic
And smacking a car that’s swerving around some goofball’s open door is just as painful.

29. Don’t get in an intersection rut
Watch for a two-way stop after a string of four-way intersections. If you expect cross-traffic to stop, there could be a painful surprise when it doesn’t.

30. Stay in your comfort zone when you’re with a group
Riding over your head is a good way to end up in the ditch. Any bunch worth riding with will have a rendezvous point where you’ll be able to link up again.

31. Give your eyes some time to adjust
A minute or two of low light heading from a well-lighted garage onto dark streets is a good thing. Otherwise, you’re essentially flying blind for the first mile or so.

32. Master the slow U-turn
Practice. Park your butt on the outside edge of the seat and lean the bike into the turn, using your body as a counterweight as you pivot around the rear wheel.

33. Who put a stop sign at the top of this hill?
Don’t panic. Use the rear brake to keep from rolling back down. Use Mr. Throttle and Mr. Clutch normally—and smoothly—to pull away.

34. If it looks slippery, assume it is
A patch of suspicious pavement could be just about anything. Butter Flavor Crisco? Gravel? Mobil 1? Or maybe it’s nothing. Better to slow down for nothing than go on your head.

35. Bang! A blowout! Now what?
No sudden moves. The motorcycle isn’t happy, so be prepared to apply a little calming muscle to maintain course. Ease back the throttle, brake gingerly with the good wheel(the one not affected) and pull over very smoothly to the shoulder. Big sigh.

36. Drops on the faceshield?
It’s raining. Lightly misted pavement can be slipperier than when it’s been rinsed by a downpour, and you never know how much grip there is. Apply maximum-level concentration, caution and smoothness.

37. Emotions in check?
To paraphrase Mr. Ice Cube, chickity-check yoself before you wreck yoself. Emotions are as powerful as any drug, so take inventory every time you saddle up. If you’re mad, sad, exhausted or anxious, stay put.

38. Wear good gear
Wear stuff that fits you and the weather. If you’re too hot or too cold or fighting with a jacket that binds across the shoulders, you’re dangerous. It’s that simple.

39. Leave the iPod at home, PLEASE
You won’t hear that cement truck in time with Spinal Tap cranked to 11, but they might like your headphones in intensive care.

40. Learn to swerve (target Fixation Again)
Be able to do two tight turns in quick succession. Flick left around the bag of briquettes, then right back to your original trajectory. The bike will follow your eyes, so look at the way around, not the briquettes. Now practice till it’s a reflex.41. Be smooth at low speeds
Take some angst out, especially of slow-speed maneuvers, with a bit of rear brake. It adds a welcome bit of stability by minimizing unwelcome weight transfer and potentially bothersome driveline lash.

42. Flashing is good for you
Turn signals get your attention by flashing, right? So a few easy taps on the pedal or lever before stopping makes your brake light more eye-catching to trailing traffic.

43. Intersections are scary, so hedge your bets
Put another vehicle between your bike and the possibility of someone running the stop sign/red light on your right and you cut your chances of getting nailed in half.

44. Tune your peripheral vision
Pick a point near the center of that wall over there. Now scan as far as you can by moving your attention, not your gaze. The more you can see without turning your head, the sooner you can react to trouble.

45. All alone at a light that won’t turn green?
Put as much motorcycle as possible directly above the sensor wire—usually buried in the pavement beneath you and located by a round or square pattern behind the limit line. If the light still won’t change, try putting your kickstand down, right on the wire. You should be on your way in seconds.

46. Every-thing is harder to see after dark
Adjust your headlights, Carry a clear faceshield and have your game all the way on after dark, especially during commuter hours.

47. Don’t troll next to—or right behind—Mr. Peterbilt
If one of those 18 retreads blows up—which they do with some regularity—it de-treads, and that can be ugly. Unless you like dodging huge chunks of flying rubber, keep your distance.

48. Take the panic out of panic stops --Practice Braking Guys/Girls
Develop an intimate relationship with your front brake. Seek out some safe, open pavement. Starting slowly, find that fine line between maximum braking and a locked wheel, and then do it again, and again.

49. Make your tires right
None of this stuff matters unless your skins are right. Don’t take ’em for granted. Make sure pressure is spot-on every time you ride. Check for cuts, nails and other junk they might have picked up, as well as general wear.

