
Lamborghini India records highest-ever sales in 2021

Lamborghini currently offers the Urus, Huracan and Aventador in India, with the Urus being the most popular among them.

Lamborghini India is set to end the year on a high note. The Italian supercar maker recorded the highest ever sales in India this year, surpassing the record yearly sales of 52 units achieved in 2019.

Earlier this year, Lamborghini achieved the 300 units sales milestone in India. However, the carmaker hasn't disclosed the exact number of cars sold during 2021.

According to Shard Agarwal, Head of Lamborghini India, the supercar maker registered a growth of 20% in H1 2021. Demand started improving from October 2020. He also confirmed that the waiting period for a Lamborghini is 7-12 months, depending on the model.

Lamborghini currently offers the Urus, Huracan and Aventador in India, with the Urus being the most popular among them.

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