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Rtech - Robin Shroff
27th June 1978 - 23rd December 2007
A Beautiful human being, Ace biker & Team-BHP Moderator”
  • Navin Advani

    (Fellow Moderator)


    I will never forget the first day I met you. There was a mischievous gleam in your eye and an impish smile on your face. I thought to myself "I really like this kid". You had "that thing"...a certain aura that made everyone who met you, love you. Instantly.

    We continue to love you; the smile, the gleam and the boyish enthusiasm will not be easily forgotten. While we will always miss you, we take solace that somewhere in heaven, you must be having the time of your life riding from cloud to cloud with the same mischievous gleam in your eye and the same impish smile on your face.

    Ride on dear Robin. It was a privilege knowing you.

  • Jayakrishnan M

    (Fellow Moderator)

    Dear Robin,

    Our meetings were short, but the memories vivid. The knowledge you shared & your passion for motorsports will be missed forever.

    Keep the marshals in heaven on their toes. Ride on brother!


  • Nishant Deshpande

    (Fellow Moderator)

    Dear Robin,

    I can still recollect every meet of ours wherein our interaction always ended up in laughter. You were a gem of a person and I am glad that I spent a part of my life with you as a friend.

    Even though you have physically left the planet, you shall continue to live on in our hearts, for ever and ever.


  • Ajit Matthew

    (Fellow Moderator)


    Although we rarely met in person, we used to interact a lot on the forum. You egged me on to buy a vRS and even found a car for me (which I eventually bought!).

    I still remember the great evening we had in Mumbai when collecting the vRS. Your humour was infectious. One thing for sure, you were able to live and work for your passion - Motorsports. Many people, including me, never got to do that on a full-time basis - Yet!

  • Benson B

    (Fellow Moderator)

    As a newbie, I had my share of stumbling about on Team-BHP, trying to find what I was looking for. Robin was among my first friends on Team-BHP, a person who I had never met, but exchanged multiple PMs with. He has left behind a void that's very difficult to fill.

    A true gentleman and an avid enthusiast, his cheerfulness was infectious.

    Robin, you will always be remembered. You continue to be a special part of Team-BHP and our lives.

  • Priyank Mazmudar

    (Fellow Moderator)

    Years have passed by, but it feels like yesterday. It is really difficult to not see his ever-smiling face anymore. He was one of the most calm and helpful persons I have met. Robin was very passionate in whatever he did and had the ability to click with people, both online and offline. I have played many pranks on him, but he never got agitated even once.

    Truly miss you.

    Robin, your memory will ride shotgun with us, forever.

  • Debraj Goswami

    (Fellow Moderator)

    You were a gem of a person; always filled with life and ready to help.

    Had known you for a relatively short duration, post my onboarding Team-BHP. However, that short period of interaction was enough for me to realize the humble and energetic person, with a ready-to-help attitude, that you were.

    This community will always miss you.

  • Kiran Chitnis

    (Fellow Moderator)

    Dear Robin,

    You were one of the most down to earth individuals I've ever come across. I always looked up to you as an inspiration when I saw you ride / drive.

    We miss you and continue to talk about your outstanding love for anything on wheels. Hope you are living a high revving life up there.

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