Team-BHP - PIC: A Personalised Team-BHP Garage Door!

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This looks super duper awesome.

Great idea and fantastic execution.

Looks awesome dude!
Shows the hard worked done on it. :)

Well done.

That's really looking good. A great idea and this will soon become a trend :D.

How much it all costed?

Wow! Incredible stuff, man!
It is a great idea and is executed very well. Do post more closeup pics of the same.
Beware! Some BHPian might steal the garage door one day! lol: (Kidding)

BTW It shows your dedication and attachment towards T-BHP! :)

Is there any chance that can go up on the spotted thread?
Brilliant idea, man :D

What an idea, sirji!!:D
Executed superbly. Hats off to you. Looking out for more photos.

I guess, you would be spending a lot of time in explaining neighbors and other inquisitive folks (non-petrolheads) about what is t-bhp and what do we do here.

Looks great! Is this vinyl print with adhesive coating?

Hi ishlinea7260,

To be very frank more than the customized garage door i envy that you have a parking space/garage of this sort clap:

Now time for some internal pics please :)

I hope no copyright violations of team-bhp here !


Snazzy! Job well done ishlinea. That gives west coast customs a run for it's money.

I wouldn't have a garage but my wardrobe seems like a likely target after this. lol:


He is not earning any money by painting his garage door with Team-BHP signs, no commercial intent involved IMO, hence I don't think this should be of any problem to Team-BHP administration.

It's simply his love for Team-BHP and Cars which I really liked:thumbs up.

Nicely executed. It looks like a good paint job to me. That checkerboard design on the lower most portion must've taken quite some effort! Nonetheless good stuff.

Fantastic work man!
Seems like bhpians cant get enough of it! There were stickers at first and now garage doors!! By the way t-bhp t-shirts would look great too! If available I would be the 1st one buying themstupid: What say mods?

Novel and innovative idea indeed.
TeamBHP should reward you for this free publicity. This could also lead to a new thread 'Spotting Team-BHP garages'.

What an innovative idea dude. Looks Fantastic. :thumbs up

You are one lucky guy to have a garage. By the way what's behind those doors. :D

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