Team-BHP - The DSLR Thread

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Guys I am selling my entire Nikon system for an upgrade soon :)
If anyone would be interested, please check this link
FS: Nikon FX Body, Prime Lenses, Sigma 70-200, Flashes, Triggers, Tripod etc.


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2528285)
Guys I am selling my entire Nikon system for an upgrade soon :)
If anyone would be interested, please check this link
FS: Nikon FX Body, Prime Lenses, Sigma 70-200, Flashes, Triggers, Tripod etc.

don't tell me :Shockked: , moving to canon ?

Rajiv, to be frank, not yet decided. Need to cool off my head for sometime and see what can be light, affordable and fun to use. Reading a lot on 4/3rds these days. I will post here as soon as I get an idea on the developments :)

Seriously looking for a Nikon FX DSLR. Not interested in D700. Not getting a D3 from anywhere; no old stocks, not a single piece anywhere. :Frustrati

Still nothing is heard about the launch of D800, that was supposed to happen in September.

So I tried to look for a D3s in the grey market. Not available. It is available on bill and costs a whopping 2.44L for the body. :deadhorse

So, the wait for D800 continues.....sigh..!


Originally Posted by gd1418 (Post 2528375)
.....Still nothing is heard about the launch of D800, that was supposed to happen in September.......

Now September is moved to October end, probably more ! If you want full HD video and a megapixel of 18 to 20, its worth waiting, otherwise NO according to the international discussion forums.

I would love to keep the D700 for another 5 yrs but my bag is now 5 kgs+ and right now on a weight shedding mode for my upcoming travels to less than 2 kgs without compromising on quality, lets see how I am successful in doing it !


Originally Posted by gd1418 (Post 2528375)
Seriously looking for a Nikon FX DSLR. Not interested in D700. Not getting a D3 from anywhere; no old stocks, not a single piece anywhere. :Frustrati

Still nothing is heard about the launch of D800, that was supposed to happen in September.

So I tried to look for a D3s in the grey market. Not available. It is available on bill and costs a whopping 2.44L for the body.

So, the wait for D800 continues.....sigh..!

The D800 was expected to be launched in Sept/Oct '11, a Nikon announcement is in the wings for this month but note that no FX SLRs are expected.

I'd say Dec '11 to Apr '12 is more likely time frame for the D4/D800. I would LOVE to be proved wrong with an earlier launch. :D

The dealer says he expect the D800 body to be around 1.4-1.8L when announced. The D700 was at that price point when it was launched. Not cheap by a long shot. As for the D4 - expect it @ Rs 4.5-5L.


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2528316)
Rajiv, to be frank, not yet decided. Need to cool off my head for sometime and see what can be light, affordable and fun to use. Reading a lot on 4/3rds these days. I will post here as soon as I get an idea on the developments :)

Wow! That's some decision Shaju - is portability the only reason you want to sell off your Nikon kit? Are you also considering the Nikon 1 system?



Originally Posted by R2D2 (Post 2528432) portability the only reason you want to sell off your Nikon kit? Are you also considering the Nikon 1 system?.....

Yes thats one of the major reasons, secondly I never had any PRO intentions till date, so moving should be smooth and easy. I would consider something thats been proved in the market than being a test pig :) Nikon 1 system is very new and its the first batch of 4/3rd from the brand, so we never know what transition stages it might go through until we see a 3rd generation.


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2528316)
Rajiv, to be frank, not yet decided. Need to cool off my head for sometime and see what can be light, affordable and fun to use. Reading a lot on 4/3rds these days. I will post here as soon as I get an idea on the developments :)

Fiesta to Nano, Full Frame to 4/ never cease to amaze us!

Thanks everyone for the insight and comments.

(Having issues with the multi quote function, so please excuse the group thanksplease:)

I've been reading up comparisons online, and it's only added to the confusion, as both cams seem to have complementary pros and cons. Will try to get a test drive (sort of:D), and then take my pick. Thanks again!


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2528316)
Rajiv, to be frank, not yet decided. Need to cool off my head for sometime and see what can be light, affordable and fun to use. Reading a lot on 4/3rds these days. I will post here as soon as I get an idea on the developments :)


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2528418)
I would love to keep the D700 for another 5 yrs but my bag is now 5 kgs+ and right now on a weight shedding mode for my upcoming travels to less than 2 kgs without compromising on quality, lets see how I am successful in doing it !

