Team-BHP - Team-BHPians and their Pets

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Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao (Post 5292536)
Might have a fear of enclosed spaces from prior experiences, so would need gradual conditioning.

If you have the luxury of safe spacious parking where you can keep an eye out (like an independent house), you could start with letting her be in the car for a while each day to get familiar & comfortable with it. Maybe try sitting in the car, and cajoling her to join in? Increase the time spent in car gradually.

Once she is comfortable with the car's interior and not alarmed by being in it, try short drives around where you live (familiar surroundings for her) before increasing distances gradually to see how she reacts.

Both aspects are important. Familiarity with the vehicle itself, and with it being in motion and taking her through unfamiliar surroundings.

Might take a while and results may vary, so patience is paramount.

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, if she is taken to the parking, she will literally run around our entire building but go near the cars. You are on point when you said that she first needs to be conditioned to sit inside a car and then the drives will have to start. Currently, she runs away as soon as she sees that we are walking towards the car. But hopefully, overtime she gets used to it !


Originally Posted by ACe_10 (Post 5292520)
It seems we have his desi brother here in Bangalore. Half the size but equally troublesome :)

They do similar as well!lol: Let me know if I can be of any help.


Originally Posted by AB10 (Post 5292270)

We are trying to take Toffee out on car drives, but because she is a rescued Indie, she is quite apprehensive in entering cars and going on drives. We are trying to help her get rid of these fears and hope that she will also be an avid car ride lover like Steffi.

Do you guys have any solutions for this car ride apprehensiveness? Please do suggest the same if you do. Thanks !

You might have already tried this, if not then try to take her on leash and jump into the back seat with a favorite toy or treat. Repeat the same several times for couple of days, if she is at least sitting in the car with window rolled down then you could move the car slightly back and forth and progress to smaller rides within the campus / neighborhood before progressing on longer drives.
Additionally one could purchase from Amazon/pet shop the U shaped dog back seat cover which fits to the back sides of the headrests or front seats and the head rests of rear seat or the gap therein, thus creating a hammock kind of secure place for the pet passenger making them comfortable.

Hello everyone,

Meet my cat Toffee! I found Toffee back on the 27th of March behind the dustbin crates of our society. Toffee was about 5-6 weeks old back in March end. Currently, the age is about 9-10 weeks old. I would like your help in determining the gender of Toffee. The last few pics shall help you in answering this. I am of the opinion that Toffee is of a certain gender which was also confirmed by 1 vet. But in the subsequent visits to the vet, there was a different doctor, who confirmed the gender as being the opposite, not once but twice.

27th March at 2:30 am-

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27th March evening-

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The subsequent pics are of Toffee chilling at home and enjoying(may not be applicable to the last 3 pics :D)-

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I request again, please help in determining the gender of Toffee.


Originally Posted by ghodlur (Post 5283444)
..But trust me we will be taking an informed decision.

Hi, I am late to this, but here goes my suggestion. If kids and other family members are okay with caring for the dog, then and then only you should adopt one. Unlike cats, dogs are a hard work, you need to train them for everything. Otherwise it becomes nightmare for a single person to handle a dog. My cousin wanted a lab just because his friends had one, so my uncle"bought" (against my suggestion to adopt, rather than shop :Frustrati) and that was worst thing could have happened to the pup. My cousin wouldn't go anywhere near the pup, neither he fed the pup. My uncle and aunt both working professional so pup was tied up to chain all day in their apartment. He didn't have any leash training, litter training nothing. I talked to my uncle and requested him to let the pup grow up on their farm with the caretaker family there. Now that pup has grown up in a beautiful happy dog.

Long story short, adopt any stray dog in your area, just one roti will do the trick. They're used to outside world so you don't have to do much for them apart from food, occasional medical checkup. That way your kids will also be happy and you won't have to do all the hardwork. Or, adopt a cat ! You will just have to give it food and nothing else. Please be aware, the puppy/kitten stage is not easy at all. It needs patience, practice and hardwork so when the pet grows up, it becomes easier. Good luck !


Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5302608)
Hello everyone,

Meet my cat Toffee! But in the subsequent visits to the vet, there was a different doctor, who confirmed the gender as being the opposite, not once but twice.

I request again, please help in determining the gender of Toffee.

OMG such a cute kitten ! That's a funny little problem you've got there. With my limited experience as a cat dad, I'm inclined to believe Tuffy is a male cat.
Don't worry about it, when he grows up about 6 months or so, give him a soft toy, if he humps it, he's definitely a male :uncontrol Besides you can easily identify the gender looking there.

Has anybody tried dog food from Pawfectly Made? I read about it and seems like the company Licious has started this. The website feels a little flimsy at certain places. Like the weight of certain breeds are capped at a certain number and does not accept anything beyond that.

I'm thinking of taking the plunge for the Indies outside my house. Fingers crossed. clap:

Pawfectly Made for your pet - Get 40% off on first order

Here's the link to the website.

