Team-BHP - Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

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Hey Anil,

I just booted into Ubuntu. The phone needs to be rooted and just follow instructions mentioned in that XDA thread.

What we get is full size Ubuntu with GImp editor and major applications.

The place where we may get a problem is while entering the screen size. 1280*800 is incorrect and use 1280 x 800 (use small "X" instead of *).

I am just wondering how i can now project this into a monitor and use it as a full size desktop.


Originally Posted by joslicx (Post 2722207)
What about battery performance? If you are a heavy user, even S2 doesnt last the day! What good is a phone that cant last the day? but the same phone can give you double or even more life if you root. So it means that the stock phone does have some "problems" that prevent it from realizing its full potential. Same can be verified by any benchmark tool. Post rooting and flashing available ROMs, people get significant jump in scores. Stock phone's browsers also jitter and UI also lags at times. That is true for all android phones. All of them lag, this is a common known problem. Also you cannot uninstall all the crap apps that come with the phone out of the box. A lot of them unneccesarily hog system resources like battery/memory. Also you cannot underclock or overclock stock phones. These are valid problems dont you think?

And yes even S2 is not good enough in stock form in my opinion. Touchwiz doesnt help, it only hinders its marvellous hardware. I wish manufacturers gave an option to use stock Android. This way at least we would be free of lot of crapware there and also get updates as soon as Google provided them.

I have an HTC Sensation that used to crash every now and then. Last month finally got rid of the nonSense interface and switched to Go Launcher. Now it is noticably better (only crashed once in more than a month).

It is true that a lot of crapware comes by default and it impacts the performance to some extent. But for an average user who just wants to buy and use it like a Nokia or even Windows phone it would just work.

I have seen my stock 2.2 on the humble optimus one last a day if I do what I would do with my Nokia. If you browse and play games with a considerable screen size I am not sure there are too many other OSes which will not drain your battery soon. I have played with iphone 3G which is even more pathetic when it comes to battery life.

If you talk about crapware hogging resources or rooting your phone and benchmark scores you are not an average user :-). I agree with your points but is there a better alternative at this point in time? Iphone would not have allowed me or a lot of other people to venture into smartphone territory. After optimus one, I am thinking of upgrading to Note and that is what Android has done to the market.

My Galaxy Ace has stopped vibrating all of a sudden today. Could this be a firmware issue ? I'm running on rooted stock GB. Will a hard reset solve this issue ?


Originally Posted by D4d-maniac (Post 2709724)
Hi Android gurus.
I have an i9000 and would like some pointers as to which rom to install. I have tried team hacksung, ics sgs and the major miui versions but found none of them to my liking. Seems to me that ics builds are not yet stable enough. Major concern for a rom is battery life and smooth everyday performance.
Thanks in advance

Hey, sorry for the late reply. If you want a fairly stable ICS ROM with good Battery life, check out SLIM. Very bare bones, you would need to install any apps which are not included in the ROM. Also try NOVA launcher this is super smooth and very customizable.

[ROM][AOSP][17-Mar] Slim ICS [2.9] - 70MB Clean, Simple & Fast - The Google Way - xda-developers

Just a question to all android users, do you think it would be great if there was a phone number to call if you needed to ask these questions instead of a thread?



Originally Posted by Gadgetfreak (Post 2722193)
These are the steps I use to make my boot animations.

Then why are you not able to install them?

Just use CWM or any recovery you have and install the zip. Am I missing anything?

Mod Note : Please use the EDIT or MULTI-QUOTE buttons instead of typing one post after another!


Originally Posted by pramodkumar (Post 2722546)
Just a question to all android users, do you think it would be great if there was a phone number to call if you needed to ask these questions instead of a thread?


I don't agree as then It would not have got documented like it is being done on forums and my doubts and clarifications would have mostly got confined to me and solution provider only.


Originally Posted by anilisanil (Post 2722627)
Then why are you not able to install them?

Just use CWM or any recovery you have and install the zip. Am I missing anything?

Anil some confusion. I am already using these steps for making my boot animation and it is working fine. Now I have a video of my daughter which I want to use as Bootanimation. There are 2 ways out:

1) Either i break the video into small pic files in .png format and then make a bootanimation (Breaking video into small pic files is difficult)
2) I find a app which uses video file to make a bootanimation.

I am trying to find 2 solution. What information you have shared is a app which converts existing file into a boot animation which i have been doind it successfully since some time.


Originally Posted by Gadgetfreak (Post 2722675)
I don't agree as then It would not have got documented like it is being done on forums and my doubts and clarifications would have mostly got confined to me and solution provider only.

agreed there is documentation but would you always search for an answer before posting a question?



Originally Posted by pramodkumar (Post 2722771)
agreed there is documentation but would you always search for an answer before posting a question?


I do. If I were asked to call a number every time I had trouble with Android, I would never have even considered it. I like the feeling that I CAN control my phone as much as possible rather than some nondescript person replying me.


Originally Posted by anilisanil (Post 2722782)
I do. If I were asked to call a number every time I had trouble with Android, I would never have even considered it. I like the feeling that I CAN control my phone as much as possible rather than some nondescript person replying me.

That is interesting, when did you get your first android?



Originally Posted by pramodkumar (Post 2722771)
agreed there is documentation but would you always search for an answer before posting a question?


Well yes, I usually try to resolve an issue on my own by searching first and if no luck its then that I post a query online for help.

Google Maps Update?

I rooted my phone just so that I could get the google navigation working in India. Now Google Maps is on the list of available updates. Should I let it update, or will that undo my enabling-navigation work?


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom
Google Maps Update?

I rooted my phone just so that I could get the google navigation working in India. Now Google Maps is on the list of available updates. Should I let it update, or will that undo my enabling-navigation work?

If you are using the world wide navigation version of google maps, then the usual update via market is not going to work on it. You can periodically check the xda page from where this version is downloaded, for newer world navigation enabled versions.

You can try giving an update, and see what happens - it will download but will fail to update.

Hi Gurus & other Members of this Thread.

i am in Europe and planning to pickup the Dell Streak 7, which i am getting it for a Damn Cheap Price(brand New) picking it up in an offer. wanted to know the feedback on the product

1. Performanceplease:
2. Concerns
3. Price (since when i look in the internet some places it shows 25000 & some places 35000) so not sure which is correct. please:
4. i am getting 1 yr warranty
5. is this model a good buy or not. currently i am using a Galaxy S


Originally Posted by clevermax (Post 2723020)
If you are using the world wide navigation version of google maps, then the usual update via market is not going to work on it. You can periodically check the xda page from where this version is downloaded, for newer world navigation enabled versions.

You can try giving an update, and see what happens - it will download but will fail to update.

Thanks, yes I am, and ok, I will.

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