50. Take a deep breath
Count to 10. Visualize whirled peas. Forgetting some clown’s 80-mph indiscretion beats running the risk of ruining your life, or ending it. -MC

some pointers are specifically for European/American countries but still make sense

Last edited by Sheel : 8th April 2010 at 22:48.
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Old 9th April 2010, 18:28   #53
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Tip 18. Allowing overtakes:

If a vehicle wants to overtake, always oblige if you can --- but only after checking that it is safe for you to do so. Indicate your consent to be overtaken by moving slightly to the other side and rolling slightly off the throttle.

If you do NOT want to be overtaken [say, because yielding, i.e., going left, may put you in line with pedestrians/cyclists/potholes] then accelerate and/or move slightly into the path of the vehicle, after checking in the RVMs that it is safe to do so.

In case the vehicle wants to force an overtake [say, by coming beside you] then do not resist: Yield immediately, go to one side and roll off the throttle (and brake if you have to). Resisting will just make it more likely that you will be side-swiped, especially if oncoming traffic forces the vehicle to make the overtake quickly.
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Old 9th April 2010, 19:27   #54
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Good to see an useful thread after quite some time. Glued.
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Old 10th April 2010, 14:00   #55
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Few More

The source wasn't mentioned and i merely copy-pasted:o

Watch drivers' heads and mirrors
Watching the head movements of drivers through their windows and mirrors is an excellent way to anticipate sudden moves. Most drivers won't lunge left or right without first moving their heads one way or the other (even if they don't check their mirrors).

Trust your mirrors, but not totally
Your bikes mirrors can be life-savers, but they don't always tell
the entire story even if they are adjusted properly. In traffic, always buttress your mirror generated rear view with a glance over the appropriate shoulder. Do it quickly and you'll add an extra measure of rearview and blind spot knowledge to your info gathering tasks.

Never get between a vehicle and an off ramp
This sounds almost too simple but drivers who decide to exit at the last minute kill plenty of riders each year. The simple rule then, is to never position yourself between a vehicle and an offramp. Passing on the right is generally a no-no, but in this day and age it's sometimes necessary. So if you do it do so between exits or cross streets.

Cover your brakes
In traffic, you must often react very quickly, which means not fumbling for the brake lever or pedal. Always keep a finger or two on the brake lever and your right toe close to the rear brake pedal. When that cell phone-yakking dorks cuts across your path trying to get to the 7-Eleven for a burrito supreme, you'll be ready.

Be noticed
Make sure drivers and pedestrians can see you, even from a distance.
Ride with your high beams on during the day (as a courtesy turn it off when sitting behind someone at a light) and wear brightly colored gear, especially your helmet and jacket.

Be ready with power
In traffic ride in a gear lower than you normally would so your bike is ready to jump forward instantly if asked (not everyone rides open-class twins after all). Doing so gives you the option of leaping ahead instead of being limited to just using the brakes when that pickup suddenly moves over. The higher revs might also alert more cagers to your presence.

Traffic slowing? stay left (or right)
When traffic slows suddenly stay to the left or right of the car in front of you. This will give you an escape route if needed. It will also keep you from becoming a hod ornament if the car behind you fails to stop in time. Once you've stopped, be ready; clutch in, your bike in gear and your eyes on the mirrors. You never know.

Practice the scan
Constantly scanning your entire environment while riding-from instruments to mirrors to the road ahead to blind spots to your left and right and rear keeps you aware and in touch with your situation, and therefore better able to react. Dwelling on one area too long; watching only behind or in front of you, for instance, is just begging for trouble.

Left turn treachery, right for us indians
When approaching an oncoming car that's stopped and about to turn left, be ready. Your bright should be on so the driver can see you (during the day) but don't rely on this to save you. Watch the car's wheels or the driver's hands on the steering wheel if you see movement be ready to brake, swerve or accede, whichever seems best for the situation.

Study the surface
Add asphalt conditions to your scan. Be on the lookout for spilled oil, antifreeze or fuel; it'll usually show up as shiny pavement. Also, keep an eye out for gravel and/or sand which is usually more difficult to see. Use your sense of smell too; often you can smell spilled diesel fuel before your tires discover how slippery the stuff is.