I used to have Pawfectly Made in 2020. After few months, quality deteriorated badly and I stopped.

Hello everyone
I’m looking to get a Bullmastiff pup. Any suggestions as to a responsible and good breeder would be very helpful.
Also, would like to know from Bullmastiff owners as to the cold weather tolerance of these. Where I stay presently, the temperature goes down to Minus 23/24 in winters.


Originally Posted by kiredd1005 (Post 5316907)
Has anybody tried dog food from Pawfectly Made? I read about it and seems like the company Licious has started this. The website feels a little flimsy at certain places. Like the weight of certain breeds are capped at a certain number and does not accept anything beyond that.

I'm thinking of taking the plunge for the Indies outside my house. Fingers crossed. clap:

Pawfectly Made for your pet - Get 40% off on first order

Here's the link to the website.

If you can spare an hour every fortnight, you can easily do a meal-prep for your dog. I get small cuts of various meats - beef (mangalore cut), liver (cube cut), chicken neck (small cuts), sardine (5-6 pieces per piece) or cleaned anchovy (no cut required). Just saute your choice of meat with some herb - rosemary, sage, mint, thyme, basil etc. Keep it aside. Save all the juices from saute-ing. Now I just use a bunch of cut vegetables from BB - pumpkin, avial, gourd, spinach, beans, carrot, broccoli etc and cook it in the meat juice. And then ration out the meat to veg ratio basis my dog’s daily requirement. I’ve been doing this for years. It’s so fulfilling seeing your dog lap up the food. And you can control it according to season or medical conditions.

You can just start with one meat and few vegetables and try it.

Also, dogs like the flavour, so don’t skimp on it.


Originally Posted by Sidban85 (Post 5318950)
I used to have Pawfectly Made in 2020. After few months, quality deteriorated badly and I stopped.

Oh I didn't know it was there since 2020. Anyway, I'll give it a shot. Maybe their quality has improved now.

Hey guys,

We are looking to visit Goa next week along with our cat- 'Toffee'. Request you all to chip in with suggestions for pet/cat friendly accommodations in Goa. Our budget is 8k per room for 1 night. We are open to all types of accommodation but hotel stay would be preferred.


We made a comfy bed for him in our boot , but he chose our bags to sit on instead 😂

Sharing a picture of him admiring the Delhi - Dehradhun Highway lol:
Team-BHPians and their Pets-img_20220415_120008.jpg


Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5322646)
Hey guys,

We are looking to visit Goa next week along with our cat- 'Toffee'. Request you all to chip in with suggestions for pet/cat friendly accommodations in Goa. Our budget is 8k per room for 1 night. We are open to all types of accommodation but hotel stay would be preferred.


May i recommend AIRbnb for your stay there? You can contact the host to check if your cat can be allowed to stay, most hosts even list if pet friendly. The best part is you have options to rent out a whole cottage for yourself, giving your cat more space to explore and play around.


Originally Posted by AYP (Post 5322646)
Hey guys,

We are looking to visit Goa next week along with our cat- 'Toffee'. Request you all to chip in with suggestions for pet/cat friendly accommodations in Goa. Our budget is 8k per room for 1 night. We are open to all types of accommodation but hotel stay would be preferred.


Is your cat exposed and comfortable to such travel trips in the past? If not, I wouldn't recommend doing so - cats are territorial and prefer to be in the space they know, unlike dogs.

Thought to share this incident here. Many people suggested me to get myself Rabies , Tetanus vaccines as I've adopted a cat and few stray dogs, but I kept dilly dallying it for almost a year. Well my cat thought it was good time to make me rush to the hospital at 1 AM in the night for the vaccines :)

I heard him hissing loudly at another stray cat which was outside the window, also hissing at my cat. I rushed to shoo away that cat and my cat jumped down and just attacked my left leg. He bit very hard right below the knee and scratched around ankle and calves. Don't know how he let go of my leg, but I'm guessing me shouting scared him and he let go of my leg. There's about 7 - 8 deep wounds from his teeth and deep scratches all over the feet. Almost all of my leg covered in my blood. Rushed to the bathroom, and washed the wounds under running water for solid 10 minutes.

Rushed to a government hospital but couldn't find anyone there, went to nearby medical, got some bandages, ointment and H2O2 to clean the wounds. Came home, cleaned wounds, applied the ointment. There was mild swelling on the leg and it hurt so couldn't sleep. Woke up and straight away went to doctor, got both the Rabies and Tetanus vaccines. Apparently government hospitals give it free (or very less cost) but according to my doctor, they use one vial to administer doses to 5 people so each individual gets very less dosage of the vaccine. I didn't want to take any chances so took the whole dosage !

Lessons learnt -
Keep first aid kit at home !
Don't get in between animal fights, let them calm down then approach them.
Always make sure you're vaccinated !!!
Savings grace is my cat is an indoor cat, and he's fully vaccinated so I'm not worried much. Take care, pet parents !

Here's little devil sleeping peacefully, how am I supposed to be angry at this face !
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