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Old 4th February 2025, 18:21   #16
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Re: Rear Ended by a truck!

Originally Posted by Tony2298 View Post
You quoted you bore the accidental repair expenses from your pocket? Why didn't you opt for insurance since I guess your car must be covered with a dep cap policy as it's almost brand new.
Yes, it is zero depreciation policy . The main reason why I chose to pay from pocket was that one of the spare parts - the Black Tailgate Garnish was not in stock at the ASC and it had to be ordered from Chennai. If I had claimed insurance, the car would have had to be left at the workshop till the part came - which could have taken upto 10-12 days. I could not afford to be without a car for that long for a damage that could easily be repaired in 2-3 days.

Also, it was not necessary to change the Black Garnish as the damage to it was minimal (scratches and lower right edge was cracked) and it could easily have been retained. But I did not want to look at it daily and get reminded of the incident. I am happy that the car has been restored back to its original condition.

Originally Posted by Tony2298 View Post
Have you fitted a DashCam to record these crucial events since the footage recorded can be a helpful evidence if things turn ugly. I'm going to fit a DashCam this month only as I'm a bit too paranoid these days.
Yes, a dashcam is necessary nowadays. Both my previous cars had third party dashcams. The Exter has a factory fitted dual channel dashcam on the windshield (front facing & towards cabin). Not sure if the footage recorded by the cabin facing camera would have been clear enough. It slipped my mind to retrieve the footage from the dashcam as I left the car at the ASC just an hour after the accident.

Originally Posted by GeeTee TSI View Post
Immense presence of mind and maturity shown by you (notwithstanding our unconditional love for our cars). Extracting the pound of flesh at the spot makes no sense (not even financial), either claim insurance or just foot the bill.
The least I expected from the guy was a Sorry. But instead he got aggressive & was unapologetic. Further, he displayed a false sense of bravado that he doesn't care what I do, despite knowing fully well that he was driving rashly and it was his overspeeding that caused the accident. He would not have gotten out of the situation easily had he hit someone else.

Instead of accepting his mistake and apologizing, he blamed me for "coming in front of him" - as if His Royal Highness owned the road and how dare I appear in front of him, slowing his supersonic Truck !!! And this is what made me really angry. I would have dragged him to the police station or dialled 112 had the kids not been with me!!!

Accidents happen and people should learn to say sorry - it helps in calming the situation. There was incident where a local Service bus hit my Glanza and he did not even realize it. When I confronted him, the first thing he said was sorry and that he did not realize that he hit my car. I let him go, as it seemed to be a mistake. But this Truck fellow was something else altogether!!! Out of State, scared, Alone & Drunk - may be that's what made him become aggressive and unapologetic.

Originally Posted by GeeTee TSI View Post
I do feel that you should have reported the incident officially in some way.
In the hindsight, yes I should have (as he appeared drunk early in the morning!!!).

Originally Posted by GeeTee TSI View Post
A hit (even a nudge) from the rear catches one totally unawares, especially the whiplash (prevented by headrests). I had a stupid Tucson driver nudge into my car at near crawling speeds and my head just banged into the headrest.
Yes, the impact(s) felt much harsher and my immediate thought before looking at the damage was that the tailgate and the rear bumper were goners for sure. The damage was less, which was relief, but that truck driver behavior was not!

Originally Posted by GeeTee TSI View Post
Do consider child seats if not in use already.
I will.
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Old 4th February 2025, 23:51   #17
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Well you had every right in the world to be angry with him. A heavy vehicle had rear ended your car and seeing your car, you were very lucky the damage was minimal apart from changing rear tail lamp, nothing much was required apart from rubbing. Usually the truck drivers are sensible guys apart from a few mad ones in comparison to bus drivers in whom only some are wise while rest of them are completely crazy.
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