Team-BHP - A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10

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A bevy of poetic lines by William Wordsworth, that still takes my mind on a flight even to this day, is his poem "Lines written in early spring". Before getting on with the rest of the story, I'd like to quote an extract from it.

"Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And 'tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

The birds around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure
But the least motion which they made
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.

The budding twigs spread out their fan,
To catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there."

A murky, drizzly, Sunday morning it was. It had rained all night. The dew droplets mixed with it's raindrop cousins, waited for the sun to peep, but the Creator, the Lord above wasn't quite in a mood to grant their wishes.
Well, the Creator had different plans. He was all set to show me, a brand new definition of "beauty" and to teach me a couple of invaluable lessons of life.

I make myself a steamy pot of tea, head out to the balcony, and smell the mist in the air. The steam enunciating from the tea, caressing the mist laden air, startled a revelation within.

I reached for some warm clothes, grabbed my camera gear, the tripods, and headed straight to the basement parking, where the S10 was still in it's deep slumber. I whispered, ""Bro, you coming with me? Lets explore the Bengaluru countryside". As always, the S10 obliged with the keen spirits of an explorer. Neither of us knew the destination, we just gazed at a direction, and hit the road.

A Teaser, to tease you stupid:

A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10-dsc_0105.jpg

It had been a while since me and my S10, the two brothers, had hit the road. Dawn was breaking. The morning light was flat, as a result of the overcast skies. Nature was wearing a beautiful green robe. The soil seemed to have quenched it's thirst from the thirst of last summer. There was a softness through these hours, one that does not exist when the sunlight burns through the sky and invites us all to action.

Well, it was time we decided to ditch the highway and hit the small picturesque streets cutting across unnamed villages, paddy fields, ponds, & meadows.

A couple kilometers in, and the S10 & I were gliding through such scenery

A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10-dsc_0034.jpg

The S10 found some company in red. Life was indeed so simple

A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10-dsc_0033.jpg

A playful rooster, running across the narrow lanes, only to be chased by the suburban kids

A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10-dsc_0191.jpg

After this rooster adventure, me and brother S10, set sail ahead, until we came across these kids who seemed to be so happy, contended and leading a simple playful life. Time seemed to have stopped for me. It felt as if someone had pressed the "rewind" button on my mind.
What followed was a game of "tyre-rolling-with-a-stick" between me and those kids, succeeded by a game of marbles. Of course, I lost both the games against them, but hey, here I was amidst these lush green surroundings, the smoke from the coal stoves (chulha's) filling the air, the mist touching my cheeks, the smell of fresh cowdung being brought from a distance by the moist winds, and me reliving my childhood days. Almost seemed as if a Live telecast of "Malgudi Days" was in progress.

Well, enough of me intruding into their territory. It was now time for the kids to get attracted towards my toys, and the top in the list was the S10. A request for some music-in-the-car came from one of the kids. I obliged, and played them some groovy bollywood numbers. Their eyes lit up. Followed were a thousand questions about the car originating from the curious minds of those lovely kids from rural India. While all this drama was unfolding, a little curious mind had noticed my smartphone. And the most expected question that followed was "do you have games in it?". I opened a racing game and challenged them in a light mood to dare beat me in that (Remember, they had beat me in their games? stupid:). Somewhere I too had become a kid.

Malgudi days unfolding in front of my eyes

A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10-dsc_0192.jpg

A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10-dsc_0193.jpg

Someone walks for miles to fetch water, and someone in the city just wastes it

A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10-dsc_0036_1_small.jpg

We move on. The lusty tone of the S10 was filling in the atmosphere that was already full of birds chirping, cows mooing, and clouds rumbling. Just then, my gaze stuck on something.

The pregnant clouds overlooking the Mother Earth sporting a beautiful green robe tailored by the good Lord.

A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10-dsc_0057.jpg

The view gave me goosebumps. Words cannot define the purity that was in the air. Senses rejuvenated. Eyes lit. Worries long forgotten. Mind washed of garbage. Ailments cured. It was now time for me and my S10 to become one, in this heaven, that just descended upon us.

Your's truly, with the love of his life, where we became "one". A love story, not everyone can understand

A sultry morning, the Bengaluru countryside & an affair with the S10-mes10_flickr.jpg

Two important lessons of life that I had learnt that day :

Thread moved from the Assembly Line to Travelogues. Thanks for sharing!

Nice photos mate. The S10 only adds to the beauty of the nature, in its own way (you see, beauty is in the eye of the beholder).

By the way, I cannot figure out which place this is. Are you going to keep that a secret?

What a unique travelogue! Goes to prove that you don't have to travel miles and miles to be "refreshed". Before I sold my Polo, I took a similar such trip and thoroughly enjoyed the countryside. Didn't click pics, but in retrospect may be I should have :)

As Rohanjf said, if not a secret do you mind sharing the route u took ? The places look quite serene and typical village roads. Would love to follow the same road.

