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Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5364333)
9. Any other pointers would be helpful as well.

Please check your DM

Hi! It's Myra here.

I would like to share a little about my four legged sister called Diva, who is a mix of Shih Tzu and Yorkshire terrier. She is the cutest fur baby ever, let me tell you she is also very cuddly! We moved her from Nairobi to India by air (Ethiopian airways, as Emirates refused to carry this breed during those specific months)which meant we were away from each other for 22 days. I saw my mum struggle quite a bit with importing her into India. It’s almost when she gave up, when the magic happened. We were over the moon to welcome Diva on the other side, to our new home; Gurgaon!!!!!

As Diva turns 4 years old on Tuesday, July 26th, I couldn’t help but share with you all how blessed I feel to have her choose us as our family.
One of the best things about her is the way she puts her message across to us, great communication skills I must say!!! Whether she is upset, excited or need some TLC .

She really loves her toys and is very possessive of them. And for one thing, she does NOT look forward to her spa visits…
Poor Diva, gets to go for her spa every 28 days, regardless:). She is The BEST Sister I could have asked for!!Not to forget, how protective she is of me. She wouldn’t leave me for her walks until I board my school bus each day. And patiently waits for me till I get back home and greet me with her warm loving licks .

Oh Diva, you make my world a much better place.

Thanks you from the bottom of my heart.

I hope you enjoy your 4th birthday my Diva, always know Myra Didi’s got your back.

Below are some pictures of Diva.







Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5364333)
Hello everyone. We rescued an injured Parakeet today.

You should first get a vet's opinion on that injury, think this is beyond any of our capability.


Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5364333)
Hello everyone. We rescued an injured Parakeet today. He/she is injured on his top right section though thankfully, the eyes and beak have suffered no/minimum damage.
9. Any other pointers would be helpful as well.

Hi, I have been keeping and breeding budgies since 1992, still have about 200 of them now.
The bird is a young budgie, still not attained its adult plumage. The colour is what you call a recessive pied.
The injury does not look too serious and it should recover. You can try giving a regular 40-60w light bulb nearby for the heat, sick birds respond to heat, but just make sure it has the space to move away from the heat if it wants. Regular millet mixes, off amazon should do for food. Try giving some greens like spinach leaves and also some egg yolk or even a small amout of bread soaked in diluted milk, many breeders use these things as rearing foods.
Please don't release it, no budgie has ever survived in our environment for more than a couple of days, the local crows will have a tasty snack. Trust me on this, over the years I had countless escapees.
If you keep it, get as big a cage as you can afford/have space for. I don't like birds in small cages, all my birds are in large walk in aviaries. After all if your birds can't fly around then I would rather keep a hamsterlol:
A cage of 2.5-3 ft long is kind of ok for a pair or two.
Hope this helps

A click of one of my budgie colonies. You will agree it is lot better than seeing one in a small cage, right?


Originally Posted by V.Narayan (Post 5364361)
It is indeed a very attractive specimen. Beautiful colours. Best of luck. Eager to know how things go.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5364381)
Yes, it looks like a budgie. It is male. One can tell this because the area around its "nostrils" is blue.

It needs to be in a safer place. It needs to be more enclosed, so that it can be contained whilst it recovers and, as has been mentioned, to protect from cat.

Most budgies are probably pets. How does it react to contact? Go easy, as touching it more may cause more trauma, but it may also comfort the bird. I don't know if I posted about it (probably) but with a rescued budgie, recently, it would come to my finger even from a tree branch outside.

Will it survive? It will depend on the depth of the injury and the amount of shock. If it will not eat or drink water, then, it is a sad no: birds cannot go many hours without.


Originally Posted by One (Post 5364402)
Please check your DM


Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 5364419)
You should first get a vet's opinion on that injury, think this is beyond any of our capability.


Originally Posted by pyrodrive (Post 5364528)
Hi, I have been keeping and breeding budgies since 1992, still have about 200 of them now.
The bird is a young budgie, still not attained its adult plumage. The colour is what you call a recessive pied.

Hello everyone. 24 hour update as follows-

1. We have cleaned its wound twice in the last 24 hours and have also applied Betadine to its wound.

2. It has become much more active now and is eating. We were also able to see droppings in the cage which is a big positive.

3. It is making very feeble sounds now. Hopefully, it will recover fully very soon.

4. The narrative at home has now shifted from 'giving it to a seller' to 'let's keep it at home' :D.

5. If we decide to keep it at home, being a male, we are planning to get another male to keep him company so as to avoid any unplanned incidents :uncontrol. Hope that this is the right approach.

We plan to wait it out for a few more days before taking a final decision post which we will either give it to a seller or get another buddy for him along with a bigger cage.

