Team-BHP - Pictures: Mumbai Supercar Show & Drive 2012!

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@Akshay1234 - Nice meeting you too!!

This was my first Supercar show - Attached are lessons observed and to be kept in mind for the Supercar show in 2013

1. Arrive as early as possible - it gives you enough time with the cars
2. Arrange paddock passes beforehand - NO "at the left of the right in the centre, a guy in a red shirt will give you your passes" - 45 minutes and no red shirt - a big thank you for participating friends for the arrangement
3. Abuse/Swear at people who come in your way when they know you are taking a snap - being polite does not help
4. Do not park right at entrance - was one of the last to get out
5. Saw people pushing kids and women around - guys you do this normally - for them its entertainment - let them enjoy
6. Heard someone see an Abarth and say,"ae, dekh Mini Cooper" - do stop by and eduate people - they appreciate it
7. Meet the owners - they feel left out - talk to them and get some inspiration on how they are where they are - dont "kitna deti hai?" ever
8. Lastly, respect the cars - YES your denim rivets can dent/nick the cars.

Overall, a funtastic event - Happy to see GS himself controlling the crowds while Mrs. GS was happily revving the yellow 458

Spoke for a couple of minutes with Mr. Balboni - discussing Mumbai roads:)

Look forward to the photos / videos

wow must have been a thrilling experience.Any videos of the drive yet?How many Lp700's were there overall??

Hope the Maserati GTS suffered minor damage, man it must hurt to get your pride rearended like that. Hope no one was hurt. It was an amazing day to say the least! It was a sight to see people including kids and ladies waiting armed with their cams waiting for the supercars. It was raining R8s and Z4s, i lost count of how many i saw. At one point i saw 2 whites R8s and a red R8 taking a u turn and the Red R8 pulled out a nice slide. An unforgetful day and cant wait to see the videos again even after seeing the action live :D. You could hear the sound of god if you were standing by at peddar road, with the exhaust sounds of the cars echoing off the tall buildings. :Cheering:

Since everyone is going to post the pics of the cars which participated, let me post pics of some cars which did not participate and were parked and near the show.


Originally Posted by AyAn! (Post 2654835)

That Ferrari 348 is an absolute beauty clap: ! So well maintained, and GOD those interiors are so classy! Didnt look its age at all! The best part about was the gear lever and the H-gate cover. Whoever said paddle shifts were cool surely hasnt been exposed to the old world mechanical charm!


Originally Posted by akshay1234 (Post 2654796)
Im really sorry, but people really need to get some bloody driving sense. A Maserati Grantourismo was rear ended by a guy in a Figo, and the force of the hit was so bad that the Maser hit the Hummer H1 in front. I'm not going to upload the pic because its just a horrible sight. The worst driven cars were Swift Dzires with people hanging out of the windows, swerving in and out of traffic, and also some hatchbacks. I'm just disgusted at the way some people were driving on the road, and it might be a coincidence but all of the worst driven cars were ones cheaper than 10 lacs. I was in a 530d and we could barely just keep up to those cars, I don't understand why people in swifts were trying to keep up and just endangering their own and other peoples lifes in the process. I saw at least 3 accidents today. Next year there have to be some security arrangements made while on the move.

Now sorry to start on such a bad note, but besides the above it was a brilliant day. Managed to get paddock passes sorted so I was up close with all the cars. Man O Man. 3 Aventadors, 4(?) 458s, the Underground racing Gallardo (Which btw left an Aventador for the dust during a short drag on the sealink) and the Superleggera made my day. There were loads of supercars, but I can say with certainty that these were not even half of the cars in Bombay.

I hate the fact that some people( or rather, mob ) just can't respect these cars. I can't even bear to imagine how it must have felt to the GranTurismo's owner having his car rearended like that!

The organizers should have strategically controlled the traffic. As in, momentarily stop traffic at a couple of intersections immediately ahead of the supercar leading the pack, and periodically filtering out other cars who manage to find their way into the pack. A hard and messy thing to do that may lead to small jams, but then how often do so many supercars parade in such a way? The public might as well be informed in advance about the route and timings so they can plan alternate routes for their personal commutes, knowing that they'll most certainly end up in a jam if they try to catch up with the supercars.

