
Buying a New car with an Older manufacturing date

In various discussions on the forum, we have seen poor punters getting mutton being passed off as lamb; i.e. older cars passed off as new. From a consumer standpoint, the car is new but in reality, it is as old as the day it rolled off the line.

Although our Team-BHP PDI list and VIN guides should assist you in not getting fobbed off, you might find great deals in old inventory too. What happens if there is a wallflower that appeals? A deal that is too good to be true? Well, it's fair to say that not all non-sellers are bad cars, so let us take an in-depth look into this. 

Why would one consider this?

  • Great savings – Sometimes there are good cars that lack market appeal.

Why you might want to run?

  • Such cars might be difficult to sell in the used market, due to lack of market appeal.
  • High depreciation, since they were never wanted.
  • Niggles that creep in due to long periods of storage.
  • Dealers use such cars for customer test-drives (with their odometer disconnected). These are inevitably abused.

The objective of this guide is to:

1. Help assess what to look for, in addition to the PDI.
2. What needs to be factored into negotiating the price. The dealer will tell you "like new" and stories like it has been kept in a hospital-like environment, but that may not be the case.

While we cannot deal much with market perception without starting a fanboy club, we can at least highlight potential risks and how to mitigate them.

So, what typical cars do we find sitting in the inventory?

Note: This list is based on past data and is subject to change.

  • Overstretched Brand Victims– VW Passat, Hyundai Sonata, Maruti Kizashi
  • Victims of Poor Forecasting & Overproduction- VW Vento
  • Victims of poor marketing – Renault Fluence
  • Overpriced – Fiat 500, VW Beetle
  • Unloved Petrol Equivalents – BMW 523 / 320i, Polo 1.6
  • Unloved CKDs– Chevrolet Captiva
  • Unloved – Chevrolet Sail, Spark, Fiats, Tatas of all shapes and sizes
  • Dudso's - Verito, Quanto

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