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Originally Posted by pyrodrive (Post 5364528)
Hi, I have been keeping and breeding budgies since 1992, still have about 200 of them now.


Originally Posted by pyrodrive (Post 5364536)
A click of one of my budgie colonies. You will agree it is lot better than seeing one in a small cage, right?

Great! It's nice to see detailed advice from someone with real experience. What a lovely home you have given your birds!


Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5364864)
... ... ...
We plan to wait it out for a few more days before taking a final decision post which we will either give it to a seller or get another buddy for him along with a bigger cage.
... ... ...

All good news!

I think you should get it a cage as soon as possible. Yes, one big enough that it can fly, at least a few feet. It needs perches. Sticks or branches. They are not ground dwellers.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5365021)

All good news!

I think you should get it a cage as soon as possible. Yes, one big enough that it can fly, at least a few feet. It needs perches. Sticks or branches. They are not ground dwellers.

We are planning to visit the nearby seller on Tuesday and get him a mate and a bigger cage. Shall keep everyone posted.

Btw, he made the typical 'coarse' parrot/parakeet sound an hour ago upon touching. And we have started to discuss the names as well. lol:


Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5364864)
5. If we decide to keep it at home, being a male, we are planning to get another male to keep him company so as to avoid any unplanned incidents :uncontrol. Hope that this is the right approach.

I request confirmation from pyrodrive on this, as I am looking back over fifty years to childhood experience.

We had a core family of 8-12 budgerigars. If you want to get them to breed you have to give them nesting boxes and a bigger cage. Ours, of mixed gender, did not do so until/unless we gave suitable environment.

What's 'suitable,' or 'big enough?' I don't remember.


Originally Posted by pyrodrive (Post 5364528)
Hi, I have been keeping and breeding budgies since 1992, still have about 200 of them now.


Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5364864)
Hello everyone. 24 hour update as follows-

1. We have cleaned its wound twice in the last 24 hours and have also applied Betadine to its wound.

2. It has become much more active now and is eating. We were also able to see droppings in the cage which is a big positive.

3. It is making very feeble sounds now. Hopefully, it will recover fully very soon.

4. The narrative at home has now shifted from 'giving it to a seller' to 'let's keep it at home' :D.

5. If we decide to keep it at home, being a male, we are planning to get another male to keep him company so as to avoid any unplanned incidents :uncontrol. Hope that this is the right approach.

We plan to wait it out for a few more days before taking a final decision post which we will either give it to a seller or get another buddy for him along with a bigger cage.

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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5365114)
I request confirmation from pyrodrive on this, as I am looking back over fifty years to childhood experience.

We had a core family of 8-12 budgerigars. If you want to get them to breed you have to give them nesting boxes and a bigger cage. Ours, of mixed gender, did not do so until/unless we gave suitable environment.

What's 'suitable,' or 'big enough?' I don't remember.

In continuation to the previous posts, I would also appreciate any feedback as to whether I can get any budgie as a companion or if it has to be specifically the recessive pied budgie.

* Injury trigger warning NSFW *

Hi AYP sorry if I am being obnoxious but please consult a trusted vet. I've heard of birds who looked ok on the outside but full of maggots on the inside. You don't know how long that wound was open.

Please get him looked at. They will also be able to do recommend you correct food, cage etc.

It’s amazing how this fella has become so ingrained into our family.

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Always ready to lend a helping paw, whatever be the ask.

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4 years ago - December 2018.
I saw this pup by the roadside while cycling. She was about 65 days old as per my Vet.
Of course as soon as I saw her friendly little puppy face I picked her up, put her into my vest-jacket and brought her home, where she has been ever since.
A lovely dog. Full of character.

Not exactly a pet but this guy comes to our home whenever he wants, cries(makes myriad sound) in front of our door and eats/sleeps as long as he want and leaves.
He acts like he is the owner of flat. rl:
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Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5365122)
In continuation to the previous posts, I would also appreciate any feedback as to whether I can get any budgie as a companion or if it has to be specifically the recessive pied budgie.

Colour does not matter at all. We had all colours. Green and blue are the most common, but we even had one albino, pure white budgie.

They are very characterful birds, and all different. Like people, it will depend entirely on the individuals whether they get on together or not, not the feathers :D


Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5365122)
In continuation to the previous posts, I would also appreciate any feedback as to whether I can get any budgie as a companion or if it has to be specifically the recessive pied budgie.

Hi, glad to see the little fella on its way to recovery. Recessive pied is just a colour mutation, you can buy any colour you like as a companion.
This mutation is a bit hard to sex with certainity during adolescent stage as both males n females can have a pinkish cere. But you can safely go for a male, two male budgies kept together generally do not fight and will sing and court each other all day long. It is the females who are spiteful to each other. Males are the easy going chaps in the budgie world.

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