Ride in open zones
Use your bike's power and maneuverability to ride in open zones in traffic. In any grouping of vehicles there are always some gaps, find these and ride in them. Doing so will separate you from four - wheelers, give you additional room to maneuver and allow you to keep away from dangerous blind spots. And vary your speed; riding along with the flow can make invisible to other drivers especially in heavy traffic.

Use that thumb
Get into the habit of canceling your turn signals often regardless of the traffic situation. A blinking signal might tell drivers waiting to pull into the road or turning left in front of you that you are about to turn when you aren't. So push that switch a few times each minute. Better to wear out that switch than eat a Hummer's hood, eh?

It's good to be thin
A huge advantage single-track vehicles over four- wheelers is their ability to move left and right within a lane to enable the rider to see what's ahead or through their windshields, seeing what's coming can give you lots of extras time to react.

More than one way out
Yeah, motorcycles fall down, but they're also light, narrow and hugely maneuverable, so you might as well learn to exploit their strengths when things get ugly, right? So don't just brake hard in a hairball situation. There's almost always an escape route. Swerving into Mrs. Smith's front yard could be a lot better then centerpunching the Buick that turned left in front of you. Always have an escape route planned and update it minute by minute.

Running interference
This one’s easy and we'll bet most of you already do it; let larger vehicles run interference for you when negotiating intersections. If the bonehead coming toward you from the left or right is going to blow the light, better they hit the box van next to you, right? For the same reasons, don't lunge through an intersection as soon as the light turns green. Be patient and use the vehicles next to you as cover.

Practice quick safe stops on all road surfaces and conditions. Learn the distance you can stop within. If you go 75+ know how to stop from 75+. This gives you a better appreciation for speed and following distances.

Look as far ahead as possible especially around corners. Scan but use your side vision so you always have "one eye" looking ahead. Limit your speed so that you could stop within the distance you can see ahead. One day - you will have to stop.

My (not me, but the author ;p)new one I'm working on is to keep track of how warm or cold your tires are during the ride. Know how much tracition you have available. My tires went cold last week as the sun went down and I slid the rear under power out of a turn.
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Old 10th April 2010, 19:30   #56
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Tip 19. Overtaking (in general)

Overtaking is a dangerous maneuver, to be handled with care! On a one-lane road, use lights/flasher/horn to request permission to overtake. If the vehicle does not make space, do not force an overtake. The driver may have seen some hazard ahead that you cannot see, or may be intending to turn right.

Do not overtake near an intersection, a side-road or a turn, because vehicles may change direction suddenly, or if maneuver space is restricted, as on bridges, etc.

Try to ensure that the driver of the vehicle you are overtaking has seen you before you overtake. Just to be certain, honk while you overtake.

Never overtake from the left on a two-way road [see 1]. On a multi-lane one-way highway, if forced to overtake from the left [because the vehicle in the right-lane does not move over!], stay on the extreme left, and ensure there is no obstruction in his/her lane and yours, and overtake quickly.

Never overtake on a curve or even when approaching a curve (as your speeds at the curve may then be too high for safety).

Never blindly follow another vehicle, esp a 4-wheeler, into an overtake, as your view of the oncoming traffic will be blocked by that vehicle, and you may suddenly find yourself facing oncoming traffic.

[1] Overtaking from the left is dangerous because the driver ahead is usually unaware of your presence and may suddenly swerve left to avoid oncoming traffic, and thus hit you. It is especially dangerous if the traffic is moving fast, or you are approaching an intersection, a side-road or a left turn, bad road conditions (potholes, etc), road obstructions or are overtaking long vehicles like trucks and buses (where you cannot see the traffic conditions ahead), or autos and taxis (that can turn left suddenly to pick up/drop off passengers). But left-side overtakes are a time-honored custom with two-wheelers. Having understood the risks, if you still want to overtake from the left, do so ONLY IF the above conditions are absent AND you can keep sufficient distance [at least 2-3 meters side-ways] in case the vehicle swerves suddenly.

Last edited by Rollin' Thunda : 10th April 2010 at 19:36.
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Old 10th April 2010, 19:53   #57
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@sheel I made modifications (in bold) to suit Indian conditions/comprehension.

Originally Posted by Sheel View Post
The source wasn't mentioned and i merely copy-pasted:o

Never get between a vehicle and an off ramp
This sounds almost too simple but drivers who decide to exit at the last minute kill plenty of riders each year. The simple rule then, is to never position yourself between a vehicle and an offramp. Passing on the left is generally a no-no, but in this day and age it's sometimes necessary. So if you do it do so between exits or cross streets.

