Team-BHP - My brand-new Tata Safari has been fully disassembled | EDIT: Dealer offers full refund!

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Damn. Tata and it's awful QC has reared it's ugly head again. Each year, we all expect improvements on that front but to no avail. I guess the consistency is what's missing.

I know of a Tata Safari in the distant family that's largely trouble free since two years or so now. The owner is satisfied(in Tata terms) with the car. He has had his share of small niggles though, but nothing alarming.

So, the perennial issues that crop up every now and then points to lack of consistency in QC. Tata have come a long way with it's product offerings. But if this bad trend continues and they want to shoot in their foot more often than not, all the good work of their product planning team comes to a nought. Hope there's an end to this malaise at some point.

In India every service/repair of your car is a nightmare for a person even with mild OCD. Minor scratches and issues are guaranteed after each visit.
Reasons mainly
1) Staff with no training or respect for other's property
2) Typical Indian mindset of " It is a small scratch, how does it matter, please bear with it"
3) Improper use of tools. For example, screw drivers are used in place of trim removers. Any interior work is guaranteed to end up with hell a lot of scratches. Improper removal of tyres scratching alloys is another common occurrence.
4) No strive for perfection in work or eye for details.
5) Poor space in workshops which guarantee minor and major scratches on the paintwork.

That is why one can only imagine the condition of a new car after such a disassembly. It is going to be a big mess.


Originally Posted by Bibendum90949 (Post 5718782)
Damn. Tata and it's awful QC has reared it's ugly head again. Each year, we all expect improvements on that front but to no avail. I guess the consistency is what's missing....

But in TATA's case are they not being consistent? Horrible QC is what they were known for when I was school going kid. It hasn't changed till now.

Hence my belief that if the people at helm of Hyundai/Maruti figure out that all you need to beat TATA today is good build quality (because let's be honest, not everyone likes their funky designs), then TATA will be back where it started a few years ago.

Just plain greed on Tata's part. Chucking out Safari units to keep up with the demand. Glad I went with the Harrier though , dealers told me that in terms of electronics the Harrier seems to be faring much better than the Safari due to its lower demand.

Tata needs to take a step back, slow down their production and focus on quality over quantity. They might be generating great profits right now but these issues will stagger their growth and reputation in the long term.

If they want to be future EV leaders , they need to keep their long term reputation in mind or else Chinese brands like BYD may take over.

From our very first purchase of a Tata, I swore to god I will never buy one ever again.

When the time came to purchase a 30L bracket car, I called for the Safari. Everyone including me liked it but some part of me kept on saying remember what happened with your first gen Safari.

Looking at this my resolve to never buy a Tata brand only gets stronger. I can live with less creature comforts but can’t live with the thought whether my car will start the next moment or not.

Take them to court, post it everywhere. Let them do the damage control, no big company today wants a lawsuit or bad PR.

This is absolutely ghastly by Tata Motors.

You deserve all your money back or a full replacement with 10 year free service & warranty.
If you are taking this up legally - I'll happily contribute towards legal fees.

I drive a Storme & a Nano, and yet no siding with Tata on this one.

Good luck and fight - we consumers are royally taken for a ride by these corrupt businesses - we need to fight for our rights.



Originally Posted by V0id2003 (Post 5718912)
Chucking out Safari units to keep up with the demand. Glad I went with the Harrier though , dealers told me that in terms of electronics the Harrier seems to be faring much better than the Safari due to its lower demand.

To my knowledge, both the Safari and Harrier are manufactured on the same assembly line. In 2020, even the Altroz was produced on the same line. Since Harrier and Safari share the same suppliers, quality control issues are likely more related to the specific production line or plant rather than the individual models. It seems Nexon assembly line, operated by the Tata-Fiat joint venture, performs well considering the high volume of production and the niggles reported

I think the forum has numerous threads on issues with the Safari, Harrier, Nexon and Altroz then we have YouTube where there are again several videos on owners with issues. Yet even though our forum averages a thread a week on issues with a Tata vehicle, I am still surprised everytime I read the thread; not by the issues but by the owners’ decision to go with a product from Tata when there are so many warnings all over this forum and the internet. :Frustrati

20 years ago when Tata still struggled with QC but their cars were super basic as was everyone else’s back then, this was what prevented them from selling many expensive models and rather had them relying on Indicab sales. Today somehow people’s value for money seems to have reduced. They no longer mind taking a gamble. Perhaps a car is being seen as more of a gadget you buy from Croma than the workhorse it was expected to be just a couple of decades ago.

