Team-BHP - Team BHP meets-- Bangalore

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Hey Guys.
You know what i have been noticing in the recent TBHP meets i have been to in bangalore is that some one or the other is missing out. Did not get the point.. well here it is

1) We always plan a meet in the last moment and everyone who is known is called through SMS or a phone call
2) Not everyone gets informed about it and they miss out.. The last two meets there have been only like what 4 to 5 guys... :mad:
3) there are many more members from TBHP in bangalore that i have personally never met till date.
4) People are never on Time.. if its planned for 8 in evening be sure that you will be the only one there from 8 onwards. the other members generally dont turn up till 9..

All these things i can BET is happening in every TBHP meet in India and abroad.:mad:

so what my point here is to have
1) Common place for meetings like LCD in Bangalore (Open to other suggestions)
2) Fix up a day of the week where most of the members are free and can come to meet the others just to chill and have some time off from the hectic schedules.
3) Plan in Advance for drives like the go carting meet that was recently held..
4) Organise more frequent meets this is what i have always said in every meet.

waiting for your suggestions and valuable inputs in what you generally notice in the meets you have attended, and in what other way we can make it more convenient.

I have been continiously missing these events...


Originally Posted by general_neo
I have been continiously missing these events...

exactly my point... thats because you were never informed..

me too me too, i was also not informed

my contact details...9880366330

Yeah, no one calls me either... :(

No one calls me either. I still made it to two meets....I must be clairvoyant.

The answer to ur question is simple godfather ..

If u look at the general age group of the members of bangalore , most of them are in the high 20's - mid 40's .. Most of them are either working or married .. In a busy city like bangalore where every second counts , its very difficult to keep up with all the updates happening in and around us .. We need to tend to our work , our families ( like samurai pointed out in another thread , moreover the guys who are married ) , friends at work , friends made thru the forum ..

All of us have work shedules according to our own tastes and needs .. Some of us work during the regular 10-5 , while others prefer working during the wee hours of the night .. So trying to strike a balance btwn all this is quite demanding ..

I had already taken up this issue on the earlier meets and what i managed to figure out is , that all are almost if not most are BUSY over the week either due to work , travel , studies eeemm and the list goes on .. I have heard a lot of members saying that the only time they get to spend with their families is on weekends .. Thats the reason that we see very few numbers at the ususal timepass weekend meets .. Bcoz they prefer to spend time with their immediate family .. Not that we are not a part of that family called friends .. But complaning parents , siblings , wife , sons/daughters complaining of not being at home seems to be the biggest culprit here ..

To find time for all to meet up once a while , we plan out 2 meets every month .. These 2 days are well planned and are informed to all the members well in advance .. But as usual last minute changes occur and lot of em drop out .. Or a few people arent online and miss out the topics of the meets .. Thus its these two days that we see the maximum attendance and less on the other weekend meets ..

Im sure u havent till date made it either to the drive or a big meet , thats why u are disappointed .. Trust me its not all that bad as u think it is ..

Coming to the point of not being informed on time , *** ??? U guys must be kidding ..

General Neo very well knew about the meet and had confirmed his participation , but at the end moment he pulled out .. I even tried contacting him thru wolf from patel's inn and thats when i was told that he wont make it .. As far as i know even u were informed via SMS .. Adit wasnt bcoz he wasnt a active member then ( i think ) .. All those who PMed me or others like v1p3r , rudra with their contact details were informed well in advance ..

That way i really appreciated steeroid and harrie who inspite of some very busy schedules made it .. And our dicor man drove all the way from cochin to spend time with us .. Well the spirits are there and are high .. Its just that it happens only twice a month .. The day of the drive and 1 big meet .. Those who miss these are of the impression its the usual case , but its not .. And those who have hung around for sometime now know that ..


Originally Posted by Godfather
Hey Guys.
You know what i have been noticing in the recent TBHP meets i have been to in bangalore is that some one or the other is missing out. Did not get the point.. well here it is

1) We always plan a meet in the last moment and everyone who is known is called through SMS or a phone call
2) Not everyone gets informed about it and they miss out.. The last two meets there have been only like what 4 to 5 guys... :mad:

I know for a fact that the meet on the 8th of Jan at Patel's Inn was posted at least 2 weeks before. There was adequate notice, and enough time for you to post two replies on that thread:


Originally Posted by Godfather
Originally Posted by general_neo
I have been continiously missing these events...

exactly my point... thats because you were never informed..

General Neo was also aware of the meet on the 7th. He posted a reply on this thread:

If anything I've only felt that there are far too many "meetings"! And this is based on what I read in the forum, so obviously every meet is being advertized here.

Yay! Let's fight about the meets now!!!

Yes i agree to steeroids point that there are far too many meets these days and expecting all to turn up for the meets again and again is not fair .. Like i said we need to limit ourselves to two big meets a month ...

Major problems being :

1. guys promising and backing out at the last minute ..
2. unexpected last minure changes in ones schedule ..
3. not watching for updates on the meet sections ..

For me the most disappointing was to see the newbies and the mods missing out on most of the meets .. At any given meet its always the same gang geared up .. Expecting better particpation in the near future .. Also as a matter of fact , i was really impressed by the gathering at patel's inn too , which by far since i have been regular to the meets has been the biggest ..


Originally Posted by mclaren1885
For me the most disappointing was to see the newbies and the mods missing out on most of the meets

Well, I am neither, therefore I always show up provided it is not a late night meet and I am in town.

BTW, what are you mourning about? please:


Originally Posted by Samurai
Well, I am neither, therefore I always show up provided it is not a late night meet and I am in town.

BTW, what are you mourning about? please:

Thats another reason for the low attendance Godfather .. Not many prefer to come out late in the nights ..

What am i mourning about ???
Well sorry: i cant answer that right now , when the time comes u will all know ..

Welllll, what is the Agenda and When and where??????

Can I get added to the intimation list for the meeting. Sure would like to try to meet you guys.

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