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Old 9th January 2016, 12:07   #316
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Congrats on the magic figure Parag! 77k in two years; that's some driving you've done. I can't stop wondering how you managed to keep all that beige in such prime condition.
Keep revving and drive safe. Hopefully we'd see the 2L km update in Jan 2017
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Old 9th January 2016, 12:29   #317
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by arjithin View Post
Great going Parag!!
Any luck with eBay on photo copy right?
I actually gave a second thought on that. I noticed that seller had not removed the Team-Bhp water mark and masked my number plates. So I let it go. Not really sure if I did the right thing though.
I am eagerly waiting for your steering control DIY. My Sony 2 Din touchscreen started showing its age; touch inputs are recognized much slower. Best solution is to control the unit via steering wheel controls.
One reason I didn't want a touchsreen unit. Give your car to anyone from the ASC or the Washing center and they will fiddle around with the HU with their dirty hands. Secondly, I always wanted to feel the control buttons and use them while keeping my eyes focused ahead.

Originally Posted by mukeshgoel View Post
Temperature display on MID not in your upcoming DIYs list ?
You know what? I just missed mentioning this and incidentally yesterday night 4 of us went for a 400 kms drive for dinner (all Bhpians) and parked near a toll both and comparing the MID Temperatures between the Linea, Ciaz and Ertiga when one of them asked when I am doing this DIY . So yes, this one too is in the list but not sure what will be the sequence and which one happens first!

Here are the cars parked where he had dinner, well err, the dinner was just a reason for the drive:

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-62537_10153595951574998_7757373470759666166_n.jpg

Originally Posted by rav11stars View Post
I can't stop wondering how you managed to keep all that beige in such prime condition.
Thank you. I have noticed so many Ertigas at the service center with dirty door pads and fabrics. Glad that I always drive windows rolled up that I have managed to keep the interiors clean. This was only the first time I visited 3M and got the interiors cleaned not because they were really dirty but mainly because I wanted them to clean it all around the corners too.

Last edited by paragsachania : 9th January 2016 at 12:37.
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Old 9th January 2016, 12:45   #318
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
And how is it to maintain all beige interiors for more than 77777 kms?

The steering cover hasn't given up yet for the color opted. Full marks to the workmanship of Devraj who is a famous name in Bangalore on Team Bhp now. Mind you, this cover is easily around 30k kms.
Parag, thanks for this awesome writeup. It helps so much to know from those who have run a car for this long as to how maintain it as flawlessly as you have. I need your help in getting the contacts of the person who did your seat covers at your doorstep and the steering covers please. These are the only 2 aspects I am yet to take care of. Thanks so much
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Old 9th January 2016, 12:54   #319
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by niranjanprabhu View Post
contacts of the person who did your seat covers at your doorstep
Nadeem can be reached on Nine Nine Zero One Zero Four Seven Five Eight Six

and the steering covers please.
You can visit this thread for the details. Last update is that he is currently recovering from an accident.
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Old 9th January 2016, 13:08   #320
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Hey Parag

Congrats. You have been munching miles for a long time. The Ertiga is a perfect vehicle from the standpoint of city drive, highway drive, stability, driveability, comfort, safety and economy.

Herez wishing you all the best in the new year and lots of safe mile munching.

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Old 9th January 2016, 22:29   #321
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

As usual looks straight out of the showroom, you have maintained it so well . Hats off! Anyone can easily mistake it for a new car. Wish you many more happy miles, Parag.

Also, it was a superb drive yesterday.
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Old 10th January 2016, 12:56   #322
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by dass View Post
When are the next set of DYI? You seemed to have almost stopped doing any upgrades. Your DYI's give a lot of us confidence on trying stuff that we may otherwise never try.
Just got a bit busy with work (Job change) that DIYs have got delayed. Otherwise, I would only want to venture in DIYs that are really meaningful for my drive/car and not merely to add to the list of things in the car.

Steering Mounted Audio Controls, Tem Display in MID are something that I really want to wrap up soon.

Originally Posted by Rajain View Post
Congrats. You have been munching miles for a long time. The Ertiga is a perfect vehicle from the standpoint of city drive, highway drive, stability, driveability, comfort, safety and economy.
Thanks Rajain. There is no iota of doubt about the Vehicle's Highway performance even at full loads. After owning (and driving) it for more than 78,000 kms, I can easily say that the Ertiga is indeed a stable performer on the highways. Braking too is confidence inspiring and the steering not too sensitive and weighs up pretty well.

Initially, I had this grouse of the vehicle bouncing on the rear, specially when driving alone till I settled for the manufacturer specified pressure for rear tires to 29 PSI. As I mentioned, I stick to 33 all around on full load and highways and 32 and 29 for front and rear and that gives a very composed ride even on undulations and potholes.

Originally Posted by arun_josie View Post
As usual looks straight out of the showroom, you have maintained it so well . Hats off! Anyone can easily mistake it for a new car. Wish you many more happy miles, Parag.

Also, it was a superb drive yesterday.
Thanks Arun. The color of the Ertiga makes it ask for more importance you see . But all my washing except during regular services has been at home always. I also time and again vacuum clean the interiors and have a kit to clean the upholstery as well. Just that the recent visit to 3M was more for a try than a compulsion and the fact that I was lazy to pull out that box of Vacuum cleaner that gets used only for the car.

Regarding the drive, well, it was Fantastic indeed. 2 lanes, curves and then 4 lane with some good speeds. As always, we didn't have to be surprised to learn the FE that the Ciaz manages everytime during our drives .
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Old 11th January 2016, 09:41   #323
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!