Be ready with power
In traffic ride in a gear lower than you normally would so your bike is ready to jump forward instantly if asked (not everyone rides open-class twins after all). Doing so gives you the option of leaping ahead instead of being limited to just using the brakes when that pickup suddenly moves over. The higher revs might also alert more cagers (motorists) to your presence.

Right turn treachery
When approaching an oncoming car that's stopped and about to turn right, be ready. Your bright should be on so the driver can see you (during the day) but don't rely on this to save you. Watch the car's wheels or the driver's hands on the steering wheel if you see movement be ready to brake, swerve or accede, whichever seems best for the situation.

Use that thumb
Get into the habit of canceling your turn signals often regardless of the traffic situation. A blinking signal might tell drivers waiting to pull into the road or turning left in front of you that you are about to turn when you aren't. So push that switch a few times each minute. (Yanks don't seem to have the turn beeper )Better to wear out that switch than eat a Hummer's hood, eh?

More than one way out
Yeah, motorcycles fall down, but they're also light, narrow and hugely maneuverable, so you might as well learn to exploit their strengths when things get ugly, right? So don't just brake hard in a hairball situation. There's almost always an escape route. Swerving into Mrs. Smith's front yard could be a lot better then centerpunching the Buick that turned right in front of you. Always have an escape route planned and update it minute by minute.

Last edited by Rollin' Thunda : 10th April 2010 at 19:55.
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Old 11th April 2010, 16:48   #58
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Tip 20. How to overtake a large vehicle on a two-way road

Do NOT attempt an overtake unless your vehicle is capable of accelerating in a few seconds to at least 20 kmph over the current speed of the vehicle ahead.

Your gear should be one lower than normal for cruising at that speed, [so that you can accelerate better]. Take the engine to high revs, as necessary.

Before starting the overtake, position yourself 1 second behind the right rear-end of the vehicle you are trying to overtake, and maintain the same speed. First check the RVM to see no one is trying to overtake YOU; also be aware of other vehicles beside and behind you (which may take your place when you start your overtake). Then peep around the vehicle in front, and as you see clear road ahead, start moving out into the overtaking lane (i.e. in line with opposing traffic) and closer to the vehicle ahead. As you come close to the vehicle do NOT remain directly behind it, in case it brakes, but move rightwards. Once you are near the rear-end of the vehicle you should be well inside in the overtaking lane, at least 3 meters to the right of the vehicle. At this point you should be only slightly faster than the vehicle ahead.

Then ensure that you have enough straight road ahead free of obstructions,intersections, side roads, bad road conditions and traffic to complete the overtake. [The clear road ahead should be at least 20 seconds (see 1) for a two-way, and 10 seconds for a one-way highway]. Also ensure that there are no more vehicles just ahead of the one you are overtaking. If you think it is safe to proceed then commit to the overtake [or abort it, if it is unsafe, see next post]. This is a crucial decision: once you commit, you usually have to complete the overtake and take the consequences of any bad judgment about distances, etc, you may have made. These consequences could be deadly.

If you commit to the overtake, honk to warn the driver of the vehicle being overtaken [at night, also flash your lights and turn on the high-beam, see (2)] and then accelerate and overtake quickly. Stay at least 3 meters from the vehicle you are overtaking.

Stay in the overtaking lane [and keep up your high speed] till you are at least several car-lengths ahead of the overtaken vehicle, and then move back into its lane.

Then shift gears up to a higher gear for a brief spurt of acceleration and then throttle down gently (not abruptly) to maintain a speed somewhat higher than the overtaken vehicle now behind you.

[1] 20 seconds = distance in meters numerically equal to 5 times your kmph at the start of the overtake. That is, if your speed is 60 kmph, then ensure you have 5x 60=300 meters clear ahead on a two-way road [or 150 meters on a one-way]. Actually the overtake should generally take just a few seconds, the rest is to account for the distance also traveled by the oncoming traffic, and as a factor of safety.

