Team-BHP - The DSLR Thread

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Originally Posted by pawan_pullarwar

Rudra sir, scratch is done by his doughter when the camera was laying on the table without lens cover. Scratch image will upload soon.

60k for a 70-200 2.8IS MkII seems like an awesome deal. Usually Canon L glass retains good value and sell for atleast 70% of its market value (doesnt matter how old it is)
Just make sure it doesnt have any focus issues and is sharp wide open. I ve seen people selling damaged lenses so if you trust your friend, go for it.
Check out the following link though:,3390.0.html


Originally Posted by govigov
What is the cost of canon 24-105 lens?

Should be around 58000 INR


Originally Posted by itspb (Post 2690207)
What is the difference between these two? As in for what purpose are they best used?

Any good forum/website/blog/guide for photography where i can learn more about photography and cameras?

The difference between these is the focal length. An 18-55 has a focal length reach of 18mm to 55mm (on a full frame. Multiply with the crop factor, 1.6 for Canon AFAIK to get effective focal length). An 18-135mm has a reach of 18mm to 135mm. This should answer for most of the casual photographer's need. Just type photography tips in google, you will find hundreds of guides. I really like this Photography Tips for Beginners.

There is no bigger lesson/guide than taking out your camera and shooting:)


Originally Posted by itspb (Post 2690207)
What is the difference between these two? As in for what purpose are they best used?

Any good forum/website/blog/guide for photography where i can learn more about photography and cameras?

Check out this youtube video, this guys videos are very good.
Photography Tutorial 1 (Fundamentals) - YouTube


Originally Posted by sachinj12 (Post 2691234)
The difference between these is the focal length. An 18-55 has a focal length reach of 18mm to 55mm (on a full frame.
There is no bigger lesson/guide than taking out your camera and shooting:)

Hmmm. So 18-135mm lens should do the job. I checked out the link you gave me. Amazing stuff! So now I'm stuck between Canon 550D and 600D. Is the 600D worth the 10k??


Originally Posted by robimahanta (Post 2691077)
Canon L glass retains good value and sell for atleast 70% of its market value (doesnt matter how old it is)
Just make sure it doesnt have any focus issues and is sharp wide open. I ve seen people selling damaged lenses so if you trust your friend, go for it.

Absolutely sane advice. Under normal circumstances I'd be wondering why a person is selling such a top notch lens for less than 50% of the price, unless of course he himself doesn't know what its second sale value is. :D


Originally Posted by Thar4x4 (Post 2690802)
But what is thought behind the Canon Logo, personally I like it lot :).

Also looks like you are from Pune, can you suggest me a good basic course to understand the DSLR, right now I am going through dpreview and other online forums main issue no one demonstrate the capability of stock setup Canon 550D and 18-55mm IS II.


About the logo, frankly Vishal I prefer being discrete especially when carrying expensive photographic equipment.

My friends and I have learnt that people in India are very curious about those eye catching Nikon or Canon logos especially whilst travelling or shooting in public places. It also makes a tempting target for thieves. But then to each his own.

There are some photography classes in Pune - can't recall their names though. The best way to learn is by using and exploring your camera. Keep the manual handy till you get familiar with all the major settings and operations.


Originally Posted by R2D2 (Post 2691494)
About the logo, frankly Vishal I prefer being discrete especially when carrying expensive photographic equipment.

My friends and I have learnt that people in India are very curious about those eye catching Nikon or Canon logos especially whilst travelling or shooting in public places. It also makes a tempting target for thieves. But then to each his own.

There are some photography classes in Pune - can't recall their names though. The best way to learn is by using and exploring your camera. Keep the manual handy till you get familiar with all the major settings and operations.

Oh ok, thanks for information. I will ensure this as this is my first DSLR.

Ok, I am going with some photography group from next month as well.



Originally Posted by Rudra Sen (Post 2690466)
How did that scratch happen? Where exactly is the scratch?

I have attached scratched glass's photo.


Originally Posted by clevermax (Post 2690711)
I think it should be okay if it is a small scratch in the front element, it is not going to affect the images in any noticeable way at all. (From my experience using a friend's lens with scratched front element, a tiny scratch which ran along the center of the glass to the side)


Originally Posted by R2D2 (Post 2690789)
Congratulations Vishal. Just a suggestion - get rid of that freebie bag and get one from Lowepro/Tamrac/Vanguard/Kata. Two reasons - one is the extra large Canon logo attracts the wrong kind of attention and second, but most important, is that aftermarket bags are much better made and will protect your camera and lenses better. I even went to the extent of changing my camera strap to avoid getting curious stares from people. :D

Firstly a small scratch on the front element will not affect the image except whilst shooting into the sun or bright light when the scratch may cause a minor flare. Nothing you cannot fix during PPing with LR/PS.

But getting a 1 year old lens that costs nearly Rs 1.4-1.5 lakhs (it is the superb F/2.8 IS II isn't it?) for just Rs 60K is a great deal. :thumbs up Be sure to use a good quality filter to protect the front element once you are done with your purchase. Good luck!