Shubho, that was so simple and amazing. It was very moving to read the tyre and stick and the marbles, truly brings back childhood memories and something which the kids of today rarely get to experience.

The car is beautiful and the number is even more beautiful. How did u get such a nice number. The photos are also fantastic, I thouroughly enjoyed the short and nice travelogue, thanks once again, surely will stop you to speak to you if I spot you on the road. Cheers.

Beautiful! Simple and Elegant. Thats how I dream all my weekends to be!

But alas... There are some things called household chores!

Hi Revvmusic, just loved your travelogue and the philosophy, we need to find a way to unwind, relax, throw the cares to the wind and just be, you just put into beautiful words how this can be done in a simple, doable and beautiful way.

Will try and put into a short writing next time I try one of what I call the "Nature Romances" if this made me feel good, I'm sure there are hundreds of others who too do. Thanks for sharing....

Fantastic stuff Shubho! Give a shot out before your next session, more S10s will join in!

"More money will NEVER solve one's problems :
When we spend enough time with people who are actually living on next to nothing, but having a full life, then we will truly understand this. Everything that is wonderful about life doesn't cost a penny, and the rest is way cheaper than we think it is"

golden words brother.... love it

i will love to do this route on my bicycle. pls let us in on the map details!

Best way to start a day. Envy you and missing my NV Sport too agree:.

Nice photographs there, S10 looks gorgeous.

wonderful pictures.....

i think this is on the way to KANVA DAM...


Originally Posted by rohanjf (Post 3233324)
By the way, I cannot figure out which place this is. Are you going to keep that a secret?


Originally Posted by sajusherief (Post 3233377)
As Rohanjf said, if not a secret do you mind sharing the route u took ?


Originally Posted by WindRide (Post 3233721)
pls let us in on the map details!


Originally Posted by sanjaymugur (Post 3233966)
i think this is on the way to KANVA DAM...

No secret & all sirs. I wanted you guys to put down your guesses stupid:
And bingo, sanjaymugur sir, you hit the bulls eye.
I had kept driving on the small roads in the "Doddamannugudde forest". Kept on exploring the villages adjoining it, and went on ahead as the road took me, much past Kanva onto the Kunigal Main road and into the other interior roads.
People generally stop at Kanva, but what lies beyond is too spectacular.

WindRide sir, very tasteful. Bicycling through these places on a rainy, misty morning, would be a different romance altogether.


Originally Posted by SunnyBoi (Post 3233552)
Fantastic stuff Shubho! Give a shot out before your next session, more S10s will join in!

I will surely do that SunnyBoi. The view of a convoy of S10's in that serenity will be breathtaking. The interiors of your S10 are very tastefully done too.


Originally Posted by gops2009 (Post 3233542)
Hi Revvmusic, just loved your travelogue and the philosophy, we need to find a way to unwind, relax, throw the cares to the wind and just be, you just put into beautiful words how this can be done in a simple, doable and beautiful way.

Will try and put into a short writing next time I try one of what I call the "Nature Romances" if this made me feel good, I'm sure there are hundreds of others who too do. Thanks for sharing....

Absolutely sir. Sometimes, we just need to just pick up a direction and explore. The world is still a beautiful place. Glad that you liked the philosophy behind.


Originally Posted by majumon (Post 3233443)
Shubho, that was so simple and amazing. It was very moving to read the tyre and stick and the marbles, truly brings back childhood memories and something which the kids of today rarely get to experience.

The car is beautiful and the number is even more beautiful. How did u get such a nice number. The photos are also fantastic, I thouroughly enjoyed the short and nice travelogue, thanks once again, surely will stop you to speak to you if I spot you on the road. Cheers.

Thank you so much sir. I just let my true emotions out while writing the travelogue. Simplicity has always won my hearts.
The number is actually masked. That's not the actual number. But you can surely stop me anytime on the road for a quick chat over some nice filter coffee. "Got BHP" & LTD stickers on the hatch door.


Originally Posted by shashank.nk (Post 3233328)
What a unique travelogue! Goes to prove that you don't have to travel miles and miles to be "refreshed". Before I sold my Polo, I took a similar such trip and thoroughly enjoyed the countryside. Didn't click pics, but in retrospect may be I should have :)

So true. Wished we could have seen your pics too, had u clicked them.


Originally Posted by ampere (Post 3233477)
Beautiful! Simple and Elegant. Thats how I dream all my weekends to be!

But alas... There are some things called household chores!


Originally Posted by jacs (Post 3233945)
Best way to start a day. Envy you and missing my NV Sport too.

Nice photographs there, S10 looks gorgeous.

Thank you for appreciating. One should follow his dreams as far as he can. Life is short.

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