Team-BHP - Chennai F1 meet- Malaysian GP 8th April

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Madhipirkuriya Nanbargale,

Yes, we are the unlucky souls to watch the Malaysian F1 on widescreen in an Air-conditioned place.
I've just spoken to a friend who's the manager of Coffee day-anna nagar and he's accepted for the special viewing of the Malaysian F1 LIVE.

The race is scheduled to be at 11.30 AM IST Live from Sepang.
If any of U have suggestions for a different venue, Im game with that. Post up and confirm ur presence!

PS: All U Ferrari Haters stay at home if u're going to grumble.

Coffee day for a Team_BHP meet ?? Come one man, Nitrous thampi, grow up. these restaurants & coffee shops are meant only for @$$@^&^&. What about a nice club with all the frills ? can someone suggest any decent club ?

I second E_L's thoughts. If u wanna meet up at Coffee Day, forget it. plus, the anna nagar CD dosent even have proper parking.

If ur keen on watching it in a coffee shop, there is a Barista on GN Chetty road where the RD club used to meet up to watch races on weekends. Its got decent parking space too and isnt as crowded (at least from what i ve seen).

I suggest we meet at some place like Raintree hotel. Last year they screened the F1 race in their bar (on a widescreen) and they also had attractive offers on beer... just like in Bangalore but wasnt all that cheap.

Plus when hunger strikes we dont have to make do with sandwishes and pastries like in coffee day.


Originally Posted by esteem_lover (Post 400077)
Coffee day for a Team_BHP meet ?? Come one man, Nitrous thampi, grow up. these restaurants & coffee shops are meant only for @$$@^&^&. What about a nice club with all the frills ? can someone suggest any decent club ?

Headers can probably take the cue here. His club (Guindy Race Club) has a large screen and the menu is very reasonable. :p ample parking space, good food n drinks including non alcoholic beverages for nitrous... what say vikram? We can all pool in the expenses involved. Will be a larger meet than the usual 3-4 attendees. Sounds like fun. ;) ?

Thats the perfect choice then. headers, what do you say ?

Headers' Guindy race club can be a venue if they have a large screen and is Indoors.
Else, we'll fix the rendezvous at Raintree.

agree: whatever you say sir, since you are picking up the tab.

I've paid a lot of taxes.So, rightly the Taxman should do the honours!

will check on about the screening of F1 and tell you guys.. else raintree sounds good..

Or even the one on GN chetty road..i forget the name of the hotel..

residency ?.............

Sounds good. Keep us posted about the final meeting place.

Lets keep it as Raintree. I'll ask Islero thambi to get it booked for us.
PS: Moi, Headers,N_adi and MAdan80 are meeting at the Harrisons today at around 7ish.Everyone's welcome to join us.


Originally Posted by nitrous (Post 402209)
meeting at the Harrisons today at around 7ish. Everyone's welcome to join us.

Lets make this another memorable meet... I request everyone to be on time. I hope we dont have anyone trotting in just before closing time.

7pm sounds perfect. Ideal time to get a table for ourselves. I will make a reservation at the bar (hudson). H2O (the disc that sucks bigtime) is too noisy for a meet. Hope everyone is cool with this.

We've booked Hotel Benzz Park ,T.Nagar for the F1 meet.A large projector and screen is present and the ambience is good for the meet. The race starts at 11.30 AM.Dont be late :)

All times are GMT +5.5. The time now is 00:29.