
Digital MID on my 2009 Ford Fiesta diesel abrubtly goes blank

After driving for few good hours, screen goes blank. Then after few hours it comes back again slowly (in a dim way) and finally brightens up fully.

BHPian CoconutCar recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hello, requesting guidance from experienced forum members on odometer data being blank on my car's display.

Car - Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi 2009 (Odo - 1.21L+)

I will provide 2 photos. 1st : normal ; 2nd showing the malfunction.

This issue came few weeks ago. After driving for few good hours, screen goes blank. Then after few hours it comes back again slowly (in a dim way) and finally brightens up fully after few more hours of driving or night halt.

This happened many times. So, I was comfortable as display would revert back.

However, now it has been more than one day, with various many breaks, and display has still not recovered.

It is not a major issue, as fuel gauge is working so I can fill up the car and continue to drive normally, but it is still a nuisance to see it blank all the time and not knowing how much I have traveled. Recently, I went to Kasauli (HP) and onwards journey was clocked, return was blank.

Also, screen going blank is not a computer issue as everyone it came back I could see the updated numbers. So clearly, computer is calculating fine. Its the screen that rejects to show them. Even when, display starts to come back slowly/being dim, I can see the numbers changing

Has anyone faced these issues? (Fiesta and Figos featured same console)

What are my options? Is it an expensive fix? I think this is a unique part and will require the whole dashboard to be taken apart.

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