Really sorry to hear about your ordeal, I hope the visibility this thread provides helps in getting a quick resolution. As suggested, please post on X and other online platforms so that the brand understand and reacts to the bad publicity it rightly is getting.

Even if the consumer had not done a PDI (they should and BHPians keep on repeating it) the dealer is supposed to do a PDI and cross check the product before delivering. You have a strong case in going for replacement of vehicle, especially considering the status it has been stripped down to.

Do keep this thread updated on what responses you received and the final resolution. It could serve some poor soul who might be going though or will have to go through such a situation in future.

I guess its the worst nightmare. With so much of electronics packed into Safari and with an unsettled QC - things are bound to happen this way.

Not picking on Tata as Mahindra also had some issues with silver box and electronics in the initial few quarters of XUV7OO's launch. But, they were swift in addressing these issues and people had the last option of X (then Twitter) to get their genuine complaints addressed. Eagerly waiting for Tata to build confidence among customers. Some of us could argue that Tata is focussing more on EVs but they will be more complicated to handle vs. current ICE options. Tata should stop rushing their products and focus more on QC. If they are hoping to lead the EV transition, their QC and ability to address issues like this has to be demonstrated. Please recall the pun way in which Mahindra responded to an influencer about leaking sun roof in Scorpio N. Optically, this showed that Mahindra is serious about its products and ownership experience.

They might be trying to mimic Mahindra to consider the early adopters as guinea pigs. If so, they should at least have required infrastructure in place to address the issues on priority.

When a week old car gets reduced to this, for any manufacturer, the customer has to be refunded.
A replacement car is the compromise which the customer can chose if the brand does an exceptional job in service and attention.
This should've been the norm for anyone, anywhere but here we are.

Clearly the dealer has passed-off a lemon to the customer as the pre-registered numbers indicate and Tata is backing up the dealer.
Why am I not surprised? Its not the first time I am reading about it with regards to Tata and their flagship platform. Clearly the new facelifts are limited to the cars. The ASC and Tata's customer service are as bad as they were or worse.

Have a soft-corner for the Safari's ad, like its design but the earlier horror stories have kept me from going near one and recommending them outright. This one reinforces it for good.
Our position of hit/miss service holds true and I think we should add this in the sales experience as well.

Their cars have always evoked a kind of "jugaad" feeling in me. This thread cements it. Mention QC to Tata Motors people and they will probably respond "What is that? How much per kilo?"

I have never owned a Tata car but a very close friend does. From his experience I decided not to buy a car from the brand.

Please press for a new replacement, don't accept anything less.

This is absolutely not acceptable considering the price you paid. I wouldn't recommend accepting the car, to be honest. It's no longer in factory-fit condition, and you may encounter various issues in the future, including unwanted noise due to the removal of the entire factory setup.

Take plenty of photos and videos, and insist on a refund or a replacement for a new car. Report this to consumer complaints, and if possible, reach out to the press to bring attention to the situation. It's disheartening to see a brand new car in such a condition within a week, and I genuinely feel sorry for you. Stand firm, don't accept the car, and make as much noise about it.

Feel really sorry for you. This is totally unacceptable. Tata Motors have got a lot of thins right but seriously needs to work on it's QC and after sales service. Hope a workable solution is found within an acceptable timeframe. I don't think I have ever heard or read about any OEM in India replacing a defective car/lemon with a brand new one. Also, I didn't realize a Tata Safari Dark Knight variant costs Rs.33 lacs! Wow that's A LOT of money to pay for a Tata car.

Best of luck.

Deeply sorry to hear about your ordeal with new TaMo Safari.

If I'm not wrong, Mr Tata's assistant Shantanu Naidu is here on T-BHP.

No offense meant, but is this the C-SAT (or lack of it) that TaMo expects from its customers, @cityscrambler Mr Naidu !?

Nothing short of
* monetary compensation for inconvenience faced with a brand new product +
* apology from TaMo for causing mental agony/loss of time
must be acceptable in OP's case here.

I am a TaMo product owner too - a 2015 model Nano XT. Maybe due to the complete lack of any sort of tech/gizmo, my ownership experience hitherto has been eventless, I am a satisfied customer.
But will I consider upgrading to a Harrier/Safari ? Heck, no - after hearing such a pathetic ordeal a co-member here had to suffer!

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