
Used Audi e-tron batteries to power e-rickshaws in India

The e-rickshaws powered by the second-life batteries are scheduled to hit Indian roads as part of a pilot project in early 2023.

A German-Indian startup, Nunam, is bringing three electric rickshaws to India - all of which are powered by used batteries from the Audi e-tron test fleet.

The prototypes have been developed by Nunam, in collaboration with Audi's training team at their Neckarsulm site. This is also the first joint project between Audi AG and Audi Environmental Foundation, in addition to Nunam. The aim of the project is to explore how high-voltage battery modules can be reused after their car lifecycle. The project also aims to create job opportunities, especially for women, in India.

The e-rickshaws powered by the second-life batteries are scheduled to hit Indian roads as part of a pilot project in early 2023. Women in particular will be able to use the electric rickshaw to transport their goods to markets.

Nunam will also provide a solar panel charging system for the e-rickshaws. During the day, the panels will charge a used Audi e-tron battery which will act as a buffer storage unit. In the evening, this stored energy is passed on to the rickshaws, effectively making daily driving carbon-free.

The company also states that once the batteries are past their first and second lifecycle, they can still be used to power stationary applications like LED lighting.

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