Team-BHP - Team-BHPians and their Pets

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Congratulations! Answering your questions
- What are the precautionary measures I should take when bringing him back?
Try to have the pup in a travel bag/crate with (as mentioned earlier) a towel/napkin with familiar scents and maintain optimum temperature inside the car. If the travel is more than 3-4 hours, you could have the pup out of the bag/crate for sometime. But be careful to not place the pup outside on the dirt as it won't be completely vaccinated yet. Pups usually doze off during such travels.
- What is the right time to start training him? I plan to home-train him if it is feasible and easier.
Again as mentioned earlier, Day-1! Since you are getting a pup, the initial say 6-7 months are crucial. Bad behaviors are developed at this stage. There is a lot of help online, but do look into working with a good trainer. It is easier to mold them when young, than to rehabilitate them later. Set boundaries and have some structure from the beginning. Be patient, as accidents are going to happen. It is important how you address them.

- What are some of the measures I should take to ensure that my dog is healthy?
Good food! If you are going to have kibbles and don't mind the cost, then premium brands like Orijen and Farmina are pretty good. Do add some veggies/fruits twice or thrice a week. Look into supplements as well.

Beige coloured cute 'n' healthy kitten for free adoption (but, after about a month) at Bangalore. Please reply via private message (PM) to me. Thanks!

This is one of the last photos/videos of our Kluso - for some odd reason he was pointing his snout at the moon and giving a low kind of musical howl.
Heartbreak, thy name is Kluso.

Are all pets crazy about cars like most of us,

My 2 year old GSD goes bonkers if he hears sound of car keys, starts running breaking things with just a hint of car ride.

only place i cannot control him is parking floor, if the senses parking then he pulls pulls and pulls until we reach to the car

grey coloured cute 'n' healthy kittens now ready for free adoption at Bangalore. Please reply via private message (PM) to me. Thanks!

The good sweet girl okapi says " I will pose for the pic but no im not giving back the remote! "rl:


I am being pestered on daily basis by my family to get home a dog pup. Its a daily ritual now for the family to start searching in the morning and get weak in knees every time they see a cute pup, the argument/cajoling starts by afternoon and frowning by late evening/night. I am well aware this might an initial craze which could die out soon or could grow too. I am afraid I might end up taking all the basic care of the pup in its growing years. We haven't had any pets till date and have zilch knowledge reg the food, training, accessories requirement for the pup. So what should be my strategy if I succumb to the family pressure and get one home? What should be the first week, month plan be like? What's the vaccination/de worming plan be like?

My family has zeroed in on a 32 day pup and are going gaga over it.


Originally Posted by ghodlur (Post 5282840)

I am being pestered on daily basis by my family to get home a dog pup. Its a daily ritual now for the family to start searching in the morning and get weak in knees every time they see a cute pup, the argument/cajoling starts by afternoon and frowning by late evening/night. I am well aware this might an initial craze which could die out soon or could grow too. I am afraid I might end up taking all the basic care of the pup in its growing years. We haven't had any pets till date and have zilch knowledge reg the food, training, accessories requirement for the pup. So what should be my strategy if I succumb to the family pressure and get one home? What should be the first week, month plan be like? What's the vaccination/de worming plan be like?

My family has zeroed in on a 32 day pup and are going gaga over it.

I have seem tens of cases where the family, especially young children pester their parents to get a pet. Sadly once the novelty wears off the pets are neglected by the very persons who wanted them the most.

Pets require constant attention, exercise and TLC. You just cannot be fond of them when it suits your mood and ignore them when mood is not good. A pet is a serious commitment. If the children are growing up, they will have no time when they move out, go to college or get busy with their career. You will be left holding the pot.

So do not succumb unless you are willing to take care of the pet for the next 10-15 years - feeding, exercising, going to vet and cleaning up when they have stomach proble.


Originally Posted by Aroy (Post 5282905)
So do not succumb unless you are willing to take care of the pet for the next 10-15 years - feeding, exercising, going to vet and cleaning up when they have stomach proble.

Exactly my thoughts. I have tried to reason out with family every time the topic comes up. It seems they are getting influenced by friends who own pets and have been told that taking care of pet is an easy peasy thing. I am putting down the foot unless I see some strong commitments.

Thanks for the help.


Originally Posted by ghodlur (Post 5282921)
It seems they are getting influenced by friends who own pets and have been told that taking care of pet is an easy peasy thing. I am putting down the foot unless I see some strong commitments.

Thanks for the help.

It depends on the mindset to be honest. If someone looks at taking care of a pet as an additional headache, then yes it's a big commitment ask. But for many pet owners, its not considered so.

Start small - ask your family members to take care of a local stray (dog/cat) that lives around your house. Observe if they are doing daily feeding, petting and play time with the pet without fail. After a month or two you will be somewhat better informed on such decisions. Also its a win-win situation, the stray gets some much needed love and your family get a brief idea of what it takes at the very bare minimum to take care of a pet.


Originally Posted by ghodlur (Post 5282840)

I am being pestered on daily basis by my family to get home a dog pup.

When you say family, do you mean the children? Or adult(s) too?

If children, for context, I'm wondering how old they are.

If grown-ups are involved, then why not just tell them, it is their decision, and if they wish to go ahead, you are not stopping them, but they should be aware that, physically, emotionally, and financially, it is their dog. And week one includes taking the animal to the vet for full checkup, inoculations, etc. And day one begins with house training, because mopping up after an animal is not acceptable (I know people to whom it is, but hey, it's their house/life/feet/health/animal I suppose).

Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 5282956)
Start small - ask your family members to take care of a local stray (dog/cat) that lives around your house...

First-rate idea!

They can show that they are committed to a real animal, not just an animated furry toy.

In fact, if they do this, they will be getting their pet because it will become their pet!

NB. From the minute an animal arrives in the house, that is the end of trips that do not take include arranging its care. At a stretch, a cat can be left overnight; a dog, not so much.


Originally Posted by ghodlur (Post 5282840)

I am being pestered on daily basis by my family to get home a dog pup

I was exactly in the same situation and tried to dodge the topic for a few years with a few tricks.
1. Since my kids were too small (around 5yrs and less) that time, I told them I'd get a dog when they'd be able to independently handle a dog (feeding them, taking for stroll, etc)
2. Till that time, I got them (relatively less maintenance) small pets like fish and saw how the kids are taking care of them (like feeding them on time everyday, weekly water change, etc)
3. To satisfy my kids' pet time, I also occasionally took them to dog petting centers (I went to one Pawfect Life at Marol). This made them understand pets and be friendly with them even before getting one home. This was a real eye opener and great reality check as I saw many kids there didn't like the dog smell, they didn't like the licks.
4. Ask the kids+family to wait for an adoption rather than buying a pet (I encourage everyone to adopt and not shop)
5. As advised earlier, caring for a stray will build the groundwork for care and compassion for the pet
6. The small cute puppy would grow up really fast and in 6-8 months will be a grown dog; let the kids understand this very clearly

Finally, after my daughter turned 11, I was ready to get a pet home. Fortunately I found one to adopt (details in my earlier posts) and got her home. Getting a pet is like adding a new member to your family, one has to take care of this new member as one would do with their child. The pet would need your time, attention, care and would give back loads of happiness, love and exercise, not just to your kids/family but to you too. If all in the family are agreeing to share responsibility, and you do have the space and little personal bandwidth, do not hold back and get one home :)

Sharing a pic:
Team-BHPians and their Pets-dsc01271.jpg


Originally Posted by ghodlur (Post 5282840)
I am being pestered on daily basis by my family to get home a dog pup.

I'm sure you know this already but a pup is essentially like a baby/toddler that you have to care for, for 15 years. They are entirely and completely dependant on you, and a LOT of people underestimate not just this dependance but also the restrictions it brings about on you.

1) Travel: when planning any sort of travel, you have two options:
a) Take the pet with you: a challenge in itself, in needing to book pet-friendly hotels. Also, limitation on what you can do and where you can take the pet. Hence, restrictions on where you can visit. Or you take turns visiting some place / looking after the pet.
b) Keep it in a hostel: finding a good one can be a challenge, the pet adapting to it can be a challenge, and it will be a costly affair.

2) Mobility for work: moving cities may still work, but if you get the chance to move abroad for work?

3) Including the pet in your day-to-day routine: everything revolves around the pet. If you have a working family (both spouses working and kid going to school), that will mean the pet stays alone for 6-8 hours. Dogs HATE being alone.

We had a pet dog growing up and with both my parents working and me in school, he was typically alone from 9 - 4 pm. Over time, we noticed bite marks on his legs. Doc said it is his anxiety from loneliness that's making him harm himself. We then paid our maids and watchman to sit at home with / take him out for a walk every few hours.


We haven't had any pets till date and have zilch knowledge reg the food, training, accessories requirement for the pup.
This part is easy to be honest, you'll get good advice here depending on the breed you get. Also, vets and pet stores are plenty so you can easily get everything you need.


So what should be my strategy if I succumb to the family pressure and get one home? What should be the first week, month plan be like? What's the vaccination/de worming plan be like?
Take the dog to a vet, they have vaccination charts. Depending on the breed and your intention, you may choose to train it. We brought ours home and let him be, without any training or instruction. The rascal bit us, threw tantrums and did as he so pleased, but we were totally okay with it.

Pets are delightful; I enjoyed every bit of having him around. He enriched our lives in ways we cannot even imagine. But here's the thing, humans are selfish. Think about if / how much you're willing to compromise the life you have now for a pet. Some people have it in them to treat the pet like their own child, some put their interests/needs first. Think where you fit.

Are your kid(s) of the age they'll soon be off to college (move away from home). Do you have close friends/family that'll take care of the pet in your absence (during your travel etc.).

Truth be told, I'd love for my daughter to have the experience of having a pet, but the challenges far outweigh the benefits. Having had a pet, I can be truthful to myself that I'm not in a position to bring a pet in my life.

Do think it through, for the next 15 years. And please adopt, don't get a fancy, unsuited (climate / residence) breed.


Originally Posted by ghodlur (Post 5282840)
I am being pestered on daily basis by my family to get home a dog pup.

Of course, there's a positive side to all this. Just look at that lovely picture that streetfighter posted! And there's a good chance that you will become as besotted with the new family member as the children are :loveit

Many many thanks to BHPians who responded and provided some solid valuable advice. By Family I meant wife and 14 ys old kid. My son will soon get busy in his X std and thereafter his college etc. Family is used to petting and feeding the dogs (not strays) in the apartment complex already, I think that feeling of owning one came from there. We are planning to visiting a few kennels for them to get the feel of the pups. But trust me we will be taking an informed decision.

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