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You get Kong toys in India these days in many pet shops .... you can stuff them with kibbles/biscuits and the dog would spend a while trying to get the kibbles out.

PS: Does anyone know where I can get car harnesses for dogs to be used while traveling by car?
If I take my dogs by car without the harness, I have to drive very very slowly in stop and start traffic for fear of causing them to slide off the back seat when they stand up.


Originally Posted by ariendj (Post 2519074)
well here is a short video..

Rocky - my GSD - YouTube

So cute - he is really adorable!!


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 2512558)
It's a pity you told them about the dog :)

Oops :D

Anyways, M getting him here in a friend's car. He is usually quite restless and used to jump out of the window seeing another animal, but is enjoying the long drive calmly. Tomorrow he will be here.... Yippieee.

On the other hand the movers and packers who moved my households are junk and harassed me too much after getting my stuffs loaded on truck.


Originally Posted by ariendj (Post 2517408)
just got a german shepherd pup which is 1.5 months had been given de-worm medicine..what other vaccines must be given and when?
when do you start training the pup?

Come on, You just got him, why training? GSDs are intelligent dogs and do not need too much of training, just make sure he understands your words. Speak to him using 2-3 words in a sentence, repeatedly, like NO, Come, Sit etc.. Once he starts obeying you, he is trained.

De-worming once in 3 months. Other than that, Rabies and an injection which prevents him from all diseases (forgot the name).


Originally Posted by ariendj (Post 2519101)
thanks for all your comments..
what toys would be better? chew-able edible stuff or just artificial.

he is not that much into milk but likes biscuits and im wondering what else to be given?

You get sterilized bones which are actually made of real bones (I guess) containing calcuim. The bone should last long (around 2-3 months) for your puppy. It lasts around 20 days for my grown up GSDs.

..and you shall keep him away from the slippers or any household, otherwise you sure gonna need a lot of house renovation after 8-9 months :)

That sounds like a very simple, reasonable, and down-to-earth attitude to dog training :).

I'm glad to know your dog's transport is sorted out.

Just like bright and intelligent kids, bright dogs - German Shepherds, Labradors and Rottweilers etc, will always try to find the boundary of acceptable behavior. That is why the training. You have to tell them what is on and what is not. Once they understand they never forget.
. My Labrador had a trainer for six months. Amongst other things he taught him - sit, sleep, roll, salute, bark in this sequence. When ever he thinks that he should impress some outsider, the moment you ask him to show one command (say roll), he goes through the whole routine in sequence. In case he does not want to impress, he will execute only the command you have asked for, and that too reluctantly.
. My whole time house hold help when he just came, had discouraged him from relieving himself in our back yard garden. Till date until it is extremely urgent, he will relieve himself only out side the house, and that too under a tree or on a pile of leaves. (Cars and other interesting objects are a matter of ascertaining territorial rights and not relieving!)

If you train properly and give an alternative - bone, chews or even a piece of wood, dogs will not chew up any thing in the house, while teething (upto 6 months at least). Yes if thy feel neglected, especially when left alone in the house for extended period, they will chew what ever they like, and scatter what they thing is dear to you, just to convey their displeasure with your behavior.

Finally he is here, not very comfortable at his new home

say Hi to him :-)

Here is our mongrel who trained himself to jump and ...... well, walk on 2 legs too. Maybe he has had too much dose of T-Rex on TV. The walking part starts from 2 minutes on.

30092011012 - YouTube

I have a new car and onboarded a new golden retriver too. I'm heading for a long drive (Bangalore-Nasik) with our puppy. I wanted to ask if anyone has recommendation on pet friendly hotels somewhere on this route - specially Hubli/Dharwad/Belgaum. Any help appreciated.


Originally Posted by anandbangalore (Post 2530390)
I have a new car and onboarded a new golden retriver too. I'm heading for a long drive (Bangalore-Nasik) with our puppy. I wanted to ask if anyone has recommendation on pet friendly hotels somewhere on this route - specially Hubli/Dharwad/Belgaum. Any help appreciated.

