
How I found an innovative solution to save my Honda Elevate from rats

My car is shut down for extended period of times (2-3 months) as I work offshore.

BHPian daredemon recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Hi All,

From past 2 months I did not have any Rat entry in my engine bay (touchwood).

I currently own a Honda Elevate and previously owned a Honda Jazz which had frequent visitors and chewed the wires and entered the car via front firewall from where the sub woofer wire was routed and the gap was big (which i never knew). I have tried using nails on plywood covering the entire base of the car, have tried using tobacco, rat cakes, agriculture chemical (i think it was some kind of pesticide - very strong smell) but none of them worked. I also used Ratol granules which worked to an extent. I installed wire mesh for AC duct as well.

Now coming to Honda Elevate. I bought this car in May 2024 and after few days again saw entry of rats in the engine bay, but thankfully no chewing of wires.

Important Note : My car is shut down for extended period of times (2-3 months) as i work offshore, but every 2 weeks my friend takes a round and keeps it back. Occasionally my wife starts the car for sometime (around 10 mins).

This time before going to work I wanted to make a wall frame all around the car, to protect any entry of rat. The quotation given for the work was 18000rs. My friend had suggested to install LED strips in the bonnet by using a computer power box, but it never materialized, as i was not sure how it will be installed. FYI, I stay on ground floor and my car is parked in front of my hall window.
One day before leaving for work, i just happen to think that rats come in the engine bay as its dark and cold. I cannot do anything for the cold, but can certainly do something about the darkness. I ran out an electrical wire all the way in the bonnet and hooked up with an LED light of 10-12 watts. Every evening the light is put on and switched off in the morning. So far after 2 months and periodic checks, I have been informed that no entry of Rats has been observed.

So if anyone facing the issue of Rats, kindly try to illuminate the Bonnet with an LED strip all around with some power source for the night time (this will work only if the Car is parked in the open). If your car is parked in the basement, then you will require the lights ON at all times. Please try this option as this has helped me so far. I hope that this works for all as a universal solution and avoid so many hassles and expensive ideas.

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