
Australia: EV owners told to send in odo reading for road tax

EV owners who fail to comply with the new regulation could have their vehicle's registration either cancelled or suspended.

The road authority of the state of Victoria in Australia has asked EV owners to send in a photograph of their car's odometer reading, starting from July 1, 2021. According to a media report, this move is part of the state's new electric vehicle road tax, which is effective from the start of the financial year.

EV owners in Victoria would be taxed 2.5 cents per kilometre from July 1. This amounts to an annual bill of AUS$ 375 for cars that travel around 15,000 km a year and AUS$ 750 for those which travel double that.

EV owners who fail to comply with the new regulation could have their vehicle's registration either cancelled or suspended, along with facing other penalties.

The media report claims that EV owners and companies are not happy with the new road tax, calling it an obstacle for increasing EV sales in the country.

The state has, however, also announced rebates of up to AUS$ 3,000 for the first 4,000 EVs. Once the number is reached, the state will review the scale of the rebate.

However, while this is good for new EV buyers, current EV owners will not only miss out on the rebate, but also be taxed for driving emission-free vehicles.

Source: TheDriven

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