I mentioned one place near hubli in this post made a few days ago

P.S - Is he properly used to car journeys? From my experience, you would want to wait until your pup grows up a bit before doing drives of this high distance. Pups under 6-8 months of age generally don't tolerate long drives well. The motion sickness will almost make him/her unconscious with nausea and dizziness.


Originally Posted by esteem_lover (Post 2526483)
Here is our mongrel who trained himself to jump and ...... well, walk on 2 legs too. Maybe he has had too much dose of T-Rex on TV. The walking part starts from 2 minutes on.

Sorry, I pity the dog for what happening with him in the video.


Originally Posted by anandbangalore (Post 2530390)
I have a new car and onboarded a new golden retriver too. I'm heading for a long drive (Bangalore-Nasik) with our puppy. I wanted to ask if anyone has recommendation on pet friendly hotels somewhere on this route - specially Hubli/Dharwad/Belgaum. Any help appreciated.

How old is the puppy? You need a pet friendly hotel only for grown up dogs, most hotels allow puppies.

If the puppy is too small and not potty trained, you gonna have hard time keeping the car clean :D


Originally Posted by KarthikK (Post 2530491)
Pups under 6-8 months of age generally don't tolerate long drives well.

According to my experience, dogs above 8 months don't tolerate the long drives well :D Puppies just remain fine in the car because their sleeping time is more than the time they are awake.

He'll be ~4 months when we hit the road end of this month. He 'should' qualify as a puppy to most.

On the contrary, if properly car trained most dogs tolerate car journeys admirably. They need to be familiarized with the pattern from puppyhood.

My dogs have always happily travelled with me in my jeep all over the place and for many years. Its only now as theyve grown older - 8 years and 7 years, that they are not too interested in the car anymore. They used to love it as puppies and would demand to go out every now and then.

Also, most dogs will never soil their "living space" and as long as you keep a constant watch on the pup and keep stopping for him to relieve himself, you will be ok. They dont normally let go in a moving vehicle but one has to be sensitive to their needs and keep an eye out.

Please take a leash and collar because our highways are not the most friendly places for animals - especially small ones who might see something interesting and try to dart across etc.

Ideally, take a large sized carton - line it with layers of newspaper and on top of that spread a comfy cloth type bed and allow the pup to sleep in the carton. Preferably, since he is a small chap, get the passenger to sit with him in the rear of the vehicle. Keep your AC on by all means, but now and then ensure you stop and get a bit of an airing.

Also remember to carry a bowl and plenty of fresh water as puppies get very thirsty and might get dehydrated on long drives on account of the AC. Ideal food for journeys of this kind is milk and bread in small quantities. Else, idlis and milk.

All the best!


Originally Posted by Googleman (Post 2533083)
Sorry, I pity the dog for what happening with him in the video.

How old is the puppy? You need a pet friendly hotel only for grown up dogs, most hotels allow puppies.

If the puppy is too small and not potty trained, you gonna have hard time keeping the car clean :D

According to my experience, dogs above 8 months don't tolerate the long drives well :D Puppies just remain fine in the car because their sleeping time is more than the time they are awake.


Originally Posted by shankar.balan (Post 2533392)
Keep your AC on by all means, but now and then ensure you stop and get a bit of an airing.

I agree to all the other points but this one. Dogs are not comfortable in a closed out space at all. The AC should be used at the minimum.

Leave the windows open. They will like the breeze blowing all times.

Also dehydration in a closed AC car is very high and can make the pet vomit easily.

reaction to AC varies from pet to pet.
also, frequent stops and airings are recommended. No loud music in the car though as this makes them feel unhappy.
Light music played softly is fine but hard rock and so on confuses the poor chaps.
Instrumental music soothes them provided the volume is kept at a calm low level.


Originally Posted by Spitfire (Post 2533448)
I agree to all the other points but this one. Dogs are not comfortable in a closed out space at all. The AC should be used at the minimum.

Leave the windows open. They will like the breeze blowing all times.

Also dehydration in a closed AC car is very high and can make the pet vomit easily.

Both my dogs are pregnant, just wanted to know the care to be taken during this time, both of them are very jumpy and i am afraid that might cause some issues. The boxer was mated about 40 days before, but there is no increase in her size or weight, should that be a problem?


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