
Facing multiple issues with a brand new Jeep Compass

My friend was stuck for 3 hours in the middle of the city waiting for RSA to send in a flatbed.

BHPian akshaydandekar recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hello members,

I wanted to share an unusual issue faced by my close friend with his brand new Jeep Compass Sport Petrol Manual. The car is less than 60 days old and I am listing down the issues faced over the past 2 days. Do share your feedback on why these issues may have come up in a brand new car. Would love feedback from Compass owners as well!

October 19

On her way back from work, the Jeep suddenly stalls and the Service Stop/Start System Warning Light comes on. This was in the middle of traffic. The car stalls completely, luckily she was able to start the car again and proceed with her journey.

October 20

During her commute within the city, the same issue pops up. Accompanying the Service Stop/Start System Warning Light other warning lights lit up including:

  • Immobilizer Fail / VPS Electrical Alarm Indicator
  • Light
  • Fuel Cutoff Warning Light

Thankfully, she was able to park the car at the kerb. The car refused to start and experienced a total loss of power. There was no power from the car even to roll up the windows. Eventually, after multiple tries, the battery came on at half ignition and she was able to roll up the windows.

The worse part was the Jeep RSA experience. Despite being stuck in the middle of the city, the RSA took over 3 hours to send a flatbed to take the car to the service centre. Stuck with 2 young children (under the age of 10) she faced a harrowing time. The RSA kept providing excuses for the delay and on multiple occasions just hung up on her after putting her on hold. Despite multiple calls and escalations, they kept giving one excuse after another. Thankfully her husband was able to reach the location eventually and take the kids home.

Can anyone shed any light on why this could've happened in a brand new Jeep?

It's a Jeep Compass Sport Petrol (M) MY2021. This incident happened in Chembur, Mumbai.

Here's what BHPian Vandit had to say on the matter:

To me, it looks to be most likely an electrical issue. Either cables/shorting of some sort/sensor or battery related. The compass facelift had a fair bit of issues reported with the batteries. Unless it's not an issue more common like a rat eating through a wire or something of the sort.

It is quite a harrowing experience for sure. However, with 2 under-10 kids can't imagine the situation had they been on a highway run.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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