Team-BHP - Pictures: Mumbai Supercar Show & Drive 2012!

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Thanks for the clarification Super Car Club.

Just one thing - was the picture in the newspapers showing the security guys trying to lift the car doctored ?

If not - that is not a very nice way of handling someone's car, whatever the reason.

Guys. Let's stop it now, before this thread becomes notorious.

Guy buys Focus RS. Guy drives Focus RS. Guy goes to party uninvited with Focus RS. Guy gets thrown out.


The only grouse I had was the way they manhandled the car, which is evident from the pictures.

Anyway, it was GS and his party. So let him do whatever he wants.

For the record, I agree with all of you. Everyone had valid points that were duly put forth. Now, before the spirit of this thread is maligned, I sincerely request everyone to let this go, and just enjoy the pictures.

To everyone who is taking up for this ford focus guy, would you all like it if some one gate crashed in a party or event organized by yourselves ? Sneaking the car in the venue a few hours before the event i mean come on ! How lame can one get ? AND i believe this is the second time he's done it. The focus is a good car but cant say the same about the owner. I wish the car would have been towed out of the venue. Reading about this guy's antics i am really getting irritated ! I cannot imagine how irritated the organizers must have been. I don't blame them at all for their actions even though i felt bad for the car being a little man handled.

At the end of the day,its a rich mans club.It has been started by a very rich man,and has a lot of rich people as participants.So they have every right to make their own terms and conditions for participation,like every exclusive club has,and there is absolutely nothing wrong in it.Its their prerogative.

Kudos to GS for organizing such an event and as is evident,its no mean feat to keep track all of the cars,display and rally with such expensive machinery,and if it became a free for all,would be just chaos.

The debate about what is a supercar,is the RS a more worthy contender than a z4,is all academic.For the indian public a Z4 looks more sexier than a RS,a T-rex more outrageous and that will garner more eyeballs,and thats what keeps the show running.Thats the real world,who cares about lap times?Its like getting pretty woman to a party,nobody is going to judge them according to their IQ.:)

Insideman please do post our onboard camera videos and thank you everyone for providing such brilliant coverage!

The super car club has given an official response on what happened on page 6 .
Folks, please read it
I am sure it will answer all your questions


I have no idea why this incident has been blown out of proportion.

We must understand that this car had categorically been denied participation, not just this year but during the last 2 years as well. As the term "gatecrash" suggests, the car in question sneaked into a private party without invitation (let alone refusal). Organising such a massive event is very challenging, and any potential disturbances to its schedule or planning cannot be ignored.

With over a hundred cars participating, parking spots in the display area were as it is not enough (as we could see some participating cars had to remain parked outside). Thus, allowing in an un-invited, un-registered car was out of the question. Regardless of the car being a Focus RS, Tata Nano, or perhaps even a supercar, an un-registered car would not be allowed in. I can remind you of 2 years ago when I was with insideman in his BMW M3. We hadn't registered and so we were flatly denied entry. There were other M3s inside, and so it wasn't a case of the car not being qualified enough. We accepted it and moved on.

As far as Mr. Singhania's alleged disrespectful comments and actions, we have Mr. DJ from the SCC clarifying that all such claims are false. He is about as close as this forum can get to GHS, and so we have to take his word and believe him.

Getting to the selection process of cars, let me just say that the organisers and sponsors are the ones spending lakhs or perhaps crores of Rupees, and endless hours of work and effort on making an event like this possible for us. They do it for enthusiasts like us; to put smiles on our faces and to leave us with a memorable Sunday morning. We're the ones gaining. Having said that, don't you think its fair that they thus have the right to select which cars participate? In fact they allow Z4s, Boxsters and 6 Series etc just for us, because they know that these cars still excite most of the public that watches the parade. Trust me, they are just as well aware as us about whether these cars are actually super cars or not.

Please move on guys. Let me be the first to thank the Super Car Club for such a terrific event. Anyone else joining me?


Ofcourse it was a memorable event and the turnout was exceptional. Many thanks to everyone who planned, participated and organized this, specially GS it was truely epic!
I guess the pic of the car being manhandled and the fact that some people found it funny has made some of us comment and express our displeasure. Which should be obvious as we all are a bunch of car lovers first. Atleast this is common between all of us even though we dont agree on certain things. So lets all take this incident as a learning, gatecrashers and manhandlers ( is there such a word :D ? ) alike and move on. Hope the next years run is even better. Thank you organizers from the bottom of my heart once again !! clap:

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who is posting pictures / videos on this thread for the rest of us to enjoy! Keep posting more!

Secondly, I wish everyone could just enjoy this thread without ruining it by converting it into a discussion solely on the Focus RS issue.

Having said that, I would just like to say a few words to give everyone some perspective on this issue, without passing any judgement on the matter...

The SCC is a private, members-only club. To be a part of an event that is hosted by the SCC, you need to be a member. You will appreciate that a lot of organisation and fore-thought goes into hosting an event such as the one we all enjoyed on Sunday, and even members of the club were asked to provide confirmation of their participation in the event well in advance of the event occurring, so that the event could be well planned.

A lot of people are focussing on what criteria you need to fulfil, in quantifiable terms, in order to become a member, but what nobody seems to appreciate is that ALL clubs, irrespective of their nature, screen their members and have a right to admit only those whom they feel meet whatever criteria they set, quantifiable or not. You do not automatically become a member of the club just because you own a car that meets whatever criteria.

