Team-BHP - 2015 Volkswagen Vento Facelift : A Close Look

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A strange thing. I see that most of the family members fall ill with cold and cough together. My doubt is about the efficacy of the AC/Pollen filters as the service deadline approaches. I think 15000 kms interval is a lot and the filters really dont work well for that duration. Anyone else felt this? This is probably the third time am facing this situation.


Originally Posted by achyu (Post 3815181)
Others here may have faced something similar but is this behavior common with VW Whitefield?

I just took delivery of my Vento HL TDI DSG last Tuesday. This was from VW Whitefield. It took a little more than a month for getting the car - mainly due to some small delays on the dealers side. I am trying to ignore the scandal at this point and enjoy the car. :stupid:

There is not one moment when I have been driving the car these past days that I have regretted my decision.


Originally Posted by LandCruiser (Post 3817066)
A strange thing. I see that most of the family members fall ill with cold and cough together. My doubt is about the efficacy of the AC/Pollen filters as the service deadline approaches. I think 15000 kms interval is a lot and the filters really dont work well for that duration. Anyone else felt this? This is probably the third time am facing this situation.

Hey LandCruiser, while it is possible that worn out pollen filters can cause problems, I don't think it is the only cause of your problem. These germs can spread through the air and through contact. So while traveling for long periods with folks who are ill, with in-car circulation set to on, can cause issues but at the same time these are folks in your family and physical touch/contact will be regular. I think it is the same everywhere, with everyone and irrespective of the car. When someone in your family catches a cold, a few others will fall victim too.

It's good to get the filters checked though. No harm done.


Originally Posted by execve (Post 3817078)
I just took delivery of my Vento HL TDI DSG last Tuesday. This was from VW Whitefield. It took a little more than a month for getting the car - mainly due to some small delays on the dealers side. I am trying to ignore the scandal at this point and enjoy the car. :stupid:

There is not one moment when I have been driving the car these past days that I have regretted my decision.

It's a brilliant brilliant car...built to last. Great performance. Congratulations!! Wish you thousands of happy miles and a long and fuss-free ownership.

Please do start an ownership thread. It will be interesting to read the experiences of a customer, behavior of the dealer and efforts of the company in the aftermath of the scandal.


Originally Posted by achyu (Post 3817085)
Hey LandCruiser, while it is possible that worn out pollen filters can cause problems, I don't think it is the only cause of your problem.

Agree. Especially with little children its quite easy that one gets it from the other as all are playing together. Was wondering if the pollen filters could also be a reason to initiate or aggravate things. Thinking of getting the filter changed anyway.


Originally Posted by achyu (Post 3817089)
It's a brilliant brilliant car...built to last. Great performance. Congratulations!! Wish you thousands of happy miles and a long and fuss-free ownership.

Please do start an ownership thread. It will be interesting to read the experiences of a customer, behavior of the dealer and efforts of the company in the aftermath of the scandal.

Thank you for your wishes! Yes, I do intend to start an ownership thread, need to get down to penning it soon before I get sucked into day-to-day routines...

I sent my earlier message a bit in a hurry from my mobile so missed mentioning one key point. Post the booking, there wasn't one week when I have not spoken to the dealer - most of the times I was speaking to to the Sales Executive every 3-4 days just to get an update and keep the pressure in terms of my interest. I don't know if that helps keep the timelines -- but after one point I was clear that my NightBlue HL TDI DSG was the next in line -- and then the long wait for the transit of the car from the factory.

Cross posting my post on the dsg jerk thread here since it is relevant here.


Visited VW Whitefield here in Bangalore to check on any software updates. Surprisingly, they did have info on the new software update (Normally they do not know anything). Here is the info I got.
  • Software released last week. Targeted to reduce jerks if present.
  • More relevant for the recent cars (2-6 months) and not for the older models. This sounded weird to me. I would expect such updates to be for older models with the new ones coming with updated software from the factory.
  • Car needs to be left for 2 days with 3/4 tank petrol. Will be taken on extended road test and jerks if any are observed. Software update will be done only if needed.

I have experienced only the 3-2 jerks on heavy braking. Have a long trip coming up in 2-3 weeks, so do not want to give it now and then take it on long drive immediately. So will target along with the 2nd service in November.


Originally Posted by execve (Post 3817126)
Post the booking, there wasn't one week when I have not spoken to the dealer - most of the times I was speaking to to the Sales Executive every 3-4 days just to get an update and keep the pressure in terms of my interest. I don't know if that helps keep the timelines -- but after one point I was clear that my NightBlue HL TDI DSG was the next in line -- and then the long wait for the transit of the car from the factory.

I think it definitely helps. Not only to get the car on time but It's also a great way to build your relationship with the dealer and the sales executive as long as you are polite. Even though I cancelled my booking, I find them very responsive and approachable regarding my refund and I will put that down to the rapport that I have with them.


Originally Posted by execve (Post 3817078)
I just took delivery of my Vento HL TDI DSG last Tuesday. This was from VW Whitefield. It took a little more than a month for getting the car - mainly due to some small delays on the dealers side. I am trying to ignore the scandal at this point and enjoy the car. :stupid:

Congratulations execve!

Anyone knows what is VW position with respect to the new diesel cars being sold with or without that contentious software that detects a pollution test and behaves differently?


Originally Posted by execve (Post 3817078)
I just took delivery of my Vento HL TDI DSG last Tuesday.

Hi execve,

It is surprising that they took more than 10 days from PDI.



Originally Posted by antardaksh (Post 3817501)
It is surprising that they took more than 10 days from PDI.

Seems you are following my delivery quite closely ;).

Mine was a company lease; so after the PDI in the yard, half a day went for the insurance note, then a couple of days for the Form-20 (here the dealer messed up a couple of times with incorrect chassis number, engine capacity :Frustrati ) and then some company paperwork following which we had the holiday for Eid. One additional day delay from my side since I was quite busy to book a half day for the delivery on Monday. All in all - I think the dealer could have got this done 2-3 days earlier - but in any case I wasn't in town the previous weekend so it most likely happened in the best possible time!

Did any of you folks checked whether your vehicle is impacted or not from Volkswagen official PAGE

I was even told by couple of my friends 2.0L TDI is not affected by emission scam in INDIA hence I hope 1.6 / 1.5 TDI would be safe here.



Originally Posted by treadmark (Post 3817809)
Did any of you folks checked whether your vehicle is impacted or not from Volkswagen official PAGE


Following page is meant for UK customers and has option to check whether users car is impacted using VIN. I don't think this will work for cars sold in India.

EA 189 engine is used by several cars manufactured by VW group in India. However Indian emission norms are less strict and hence VW might not make any changes in vehicles using this engine sold in India.


So when India switches to Euro 6 by 2020, does that mean I have to throw away my car?


Originally Posted by antardaksh (Post 3817924)
I don't think this will work for cars sold in India.


The link did work and confirmed that my Vento Diesel is not installed with the controversial software. But still am confused what that actually means. Probably there was no need to install this software as Indian norms are less stringent. Some articles do suggest even European norms are not very stringent. Europeans want diesel cars for their power and mileage and are not strict about NOX emissions that cause smog and serious lung problems.

Truth is may be the clean diesel cars are not so clean and are emitting NOX that are harmful to people in the long run irrespective what the emission norms and environmental protection agencies tell. In India in general the standards might be very low and hence all diesel and petrol vehicles are more harmful than elsewhere.

Even the premium brands like BMW, Benz must be all having same level of diesel technology that is harmful anyway, but their numbers are far less than the commercial diesel vehicles that are harmful by design and by poor maintenance. Any views?

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