Try replacing the outer ball-joint of your steering gear or the McPherson arm ball joint.

It is the most possible cause of the problem
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Old 11th January 2016, 09:48   #324
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by 1.2TSI7DSG View Post

Try replacing the outer ball-joint of your steering gear or the McPherson arm ball joint.

It is the most possible cause of the problem
Yes, hence I said it is only the rack which is causing the issue. It was never there before the rack was replaced under warranty earlier.

Edit- The reason to mention the whole Rack Assembly here is because the one replaced under warranty was a complete assembly with Rack and ball joints.

Last edited by paragsachania : 11th January 2016 at 10:08.
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Old 11th January 2016, 17:48   #325
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post

Steering Mounted Audio Controls, Tem Display in MID are something that I really want to wrap up soon.


exactly the ones I am interested in as well

If you decide on doing them in the near future, do keep us informed so that we may try to tag along
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Old 13th January 2016, 21:12   #326
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Few significant updates in terms of how the vehicle is faring in terms of reliability & longevity:
  • At 77777 Kms it is still running on Stock Disc Brake Pads and for sure will serve easily for another 10k kms at least
  • The Clutch is stock and has shown no signs of wear as there is zero hint on juddering or vibrations at the slowest of speeds while moving from standstill
Quite a feat this,

Just a few weeks back I got a chance to hop into Parags ertiga and just press the clutch once, and I was surprised to find it so soft compared to either of my cars, a WagonR and SX4. Now for a diesel clutch and not sure of the ODO when I tried it it is very light and not what I expected from a car that has gobbled up a huge distance.

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
  • Steering Audio Controls (Pretty soon)
Call me when you do this. I will just supervise the whole thing so that you dont go wrong okay? (Now anyone can understand what kind of a joke I just made)

On a serious note, I am curious to see this swap happening. And if it works out I will somehow get the stingray steering controls onto my wagonR.
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Old 20th January 2016, 19:55   #327
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

No more Extended Warranty for the Ertiga:

An unplanned, last hour decision to drive to Rajkot during last week and the Ertiga crossed the 80,000 kms mark and the ODO as of today is only 250 kms short for the 82000 kms.

A significant pointer during this drive was the fact that both Bangalore-Rajkot and Rajkot-Bangalore, a distance of around 1720 kms Door to Door was done non-stop and Solo. There were co-passengers during onward journey while my parents accompanied me during the return trip.
  • The Onward journey was accomplished with 22.5 Hours of continuous driving with those food, Bio and refueling breaks

  • The Return journey took 27 Hours of continuous driving again with similar breaks

  • With 4 passengers on board during on onward journey, the MPV behaved and drove us without any fatigue - Thanks to reclining rear seats, it helped us immensely

  • All the luggage was stacked neatly on the 3rd row itself so that we could pull the second row to the maximum distance and still be able to use the reclining feature as required (We had 4 duffle bags along with baggage that we could accommodate in that "boot" )

  • Cruising speed was strictly between 100-110kmph and that helped return a fantastic FE all though the journey. The primary reason to stick to this was due to the fact that the distance was huge, was a single driver and anything faster would only result in extreme fatigue due to driving under constant pressure (Read Reflexes, Mind & Body to react)

  • As a driver, Thanks to the taller seating position and bigger seats (Compared to my WagonR), It was hard to realise I had driven 1700+ kms both ways

  • The Highway cruising abilities over such a long distance is more than just satisfactory so say the least - The punny engine loves the 100-110 Band and while you are at this speed, a tap on the pedal is more than good for those quick overtakes
  • There were 2 Senior Citizens (Parents) during the return drive and both of them felt at ease

Here are a few pictures that talk few numbers!

The total trip - Bangalore-Rajkot-Bangalore:

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-total-trip.jpg

The FE recorded for the return leg:

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-return-fe.jpg


Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-bangalorerajkot.jpg


Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-rajkotbangalore.jpg

80,000 Kms Service:

Well, this hasn't been done as yet and will happen during this week. There was no choice left for me when it was decided that I had to drive due to an important reason. So I made up my mind that I will return back and get the service done.

Last edited by paragsachania : 20th January 2016 at 20:06.
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Old 20th January 2016, 20:15   #328
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Its time for your to participate in "Le Mans" 24 hours driving competition. But again, you may not like it because its not Solo .

By the way, awesome driving there, parag! Especially your return with parents. This speaks a lot about the vehicle too.

And yes, 100-110 band helps to extract very good FE and as mentioned by you, it will keep us fresh for a longer duration as well.
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Old 20th January 2016, 20:49   #329
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
[list][*]The Onward journey was accomplished with 22.5 Hours of continuous driving with those food, Bio and refueling breaks

[*]The Return journey took 27 Hours of continuous driving again with similar breaks
Have you heard of a word called "sleep"?

Seriously, how do you do it? Don't you feel sleepy at all? I can stay awake for 22 hours and all but there are times like afternoon post lunch and maybe 2-3 am where you need to fight the sleep. Once that phase is gone then you don't feel sleepy. But those 2 slots it's very difficult.
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Old 20th January 2016, 21:05   #330
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Have you heard of a word called "sleep"?

Seriously, how do you do it? Don't you feel sleepy at all? I can stay awake for 22 hours and all but there are times like afternoon post lunch and maybe 2-3 am where you need to fight the sleep.
Exactly my thoughts. No offences meant, but the risk you are taking by taking a 27 hour non stop solo ride is high.
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