Team-BHP - Bad Drivers - How do you spot 'em

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This absolute jackass in a beige/gold Corolla just crossed my path. 5 km of empty road ahead of me, and the fool has to straddle two lanes and slow me down to 60. Dude, if you're reading this, and you live in Whitefield, a pox upon your house.

The man sitting in a white coloured vehicle with a yellow number plate anywhere in Bangalore.

Any damn idiot who doesnt give way to AMBULANCES and FIRE-ENGINES. what kind of dumb moron would do that ?? and yeah the guys fighting and chasing each other to be behind the AMBULANCE or FIRE ENGINES are dumb asses and a major threat on the road.

any driver in a vehicles with words

If you have ever drove on mumbai's road, BEST driver's will be on your top list.

Nice post.
One comment though. I agree that having both external mirrors folded affects the visibility. But if you are a good driver, the rearview mirror inside the car is more than enough. Have been using only that for the past 20 years and no issues till date. Ofcourse, my '85 M800 had only the RH mirror. But even though the Baleno has both RH & LH mirrors and which can be adjusted electrically, i dread unfolding them due to the unruly cyclists / bikers in Chennai who will not let it last for more than a few days.


Originally Posted by kooldude
i have heard that the bus drivers in kerala are the worst. anyone from kerala please reply

Yea, I seen em. They are an obnoxious lot that workout on the steering wheel when they drive -- turning them lock-to-lock every other minute. Obviously they are unaware of its use.


Top Ten signs of a dangerous driver

1: All external mirrors folded – visually impaired

-- Well Ajmat, I do not agree on this point :D as I drive with my external mirrors folded coz if you live in Bangalore and drive to work in Electronics city, you would notice the buses and lorries coming as close as your mirror any closer or if you do not fold your mirror, you lose the glass, the winding mechanism..
I have had an experience on my zen where a tempo came too close to my right from the left and pulled the mirror out which damaged my glass winding mechanism....cost me 2K

OK forgot the cars of Ministers, the drivers who drive them think they own the road, I've had 2 experiences where the Ministers convoy has forced cars and bikes off the road and shout obscenities at the general public...

Well this is INDIA for you ladies and gentlemen.....
Well, I made the driver call his owner and cough up the amount with a little not so gentle persuassion lol:


Originally Posted by adit1329
as I drive with my external mirrors folded coz if you live in Bangalore and drive to work in Electronics city, you would notice the buses and lorries coming as close as your mirror any closer or if you do not fold your mirror, you lose the glass, the winding mechanism..:

I've never lost a mirror - a few nudges yes


Originally Posted by ajmat
I've never lost a mirror - a few nudges yes

lucky you...
maybe after that bad experience, i do not dare use my mirrors in city, but on highways, i have both my mirrors open...

- driving fast in a slow lane.
- holding the steering wheel like its their only source of survival
- getting petrified at the sight of a heavy vehicle coming thier way.
- BADLY PARKED VEHICLES (ONE of the biggest way to spot them)


Originally Posted by sandev
If you have ever drove on mumbai's road, BEST driver's will be on your top list.

do not totally disagree with you on this, but just keep this in mind that they drive that 'battle tank' for 8 hrs a day. so they are bound to loose their cool at some point or the other.

Buses, Auto's, Bikes who stay exactly at the opposite side of the direction they intend to take at traffic signals ex: Auto at the extreme left tried to speed up as soon as the light changes to orange/green and go right

Bikers and Auto's again as for quite sometime now we have these timers which tell you how many seconds u've got till u see green in Bangalore - "Guys Was BLR the first city in India to get it?, I sure do think so correct me if I am wrong!!!") anyways I've seen these pathetic no good idiots starting off when there is still close to 10 sec's left for it to go green scaring the hell out of Pedestrains and the constant honking from behind that you get even when there is sometime left for the signal to go green.

please: Have some courtesy to fellow human beings trying to cross the road it could be one of your kin who gets knocked down one day...

Cyclists at signals, they think the signals don't apply to them or rather they try to get a head start when the signal is still red from all directions.

Buses when they get to the bus stop try to stop ahead of the bus thats already stopped, blocking the entire road at times. Have seen buses stopping in the middle of the road and passengers getting off/jumping off onto the road irrespective of the traffic

Medians and Road dividers in Bangalore, range from metal to concrete, 99% dont have reflectors, have seen so many vehicles ploughing into these medians all over Bangalore. Damaged medians protruding out into the road have caught many a people unawares and have seen people hitting them all the time.

Bikers who create enough mayhem on the roads also take to the footpaths, I'm waiting for a day when I get hold of one to ensure he never does it ever again

In Bangalore we have probably the highest number of techies (I'm one of them too) in the country that means good education etc etc, and along with other d%$#k heads they are the ones who behave like a*#holes on the road. Can't understand whats the hurry to get to your destination, care two hoots about anyother person on the road, behave like professionals and show some care to others on the road.

have seen some comments from people about using the side RVM's pls do use it, all the others would definitely try to calculate and try to keep away from them. The more closer they can get to ur car, the more likely u get to see a dent on your car.

Have a group of friends who well call themselves "Auto Beaters" recently say in December '05 always on the look out for erring auto drivers and make them remember their naani's and amma's. Last heard their count was at 20 odd out of the prospective 70,000 roaches in BLR. Long way to go but they ain't in a hurry.

Well I am sure everybody must have said one of these statements more than once Anybody going slower than you is an A*$Hole and
Anyone going faster than you is a maniac hahaha

Pls Live and Let Live.....

I have seen complains complains complains, Request another thread that helps people drive/ride better and please make it informative.

the people who learns driving after the age of 50

Can you believe i actually read the posts on this thread.. each and every one of them...
One thing you guys have forgotten...
Why do generally people use hazard lights? if their car is having trouble or if the car is parked to the side to warn others that the car is stationery and to slowdown to overtake right?

Well i dont know if anyone has noticed this but i bangalore i have noticed this a few times that is that is the car is going straight through an intersection then the driver puts on the hazard light.. Its like an indication that the car is going straight..:Frustrati .. the first time i saw this i slowed my car thinking the car ahead of me switched on the hazard lights is having a problem to my surprise he went straight through the intersection and then switched off the hazard signal... it was unbelieveable..

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