
My Priority Current e-bike: Update after riding 500 miles in 35 days

I love riding it as it reminds me of my motorcycling days - the same feeling of liberation, the wind hitting my face, being amidst nature. Gosh!

BHPian mobike008 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

500 miles (860 Kms) in 35 days- A brief report

It’s been already a month? Wow! It feels like I got this bike just yesterday. I am really enjoying riding this bike thoroughly as you can tell from my 1-month update and feedback about the bike and my experience with it.

In a little over a month (35 days to be precise), I have completed 500 miles (800kms) which averages to ~ 15 miles per day (Well, there have been a few days when I could not ride at all) and on weekends have done more than 20 miles per rides as well.

Below is my feedback on Priority Current after a month

Good Stuff

  • Smooth and wonderful to ride
  • Brakes have bedded in nicely and I get more confidence now compared to the initial feedback
  • Seat feels reasonably comfortable as I got used to it now. I stand up for a few seconds every 2-3 miles and now I can ride without stopping for 6 miles at a stretch
  • Bike charging is pretty fast. It charges from 0% to 100% in a 3-hours flat

Bad Stuff

  • Battery life is disappointing, to say the least. It won’t last beyond 30 miles per charge even if I squeeze the life 
out of it by using zero pedal assist for a substantial amount of miles in a charge. The maximum I got out of it 
was 41 miles.

My typical rides are in this fashion :

First 5-6 Miles : 0 assist which means it's like a normal bicycle

Then I bump up the assist to 1 or 2 for the next 10 miles till I finish my ride. 3 and 4 for a short distance only if elevation is tough.

I never use 5 (as it’s too fast and beats the purpose of riding a bicycle)

In short, I am hooked to biking (here folks refer it to as biking as riding motorcycles is referred to as motorcycling) as it reminds me of my motorcycling days, the same feeling of liberation, wind hitting my face, being amidst nature. Gosh! This feeling is indescribable.

Now time for some pictures and videos from the recent past.

500 Miles Completion

Shot yesterday. Fall is already in bloom on the trail.

Plenty of cute road crossings across the 15-20 miles of trail that I ride

Sometimes I extend my evening ride into the night. The lights are super powerful and give me a feeling of a motorcycle.

Here are some videos that would give you a sense of the trail which I am so much in love with.

  • Video 1 -  On the trail at dusk. Lights are so powerful, feels like riding a motorcycle. These are ambient lights and switch on and off depending on natural light.
  • Video 2 -  Start of trailhead near my home. The community behind in video is our home. As you can tell it's that close to the trail. Hence, 500 miles came up so fast. Haha!
  • Video 3

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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