
Road trip to Rameshwaram & Dhanushkodi with my EcoSport

Gujarat to Kerala and then to Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi. Easier said than done.

BHPian R-Six recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Somewhere along with the Madurai-Rameswaram stretch. Take a pause to enjoy the roads, the machine and the company!

A glimpse of the historic Pamban Bridge. The colour of the water is unbelievably green for someone coming from the northwest

View of the other side of the Pamban Bridge! Boats neatly docked at the end of the day! Waiting for their next trip into the sea looking for their master's lively hood

Roads are drawn like a straight line as far as your eyes can see.

Perks of doing cross-country road trips. You can make impromptu plans and detours to explore interesting places

After completing the trip up north last year, I had been joking around with my friends and family that my next trip is going to be to the Southernmost part of India.

While Kashmir to Kanyakumari in a single drive is still a distant dream for mere mortals like me who are stuck to the 9-5 drill, why not do these in instalments? And why not, most of our lives revolve around instalments one way or the other anyway. So that’s how my itch to drive down to the Land’s End, aka Dhanushkodi started.

Since my parents still live in Kerala, decided to club it along with one of my visits to the hometown.

The place I call home!

The only catch was, convincing the better half to agree again for yet another cross-country drive. From Gujarat to Kerala and then to Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi. Easier said than done.

While I want this blog to focus on the Dhanushkodi trip, I will still go ahead and break my journey up to my hometown as well just for the reader’s benefit. If someone is looking at driving down from this part of the county, this can be a handy reference.

I generally split my drive to Kerala into 3 parts.

  • Day 1: Ahmedabad – Pune
  • Day 2: Pune – Bangalore
  • Day 3: Bangalore – Chavakkad (Thrissur)

My drive to Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi happened a couple of weeks after my arrival at my native.

Day 1 was BAU: Ahmedabad-Pune

An early start ensured that we were in Pune before sunset. We could have easily pushed till Satara or Karad considering that we were in Pune by 6.

Day 2.

Since we had retired early the previous day, we were up and on the road by 6:15 am.

Since we had not done any bookings, decided to drive to Hosur before calling it a day. But after wrapping up dinner at Attibele A2B, we couldn’t find a suitable place for a night halt until Krishnagiri. Either the rates were exorbitant, or the rooms were not satisfactory.

What took me and my partner by surprise was the distance we covered that day. We had ended up clocking around 950 km, making our last leg of the journey on Day 3 quite relaxed.

Continue reading BHPian R-Six's Rameshwaram travelogue for more insights and information.

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