[2] At night: Do not attempt overtakes at high speeds on the highway; you are very likely to outrun the reach of your head-lights, and run into a whole lot of trouble.
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Old 12th April 2010, 21:47   #59
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Tip 21. Aborting an overtake:

Originally Posted by Rollin' Thunda View Post
Before starting the overtake, position yourself 1 second behind the right rear-end of the vehicle you are trying to overtake, and maintain the same speed. First check the RVM to see no one is trying to overtake YOU; also be aware of other vehicles beside and behind you (which may take your place when you start your overtake). Then peep around the vehicle in front, and as you see clear road ahead, start moving out into the overtaking lane (i.e. in line with opposing traffic) and closer to the vehicle ahead. As you come close to the vehicle do NOT remain directly behind it, in case it brakes, but move rightwards. Once you are near the rear-end of the vehicle you should be well inside in the overtaking lane, at least 3 meters to the right of the vehicle. At this point you should be only slightly faster than the vehicle ahead.

Then ensure that you have enough straight road ahead free of obstructions,intersections, side roads, bad road conditions and traffic to complete the overtake. [The clear road ahead should be at least 20 seconds (see 1) for a two-way, and 10 seconds for a one-way highway]. Also ensure that there are no more vehicles just ahead of the one you are overtaking. If you think it is safe to proceed then commit to the overtake [or abort it, if it is unsafe, see next post].
When you are abreast of the rear-end of the vehicle ahead, and in the line of opposing traffic you may have to abort the overtake if you spot obstructions,intersections, side roads, bad road conditions and/or traffic too close ahead for you to overtake safely. What do you do?

Don't Panic! If you have been careful to check forward conditions before you got close to the vehicle ahead, then the hazards cannot be that close. You can still safely abort the overtake.

As, at this point, you should be just slightly faster than the vehicle ahead [which will actually now be beside you], just roll off the throttle a little to slow down, and allow it to move ahead of you by several meters. Turn on the left blinkers. Then do a RVM+head-check [see 1] to see if that the place behind it is still clear [some other vehicle may have moved into the spot]. If it is clear, then accelerate forwards and take up position a second or two behind the vehicle. Otherwise, keep going at a slightly slower speed [don't slow down too much], allowing vehicles on your left to move ahead till you find a free spot on your left, and move in. Keep doing RVM+head-checks, till you are safely in.

Always abort unless you are sure you have enough free space ahead to overtake safely. It is a far better thing to abort that to continue an overtake which may end in disaster.

1. RVM: rear-view mirror.`Head-check': slight movement of your head to check if there is any vehicle in the RVM blind spot on your flank.
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Old 13th April 2010, 18:20   #60
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Tip 22. Night riding on Highways:

If possible, avoid night riding on highways. Too many things can go wrong.

However, if you do ride, keep your speed low so that your head-light reaches at least two seconds ahead of you (so if your head lights reach 20 meters ahead do not travel faster than 40 kmph). Most bikes' stock lights are too weak for high-ways.

Stay on high-beam on highways [on city streets use low-beam to avoid blinding oncoming traffic]. You could switch briefly to low-beam for oncoming traffic.

Stay totally focused on the road ahead. [The lights in the RVMs will alert you of the vehicles that are behind you].

Watch out for bullock-carts, tractor-trailers and vehicles which may not show lights

Watch the left-side of the road most carefully for pedestrians and cyclists. Keeping your eyes on the left edge of the road also helps prevent being blinded by oncoming car lights.

Your helmet visor may spread the light from oncoming cars, blurring your view; You can instead use clear, or lightly tinted, goggles to protect your eyes from insects [non-shattering polymer lens are better and cheaper than glass, which might blind you in case of an accident].

If you are on a highway at night a good strategy is to find a large vehicle to ride behind. This will alert you to obstructions ahead, as the vehicle will slow down at them. It will also protect you from the glare of oncoming head-lights, and ensure that oncoming vehicles do not intrude into your lane (because of the larger vehicle ahead of you). Ride two seconds behind the vehicle to give yourself time to react to the smaller obstacles (pot-holes, etc) which may appear from under it. Position yourself so that your headlights in the RVMs do not irritate the driver of the vehicle ahead. Cars (esp. SUVs) are likely to be less tolerant of a bike riding behind them, and also tend to drive faster than is safe for a motorcycle to follow at night. Buses stop too frequently. Slow, safely-loaded Trucks are best.

Last edited by Rollin' Thunda : 13th April 2010 at 18:29.
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