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Old 2nd June 2011, 12:26   #76
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Verna sales are off to a good start.
City still decent though considering it's getting older now.
The verna is a good vfm package and is loaded to the brim which will make things tougher for the City as the months go by.
i was at Honda yesterday and was discussing discounts on the city.
Being a Honda customer already i was offered 50K discount on the top spec AT Exclusive
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Old 2nd June 2011, 12:33   #77
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

ANHC (Petrol) will die a natural death it seems, with the onset of ANHV &
I don't know why people speak so ill about Honda City. Why don't people understand that a car available only in petrol, overpriced, suffering from petrol prices, suffering from recent recall, production cut etcetera and etcetera is still managing to sell nearly 2000 units every month. If petrol + diesel break up is available for SX4, Vento and others then I am sure this one would be still number one selling.
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Old 2nd June 2011, 12:36   #78
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Dismal numbers for Honda which is now becoming a trend every month. Production cut or otherwise, it doesn't really matter.

Huge drop in sales of Fortuner and Altis which probably was due to reduced production at Toyota and news about the new Altis. Etios sales seem to be getting better every month. But petrol price hike may cause a stagnation/drop in sales.

Vento doing good but I expected higher sales than 2400. Is this the SX4-D effect?

Last edited by fuel_addict : 2nd June 2011 at 12:59.
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Old 2nd June 2011, 12:41   #79
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Apart from Honda, which is widely discussed, one manufacturer who should be really worried will be Tata. Their JLR performance apart, there is nothing much to cheer on the domestic front.

Diesel being their forte, it is very sad to see the dwindling numbers for Indica (which is actually Indica + Vista) and Indigo (Indigo + Manza). Seems that with the inflow of all the bigger brands, people are apalled by the sqeaky (at least after a couple of years) Tatas.
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Old 2nd June 2011, 14:47   #80
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

I wonder looking at these monthly sales figures, what punto is doing right or wrong, for it stay's always in that 1200 unit bracket. If fiat was not doing something right sales should have fallen quite a bit now; that the car has been here for about 2 years. Frankly from speaking to showroom execs here in Bangalore and the number of cars I see on road, they say their sales are good !!! (Would you believe it).
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Old 2nd June 2011, 14:56   #81
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Did anybody notice 1 Evo? And i thought Palio was discontinued.

Very sad for jazz. Good product but bad pricing. Swift is the king of Hatches. And Ritz is quietly clocking good numbers.
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Old 2nd June 2011, 15:40   #82
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Really happy to see Fiat doing consistent numbers month-on-month. Infact, Punto dearest has clocked nearly 1300 units in May. Love it or Hate it, but you just can't ignore it.

While every company seems to be selling a lot of cars, we agree that they all leave out on something that either holds them back or brings them down. Honda lacks diesel, Tata lacks quality, Skoda lacks service, Ford lacks features, Toyota lacks design, Mitsubishi lacks the desire to sell, Maruti lacks panache, Fiat lacks the confidence to go out and tell people that their cars are as-good-as others in the market.

Go ahead Fiat. Market your cars well. No need to seek help from any 'self-proclaimed-celebrity' or lazy cricketers. We love you and we will buy your cars.
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Old 2nd June 2011, 15:50   #83
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Even though Skoda horror stories are aplenty, Laura is taking the lead! And Fabia got a new life totally, Skoda took corrective steps right in time
Problem with Honda is not about competition etc, its their attitude. Being a Honda customer, every time i deal with them, they think they are kings and untouchables. Right from never admitting to a fault to their customer care just being hogwash, all points to one thing- they feel they cannot be dislodged.
Verna has shot off like its diesel engine, and clearly IMHO it spells very bad times for ANHC and Linea, who i feel with the don't care attitude of the guys at top, are on their way down and maybe out of any competition with the rest at all. Overall sales are down with high fuel and interest rates, hence lower numbers.
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Old 2nd June 2011, 16:20   #84
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

An aspect for FIAT car sales that one should not is - The metros is where FIAT sells. The tier 2 and Tier 3 cities the sales would be far lesser than the Tier 1 cities. Somebody from FIAT should analyze this information to identify ways of improving sales in the Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. The sales will definitely improve.

The frustration part is the Complacency on the part of FIAT and keep mentioning in the press release that they are pretty happy with the numbers.
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Old 2nd June 2011, 16:32   #85
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Thanks GTO for the figures...!!!

VERNA's sudden surge in sales was expected (Thanks to the Fluidic Verna)& this is what I was waiting for; the Battle for the Diesel the C segment!!! Just waiting for new FIESTA(TDCI) and LINEA 1.6 Multijet as well(though Not sure about the launch) launched...!!! It would really toughen the situation.
Good to see still HONDA City doing good numbers(close to 2k) in the middle of Diesel Machos (Vento,VERNA,Linea MJD,SX4 DDIS) etc
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Old 2nd June 2011, 16:33   #86
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Strictly OT

As you all have seen, overall automobile numbers have gone down. Even the overall industry growth percentage has gone down in India, refer latest industry reports.

And now I am also hearing some talks of our company (a telecom software comany) begining to feel that they may fall short of their financial targets for this year (yes within first quarter of the FY). And therefore, some purse tightening is going to take place.

Are we looking at the dreaded W shaped recession here
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Old 2nd June 2011, 16:45   #87
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Originally Posted by vshetty View Post
Frankly from speaking to showroom execs here in Bangalore and the number of cars I see on road, they say their sales are good !!! (Would you believe it).
Originally Posted by nkrishnap View Post
An aspect for FIAT car sales that one should not is - The metros is where FIAT sells.
I think Fiat sells in decent numbers in the south. Probably the bulk of the sales is happening here in the south. In Cochin, for eg: the Punto is no longer a rare sight on the road. I was in/around Delhi for about a week in the last week of March and I saw very few Puntos on the road - so few that in the 30min trip from airport to home on my return, I spotted more Puntos than I did in an entire week in Delhi.
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Old 2nd June 2011, 16:46   #88
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Originally Posted by StarrySkyIn
Cochin, for eg: the Punto is no longer a rare sight on the road
You see more Fiats in kochi because kochi is a smaller city(compared to delhi). Compare it to the number of other car on the road and you will know that percentage is less. I would say bangalore has got a lot of fiats. In fact I find now there are a lot of fiats in the IT park areas.

Originally Posted by mdsaab View Post
Verna sales are off to a good start.
City still decent though considering it's getting older now.
The verna is a good vfm package and is loaded to the brim which will make things tougher for the City as the months go by.
SAles of city is decent ?? It has been taking a beating eversince vento came in with a diesel and then SX4 Now the New Verna is another one started eating into the market share of city.

The ANFiesta will the last nail in the coffin for Honda City.

And City is old ? I would say M800/Alto is old. City is just over year or year and half old...

Last edited by Technocrat : 2nd June 2011 at 19:50. Reason: Fixed quotes
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Old 2nd June 2011, 16:59   #89
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Originally Posted by figo_mba View Post
And City is old ? I would say M800/Alto is old. City is just over year or year and half old...
Honda City was launched in Oct. 2008, generally people refer it as 2009 Honda City. So that's just over 2 + year old and I am too surprised how people call it old. Maruti Alto/800 is over aged and still selling. Even SX4 is wearing 4 + year old design.

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Old 2nd June 2011, 17:08   #90
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Re: May 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

The new fluidic verna scorched the sales charts. It is surely poised to be another segment leader from the korean giant. However, the mind still thinks that the actual fight for supremacy will be fought when the new fiesta sedan jumps into the fray in July. Things might take a very unexpected turn. or expected??
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