None of us thinks badly of, or looks down upon a Focus RS or any other performance car. We are, after all, all car enthusiasts and appreciate all performance cars, irrespective of their cost.

Now can we please just get back to enjoying the pictures and videos that everyone in town took on Sunday?


It felt more like a driving test rather than a fun driving day out. It became increasingly difficult to keep away from pedestrians, on lookers and following vehicles. Many areas need tremendous improvements for such events to be trouble and incident free. What happened to the Maserati could happen to any one else the next time as the turn out only seems to be increasing year by year and with it is increasing the wish to get up close.

A few things i have been thinking of for quite sometime.

1. Why dont we get as good and wide road surface as in Delhi?

2. A desperate need of a decent race track near the city, even if it is not F1 certified, but something like Chennai may be. A race track keeps the audience at a safe distance from the cars and lets the cars have a fun drive at the same time.

Lastly, many mumbaikers have not shown any respect that these machines command.

Just to put things to a final closure..a certain Lamborghini and a Corvette (not the orange C6) were turned away for not being registered. The owners never made a fuss or gate crashed the event. This shows its not the value of a car or even the profile of the person that is considered..its rules made that are followed.

I would request everyone to soak in the efforts of GHS and SCC for the enthusiasts by enjoying what this thread was created to do, that is enjoy the pictures and videos from the event.

Thank you.

Firstly it was a great day out for anyone who liked cars... The show has grown into quite an event over the past few years and the amount of supercars in the city has grown massively. Was amazing to see so many Lamborghinis , ferraris and other exotics all parked together. Anywhere inthe world that would be quite a sight but in India it makes it even more special considering the heavy import duties we have.
I hope to see the car club continue and become even more exclusive and more organisation into the safety of the event. This is going to be a massive task as the public must co operate if they want to see what these cars do. There were cars with kids hanging out the sides cutting of the supercars while they were accelerating which caused some very close calls.
Now I will share with you my experience. I started in the mansory Bentley gt I did manage to have a nice run with the white m3. To my surprise the Bentley was no match for the m3 pace and was a body length behind. Not to mention there were 4 people in the m3. However to the Bentley defence the sport button was not activated but even if it was I still feel the Bentley had no chance until much later, on the way back I swapped into the gallardo se where I pulled with a r8 v10 and 458. Result
1 458
2 r8
3 gallardo
The gearbox in r8 is way better than the early gallardos (not 570 and superleggera) hence it did gain a length on the gear changes however the 458 made both of us look like we were walking. I really saw the true power of the 458 and must give it some super street cred. Other than that the traffic was too heavy to do anything.

Finally I have been reading a lot about ' the gatecrasher' and well as embarrassing as it must be now it should have been then to have the desire to take a Ford hatchback to such a show and want to show it off as it was a supercar. I myself have an evo which was not there and the e55 k4 amg. As crazy as these cars may be they are not exotic super car level and not the essence of this show. I also left the e class outside in the parking lot and walked in myself to see the eye candy. Clearly the rs doesn't belong in the show and the persistence of it trying to make a point that it is a fast car would annoy many participants and the organisers and hence I suppose the events that happened which everyone in mumbai must know by now. The rs is now the most infamous car in mumbai. (the resale is gonna hurt hehe). Besides why go to a gun fight with a knife?.
Now I'm not saying everything inside the paddock was supercar territory but sure was eye candy

I feel the membership selection and car selection needs to be reviewed for the future. Cars such as the SLK, boxster, z4 should not be allowed in the paddock and only allow th e top end model of brands ie. if a SLK then only a slk55 should be welcome or for Audi only the r And rs models,BMW only m models etc. this would filter out some of the unwanted cars even in this case the ford wouldnt make it in. I hope the organisers see this for the future. in any case this was a show by invitation so I guess the organiser decides what comes and not so whatever happened was justified.
Cars that shouldn't be there SLK, z4, evo, ford rs, boxter, range rover, cayennes(unless turbo), panamera unless turbo etc. by following this system the car numbers can be controlled for a better drive and show of true class not just loads of people trying to show off their cars

A few pictures that i absolutely loved. Posting them here. A fantastic effort from the Club to pull of the number of participants and taking care.

The icing on the cake was my 1968 Miura scale model autographed by Mr. Balboni.

Pics courtesy: Autocar and a freind on FB.

All said and done, it was a great show! In terms of participation, visitors, range of super cars, etc. WOW!!! Just enjoyed the Sunday, when Mumbai was painted RED by these beauties!

In just 3 years, this SuperCar Show has become an event that we petrol heads look forward to and mark it on our calendars as an event 'not to be missed at any cost'!

A big thanks to SCC and especially GS for a great show! Please do more and more shows like this in the coming months! (By the way, when and where is the next SuperCar Show...someone told me that it is in Delhi in the month of Feb / Mar?!)


Originally Posted by heavy_foot (Post 2655455)
Nice video, Whats that thing that guy is riding at 7:17 ?


it's the e-trikke.

for more you can google trikke india.


A big thanks to SCC and especially GS for a great show! Please do more and more shows like this in the coming months! (By the way, when and where is the next SuperCar Show...someone told me that it is in Delhi in the month of Feb / Mar?!)
Feb/March? really? that soon? From what I've seen many vehicles sported registration numbers from all over the country. Assumed it was an annual event held only in Mumbai.

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