Couldn't agree more about crowd control.

This was the scene when i was driving the jag out after flag off and onto the road:


Originally Posted by akshay1234 (Post 2654796)
Im really sorry, but people really need to get some bloody driving sense. A Maserati Grantourismo was rear ended by a guy in a Figo, and the force of the hit was so bad that the Maser hit the Hummer H1 in front.

Absolutely agree with you. Such horrendous traffic for such supercars and no respect at all from the Car Enthusiasts at the least.

Was at the grounds. Later enjoyed the parade bystanding on the Worli Sea Face. But what a shame to the so called car enthus, deliberately blocking the supercars for the snapshots et all and choking these cars in the in-between lanes as you will see in some pics below. Felt extremely sorry for such attitudes and exhibitions.

But what an amazing line-up. Worh the wait on the Worli Sea Face for about an hour for them to turn up from the Race Course.

Having turned up late for the show and with the overwhelming crowds, it was virtually impossible to get a good glimpse of anything. So just stopped clicking after a few and tried getting glimpse of whatever we could.

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Some respect to the car please...dont brush along just for a snap with the beauty.

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One very funny incident.

THe focus RS was parked inside the arena. GS came and saw it and threw a fit! Couldn't trace the owner so he says: "Call the security and throw this trash out"

And they literally try before they find the owner:

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And that's me :) :

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Brilliant Pictures.Waiting for more.

The Mase part is really sad.The WB Reg RS5 was in Calcutta till thursday.

@Tejas thats a XJ Right?Congrats.

A few more from the parade on Worli Seaface. It was sad to see these supercars limited to extremes with the overwhelming and rash traffic.

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Originally Posted by cityvic (Post 2654968)

@Tejas thats a XJ Right?Congrats.

Yup, it's the XJL diesel monster. It's a friends car though. I was just driving her!

Did a few burnouts. Hope someone has captured that on video! :D


Originally Posted by Tejas@perioimpl (Post 2654967)
And they literally try before they find the owner:


The SAME Focus sneaked in to the display area of last year's supercar show as well.

This year when i saw it i thought "cool, this time he's part of the gang" - but i guess not!

Hilarious picture.

I've got a bit of a video coming up, unfortunately there isn't too much action in it, but it'll add a new dimension to the pictures.


Set 1 of pictures.

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Not a pic from the show but somewhat related. A normal 1:18 Gallardo suddenly became priceless. Personally signed by the legend himself - Valentino Balboni for me and Dippy

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Originally Posted by akshay1234 (Post 2654796)
Im really sorry, but people really need to get some bloody driving sense. A Maserati Grantourismo was rear ended by a guy in a Figo

Agreed, no doubt. The sad part was that there were a few drivers (of supercars and chase-cars alike) who weren't even wearing their seat-belts.

Also - kids on laps. You just can't trust the over-excited fools on the road. Case in point - the rear ending you speak of. Hate to think of what would happen if there was a kid in that car.


Originally Posted by adilkhan5 (Post 2654814)
Great show but poorly managed, the public were stopping cars by coming right in front of them to take photos in Bandra just before the sea link!!

To be honest, i don't think there was any major problem with the event management. It was actually quite good.

The problem is with the spectators.

For any public event, there's a right balance between good organization, security, event management, crowd control and common sense of the viewers. Sadly the latter is in such a deficit that no reasonable amount of anything else can help. :Frustrati


Jalsa, Rehaan, PPS and others,
Fantastic set of pics! Missed the show this year as yesterday was quite hectic.

Yellow is the best colour for the 458, white is possibly the most lack-lustre. The white one even has a "Limboo-Mirchi" just below the prancing horse upfront. Really :uncontrol.

The Lambo lineup was completely droolworthy.

The Focus incident is hilarious. The Messerati crash is really unfortunate.

There was a stunning copper coloured Audi R8 that participated last year. Couldn't spot it in this year's pics.

From the TBHPians, Tejas and Rehaan seem to have participated in the actual drive. Anybody else? FlyingSpur? Akshay?

Need a lot of snaps!

A five star thread! clap:

PS: which one was the 1000+ BHP Lambo? The twin turbo one?

All times are GMT +5.5. The time now is 00:09.