Videos of a Mahindra XUV700 on fire had gone viral on social media recently. Mahindra took note of the incident and launched an investigation. The company's findings have now been published in an official statement.
According to the owner of the vehicle, the XUV700 was purchased 6 months ago and was completely stock. However, Mahindra's investigation found that the owner had fitted aftermarket illuminated scuff plates and ambient lighting. The additional wiring used for these parts is said to have caused a short circuit resulting in the fire.
Mahindra's official statement regarding the matter:
Our investigation of the XUV700 thermal incident on the Jaipur National Highway concluded last evening.
Investigators have recorded evidence of the user having fitted after-market illuminated scuff plates and four ambient lighting modules by tampering with the original wiring circuit of the vehicle. The additional wiring connections which are not originally engineered have been connected to existing electrical points causing the thermal incident. The owner has been informed of our findings via email.
At Mahindra, we design and manufacture our products with the highest standards of safety. We urge users not modify the original wiring circuits of vehicles as it may compromise safety over a period. We would like to assure our customers that their safety remains our utmost priority.