
Rumour: Only electric 3-wheelers to be sold from April 2023

According to a media report, the government might only allow the sale of electric 3-wheelers from April 2023. The move is expected to promote faster adoption of electric vehicles.

Reports suggest that a high level government panel has made this recommendation with an aim to reduce vehicular pollution. The government has also proposed to double the subsidy on electric 3-wheelers to bring down their price, on par with petrol or diesel vehicles.

The panel has reportedly made recommendations for 2-wheelers as well. Petrol powered 2-wheelers upto 150cc could be banned from April 2025. 2-wheelers with engine capacities larger than 150cc however will be allowed to ply. 

The government is reportedly planning to introduce stringent fuel efficiency norms to force manufacturers to produce more electric vehicles. Further, increased registration charges on petrol and diesel vehicles have also been proposed.

Source: Economic Times

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