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Old 25th June 2015, 01:42   #31
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

I have been fortunate enough to Ride (2012) & Drive (2014) to Ladakh in my own vehicle from Mumbai and back.

I completely understand the concern of local population being concerned about getting their bread-n-butter snatched away by Business Houses but there are things which they need to understand for eg..

Will you risk your & your families life with 3-4 year old (sometimes more) vehicle with bald tyres driven like some sort of Rally Race while climbing Mt. Passes at 10000 ft and above?

Ladakh is all about natural beauty. There is more to explore so why stick to time schedule of Taxi Drivers? If someone has the capacity & need to hire only 4X4 luxury vehicles, why should they settle for Xylo/Innova?Tavera?

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 26th June 2015 at 08:32. Reason: Typos.
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Old 25th June 2015, 12:09   #32
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Usage of bikes rented from Srinagar in Leh-Ladakh

Hey All,

Recently heard that groups of bikers were stopped in Leh and were not allowed to pass onto Nubra and Pangong as they hired the bikes from Manali/Srinagar.

Anyone has more information on these ?

I am travelling this saturday with bike hired from Srinagar.

Any tips how can i bypass these people from stopping ?

Admin--> Please excuse if i have not put the post in correct forum.
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Old 25th June 2015, 12:21   #33
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

Well done I say. Some idiots have no idea of road manners and they learn only the hard way. If some brain dead people who have no idea how to drive or park on a hilly road makes life difficult for others, I think the local drivers are within their rights to teach them a lesson or two...

Originally Posted by captain.torque View Post

Coincidentally, the Manza driver arrived on the scene as well and just as he sat inside, a couple truckers grabbed and pulled him outside, slapped and abused him till he literally begged for mercy. He was spared only after other tourists including our group intervened.

Banging bonnets and windows of cars not parked properly while screaming expletives.
BTW even Darjeeling and Sikkim dont let out side taxis to ply in their area, the self drive cars are not yet popular there but once the number increased I can see them going the same way. So in a sense Ladakh has to set a precedent with its official decision as it will affect a lot of other places. I hope they leave the self drive cars to ply, heck even better why not have a local Zoom or CarsOnRent?

Last edited by Bhodrolok : 25th June 2015 at 12:31. Reason: added statements
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Old 25th June 2015, 12:24   #34
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

Originally Posted by Bhodrolok View Post
Well done I say. Some idiots have no idea of road manners and they learn only the hard way. If some brain dead people who have no idea how to drive or park on a hilly road makes life difficult for others, I think the local drivers are within their rights to teach them a lesson or two...
Sorry, I dont think it works that way. Your logic of eye for an eye is the reason we have so much of road rage nowadays. Someone is an idiot and parked it wrong. Sure! There is no dearth of idiots in this world. But what makes you think that immediately locals or for that matter anyone else can become the ultimate law unto themselves to take a call on what punishment suits best? Particularly, the physical roughing up of a person breaks all laws.

Last edited by Zappo : 25th June 2015 at 12:25.
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Old 25th June 2015, 12:27   #35
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

Just adding my two cents to it. While the situation of the local population is understandable its surely going to lead to a loss to hotels/restaurants/other services indirectly connected however small it may be.
IMO the District Administration wont be doing anything about it and wont pass any order supporting the local taxi unions. It seems as if lawlessness is taking over and the Local Administration is just a mute spectator to all the things happening.
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Old 25th June 2015, 13:10   #36
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

What about black plate with yellow font self drive rentals - would those be a problem?
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Old 25th June 2015, 13:34   #37
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Re: Usage of bikes rented from Srinagar in Leh-Ladakh

You may face resistance from the local bike rental operators. There is already a strong negativity around the region about self ride/drives from outside states.

There is a thread discussing this:

Also, found the below image on HVK FB Page, may be you could get some help incase you are stopped.

Good Luck. Ride Safe.

Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!-.facebook_1435218808616.jpg
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Old 25th June 2015, 13:40   #38
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

Originally Posted by lamborghini View Post
What about black plate with yellow font self drive rentals - would those be a problem?
This thread is SPECIFICALLY about black plate yellow letter vehicles.
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Old 25th June 2015, 13:50   #39
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

Originally Posted by Bhodrolok View Post
Well done I say. Some idiots have no idea of road manners and they learn only the hard way. If some brain dead people who have no idea how to drive or park on a hilly road makes life difficult for others, I think the local drivers are within their rights to teach them a lesson or two...
Its more nuanced.

The problem is that Indian police does zero enforcement of the existing laws, thus making locals suffer. If their woes are not listened to - what will they do?

The solution isnt to encourage violence - which is a hair's breadth away from goondaism. Why not make a petition for the police to do what is their JOB?

I see the same issue in Gurgaon - zero enforcement unlike the super efficient cops of Chennai. I've gotten warned / challaned in <3 mins twice in one month in Chennai, and never repeated my Gurgaon habits for the remaining two years I was there. The 100 rs I was challaned, is a very small cost, but the lesson stuck.

I dont see why in Manali they can't enforce the same.

Maybe the administration should let Army manage and administer the road from there on - just as BRO would handle their own roads.
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Old 25th June 2015, 13:58   #40
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

Someone please share the "How much an Uber/Ola Driver can make" thread to the protesting drivers, so that they can bring their vehicles to the Metros, make some money while public can take Self driving rental cars to Ladakh or wherever they want

India isn't a communist state, it's democratic republic for god sake.
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Old 25th June 2015, 14:49   #41
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

I completely understand where you are coming from and even I agree that vigilante or mob justice is not a solution. However the problem also is that the law itself does nothing so when locals see tourists who have a idea what they are doing are hampering their daily work, there's bound to be some reaction. I dont endorse roughing up or damaging vehicles but some intimidation from the local drivers might be warranted.

Originally Posted by Zappo View Post
But what makes you think that immediately locals or for that matter anyone else can become the ultimate law unto themselves to take a call on what punishment suits best? Particularly, the physical roughing up of a person breaks all laws.
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Old 25th June 2015, 14:57   #42
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

For people who are more or less completely dependent on tourists for livelihood, its a very mindless stand to take.
How long before the ancillaries(hotels, restaurant, maggi Pwa-eent etc) realise how the taxi guys will impact their business? Maggi is maggi, bought from the same stall, whether its eaten in a rentacar or yellow plated sumo.
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Old 25th June 2015, 16:47   #43
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

In a free country, this is a tough decision. Like GTO said, a chaiwala in MG road cannot stop starbucks to have a shop there.
If they want to compete, they can provide some roundtrip/pickup drop service, good vehicles, travel with food etc. plans.
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Old 25th June 2015, 17:01   #44
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

Originally Posted by FuelInjector View Post
In a free country, this is a tough decision. Like GTO said, a chaiwala in MG road cannot stop starbucks to have a shop there.
If they want to compete, they can provide some roundtrip/pickup drop service, good vehicles, travel with food etc. plans.
Yes, but they can vandalize the vehicles parked outside starbucks, with police looking the other way. The saying "The owner of the stick is the owner of the buffalo" originated here only.
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Old 25th June 2015, 17:45   #45
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Re: Ladakh Taxi Mafia passes resolution banning Self-drive rentals!

It has to be said that even if you are travelling by your own vehicle, the attitude of cab drivers in Leh is quite uncooperative and needlessly aggressive. It remains one of the very few unpleasant memories from our trip 3 years back.

One should be careful and avoid getting into any argument or fight with them.

Nothing can or will be done about this situation unfortunately. The only sensible thing would be to make them stakeholders by some means so they are incentivized to adapt to self driven vehicles.
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