Wow, you are looking at 4/3 system.:Shockked: As a 4/3 user for 5+ years I can tell you that weight won't decrease significantly. If you are thinking m4/3, the lens choices don't make sense, yet. After plunging to m4/3, I still took my E3 for the last two OTRs.


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2528440)
Nikon 1 system is very new and its the first batch of 4/3rd from the brand, so we never know what transition stages it might go through until we see a 3rd generation.

Nikon 1 has 4/3rd offerings? When did this happen, and how did I miss it?:eek: Canon/Nikon always stayed away from the 4/3 coalition started by Olympus. Please provide link.


Originally Posted by robimahanta (Post 2528866)
Fiesta to Nano, Full Frame to 4/ never cease to amaze us!

Sorry dude, 4/3 is no Nano. That privilege goes to Nikon 1. If FF is Fiesta, then 4/3rd is a hatch, at least.


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 2529013)
Nikon 1 has 4/3rd offerings? When did this happen, and how did I miss it?:eek: Canon/Nikon always stayed away from the 4/3 coalition started by Olympus. Please provide link.

Nikon 1 is 2.7x crop. So the sensor must be smaller than even 4/3.


Originally Posted by robimahanta (Post 2528866)
Fiesta to Nano, Full Frame to 4/ never cease to amaze us!

Life is always changing and refreshing, probably on the road of 'Ken Rockwell' LOL. I would be happy to sit somewhere and test products and go blah blah about it, as long as public dont come and kick my back :)


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 2529013)
Wow, you are looking at 4/3 system......Nikon 1 has 4/3rd offerings? .......

Not yet decided dear, its back to square one in fact to the ever confusing choice of gadgets in front of me :) but this time its not the usual high funda tech specs or scientific edge of any model that's driving me, but a simple target of going light and compact.

I am not sure if Nikon's new launches can be called micro 4/3rds because the sensors are slightly smaller, here is a link (I am sure you know about it) Nikon's new J1 can't live up to the hype


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2529088)
I am not sure if Nikon's new launches can be called micro 4/3rds because the sensors are slightly smaller

I am very sure Nikon's new sensor can't be called 4/3rd. First of all it has 3:2 aspect ratio, unlike 4/3rd sensors which have 4:3 aspect ratio. Which is why I was confused when you said 4/3rd from Nikon. Besides, N1 sensor is almost half the size of 4/3 sensor, not slightly smaller.


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2529088)
, here is a link (I am sure you know about it) Nikon's new J1 can't live up to the hype

Yes, I have already discussed in EVIL camera thread. First it was Pentax Q, which offered interchangeable lenses with P&S quality sensor, now Nikon does the same. I really don't know what they were thinking.


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 2529200)
I am very sure Nikon's new sensor can't be called 4/3rd. First of all it has 3:2 aspect ratio, unlike 4/3rd sensors which have 4:3 aspect ratio.....

Happy to show my ignorance about these terms and numbers, atleast someone would give some free advises on how to go ahead :)


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2529204)
Happy to show my ignorance about these terms and numbers

Since you said you have being reading about 4/3rd a lot, I thought you would know it refers to the aspect ratio. Now you say you are ignorant about these terms?:eek:


Originally Posted by shajufx (Post 2529204)
atleast someone would give some free advises on how to go ahead :)

Go ahead where? You have already come one full circle, considering you are selling your full format gear. I don't think you need technical advice anymore. You need to decide on your photography philosophy, do you shoot for your own happiness or just to post on web or professional needs. Then you'll know what gear is right for you.

I experienced gear nirvana couple years back, I haven't bought a 4/3 lens since 3 years now. I posted about it here:

I was able to do that, only because I discovered my photography philosophy/need. These days I rarely post my images on web. I shoot mostly for preserving my memories in the best way. And Zuiko 12-60mm F/2.8-4 lens takes care of my 90% needs, may be even more.

Since last year I have tried reducing the size/weight of my gear for convenience. That is why I started exploring the EVIL camera world, even bought a body and an extra lens. But the lens choices have left me high and dry. Still looking for a fast lens with the right zoom, like my primary 4/3 lens mentioned above. So I will wait until the right fast lens comes along.

Therefore, first decide why you want to shoot photographs. Then the right gear will come to mind. I don't think you need any technical help. If you are unable figure out why you are shooting, then you will keep moving from body to body, lens to lens, system to system... not realizing your real problem lies somewhere else.

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