Originally Posted by kartikk (Post 2690796)
If the mechanics are fine and the lens performs well in test shots then you are lucky for 60k this is out right steal, but a purist pixel peeper will spot any difference. This Canon baby is a very famed one and retails here in India for about 1.4lacs if you need to even check how good the lens is Canon authorised dealer will charge 3K just to touch this lens forget repairing/changing parts etc..


Originally Posted by robimahanta (Post 2691077)
60k for a 70-200 2.8IS MkII seems like an awesome deal. Usually Canon L glass retains good value and sell for atleast 70% of its market value (doesnt matter how old it is)
Just make sure it doesnt have any focus issues and is sharp wide open. I ve seen people selling damaged lenses so if you trust your friend, go for it.
Check out the following link though:
70-200 2.8 is II - HELP

Thanks for the response. One correction, It's a Canon 70-200 F2.8 IS L USM Mk I .... Lens is with very close friend of time who has photo studio, after buying he realized he has no use of that lens, he can not use it in studio, he also does wedding photography, so he want to buy Canon 5D Mk II + 24-105 lens. That is the reason for selling the lens.

Attached is the lens front element photo.

The DSLR Thread-img_5867.jpg

The DSLR Thread-img_5874.jpg


Originally Posted by itspb (Post 2691491)
Hmmm. So 18-135mm lens should do the job. I checked out the link you gave me. Amazing stuff! So now I'm stuck between Canon 550D and 600D. Is the 600D worth the 10k??

The only thing the 550D lacks is the swivel screen,right? Its up to you to decide if you need the swivel. It might help while composing in difficult angles. And adds to the cool quotient. Apart from these, I see no real advantage. If I was in your shoes,I would rather spend the 10k on a lens or a tripod. But, that's me, your view maybe different:)


Originally Posted by pawan_pullarwar (Post 2691751)
I have attached scratched glass's photo.

Sad to see this. If possible, suggest try out some frames at higher aperture (f11 and above). Try some backlit frames. Early morning or late afternoon sun. Allow the light to hit the lens. If possible, employ a tripod.

If you find nothing disturbing, go ahead. I'm keen to see the results.


Originally Posted by pawan_pullarwar

Attached is the lens front element photo.

Those are some bad scratches man! Hope it won't affect the quality much. The scratch i was talking about is much smaller than these.

Ouch! thats some bad lens, sorry but its Mark 1 version of the lens, please check out for seconds the NEW one retails at around $1250, currently Canon is running some good rebates there is a $200 rebate going on and a double rebate with body, though this rebate is in US & Canada only some of them definately end up on craigslist in Europe.

There are invites for the launch of 5D MIII body doing the rounds with many pros, the event is rumored on 27/28th Feb or March first week, hazzarding a guess with the launch of new body and some new lens there could be a price drop on the older version. Also when is it June? I think is the London Olympics so expect more "offers" during the season time from both Canon/Nikon.

No deal for this one is my opinion. I'll pass


Originally Posted by pawan_pullarwar (Post 2691751)
It's a Canon 70-200 F2.8 IS L USM Mk I .... Lens is with very close friend of time who has photo studio, after buying he realized he has no use of that lens, he can not use it in studio, he also does wedding photography, so he want to buy Canon 5D Mk II + 24-105 lens. That is the reason for selling the lens.

Attached is the lens front element photo.

Ouch! Those scratches are bad! And since they look to be concentric circles there's a very good chance they will cause flare when shooting into bright lights/sunsets etc.

This is just a guess, but the concentric circles seem to have been made by someone (the child?) using a smaller lens cap and turning it around.:Shockked:

You know what Pawan, if I were you I would give this lens a miss. Sad end for a beautiful lens. BTW, a new but similar model offered by Canon should cost you about 80-90K. This particular model may have been phased out.


PS - This is why I always suggest installing a UV filter on the lens to protect the front element.


Originally Posted by R2D2 (Post 2691818)

PS - This is why I always suggest installing a UV filter on the lens to protect the front element.

Any suggestion for good/professional shop in Pune for UV filter.

I went to Sun shoppe at Goodluck chouk for fitting screen guard but got nervous with the camera handling of guy while applying screen guard, so didn't thought of applying UV filter, I want it to done by professional.



Originally Posted by Thar4x4 (Post 2691853)
Any suggestion for good/professional shop in Pune for UV filter.

I went to Sun shoppe at Goodluck chouk for fitting screen guard but got nervous with the camera handling of guy while applying screen guard, so didn't thought of applying UV filter, I want it to done by professional.


Most camera shops will store lower end UV or Haze filters, most common are Marumi filters - they are cheap and effective and surprisingly made in Japan. You can get these for starters.

Once budget permits go in for better but more expensive ones such as Hoya HMC but make sure you buy the original as there are many fake Hoyas in the market. To avoid fakes, try buying them from

To get the size of the filter turn the lens cap around and you will see the size mentioned in mm. Buy a filter of the same size. UV filters are simply screwed onto the front of the lens and do not require professionals to install them.


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